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Everything posted by sitting_duck

  1. Axgrinders Mayhem 1/9/10

    was wondering where you have been....... count me in... and hey,,have you looked at WOP?
  2. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    get the patch,,and the strutters the strutter dl is in the over flanders fielsd room in teamspeak
  3. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    OT...von baur...what the heck is the yellow square around your tac?? Vasco, from your session, and all the others ive flown w/o tac or labels...Obvously its much more fullfilling if you can fly this way,,,happen to locate the enemey,,and be succesfull.... without a doubt...looking at the squad around you,,and the scenerey without labels is addicting...its just sooo much better. i dont see much difference between flying with tack,,and without labels......i thout the idea of not having lables was to not have something "point" you to your opponent....Put that tac up, and now you dont have to constantly scan for planes. But to spend a day never seeing the planes everybody else is shooting down is pretty frustrating. There are some really good pilots out there that deserve a format that is condusive to their talants, ill admit that. But if someone want labels and tac off,,they can always turn them off I'll repeat what ive said before,,,the sunday session is the end result of alot of time and effort by a few pilots to get just for fun mp flying up and going. Personally i would like to see it formatted to attrack as many pilots as possible, to assure they have as much fun as possible, and not just (as winston put it) the "elite" lol..but this is why i dont like hosting,,,i hate having that whistle around my neck.
  4. http://www.gearxs.com/gearxs/product_info.php?products_id=12760
  5. Hat in the Ring and Multiplayer

    lol..u didnt think you could take a break and not have something new when you got back,,did you??? there are 2 strutters you have to get. get on teamspeak (the ip changed,,so go to the sticky and make sure you have the new ip for bh teamspeak),,,click once on overflanders fields. and get the 2 planes. These are strutters modified by stump that dont cause problems in mp.... other than that,,you should be ok... some of the pilots are attemtping to navigate by maps,,,so if you want to give that a go, go to the downloads section,,maps and missions,,and get the flanders maps and print out the 16 map. winson put up a modified grid for the ingame map also.
  6. 1916 MP grid maps for Vasco's RFC-24 campaign

    ahhh,,ok..i see the probelm your talking about vasco....to much overlap..... ok,,guess it would be just as easy for me to print out Winstons overlay,,,and pencil in what areas on his overlay correspond to the flanders maps....
  7. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    Just from the last few nights of trying to fly wo tac or labels...will make these observations.. Have been enabling tac/labels for those who want them, and have been trying to keep them off for myself. but when push comes to shove,,i do find i get tired of looking 360 constantly....and have been flicking the tac on for a sec... and,,suppse if i had the labels mapped to a joystick button,,,,i would flick that on too...but im too lazy to hit cntshft L when flying... would suggest that you go at minimum,,with the tac on,,,and let players chose if they want to display it or not. And then see if the players that claimed they wanted everything off turned it on occasionally during the game. Personaly, i dont see any difference in someone who has it on all the time,,and someone who flicks it on when they thing something might be close. This is a pretty big jump in game play, and it might be a better idea to move into it slowly,,and get an aquired taste for it,,rather than just jump into it feet first.
  8. Quick scenario problem

    opps..sorry,,,got sidetracked on this thread.. start>all programs>over flanders fields>mission builder,,,this is the only way you can start it. DO NOT make a shortcut for MB,,it wont work... click on open,,,navigate to the scenarios folder,,and find the mission you want to modify... use the + on the keyboard, and the hand icon to keep the formation centered,,and zoom in close (the planes are so close, the plane icons overlap) once your zoomed in,,,just grap the plane icons with the cursor,,and spread them apart a little...then save the mission.. if i left out anything,,,or was to vauge..let me know..
  9. 1916 MP grid maps for Vasco's RFC-24 campaign

    wow...i tried taking the full map (yes,,there is one),,,,and incorporating it into the game map,,,and it came out terrible... the download maps are jpg,,,and when i converted them to bmp, lost so much detail when you zoomed in, the game map was just pixels...not detail.. but ive got one more thing i want to try, so will catch up with you on teamspeak soon and go over it all with you.
  10. 1916 MP grid maps for Vasco's RFC-24 campaign

    here is the link http://forum.combata...s&showfile=8827 and here is the "A" map from the set... so, as you can see,,,if the size and location of your grids matched up with the maps in the download...a pilot could look at the ingame map, and quickly figure out which printed map he needed to navigate.
  11. Map A.jpg

    From the album SittingDuck

  12. mp thurs

    7 edt here,,am getting on teamspeak... as always..open to suggettions
  13. 1916 MP grid maps for Vasco's RFC-24 campaign

    great job winston,,thanks,,, now,,,request,,,, could you possibly make it so the grids match up to the 16 maps in the flanders set> that way, we could quickly tell what map page we need to fumble for when we check our ingame map....
  14. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    The obvious keeps coming to mind in this topic... if a pilot wants to turn off labels and tac,,,they always have that option.... am sure will get arguments about level playing field and all that...
  15. Guns folder

    aside from having the same files...i dont think any text file in you install effects the way the game plays...or any settings....ie,,they are just there for info purposes... for the most part,,the files that determine the game are xml files... at best,,they might get displayed somewhere,,,
  16. mp 12-6 730 edt

    on teamspeak...will put up something..
  17. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    lol...well damn john,,if you had just said something, id have been glad to get on early...... curious.....in game map....cheating?
  18. Test Mission

    pretty sure that if you want to test your settings,,get low around a big city (paris or london)...or get low in an area with alot of trees.. thats going to put alot more strain on your fps than a 20vrs20 at 10,000 ft. http://bhah.homeip.net:192/inbox/se5%20vrs%20dvii%20over%20paris.xml save this to your cfsww1 off\missions\historical folder start OFF,,select multiplayer,,,,hit start/fly at next window,,and select missions medal at next screen....find the se5 vrs dr11 over paris mission,,,,and fly it... you will be low over the city,,,and eventually will encounter the dvii's..... the twisting and turning during the dogfight at that altitude with all those houses will stress your settings enough.
  19. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    Winston...what we need more than anything,,is ppl posting constantly to get pilots to try mp, and then provide an environment so they get to see the more enjoyable elements of mp. Absoutly wont be easy,,,what u ppl have here is the result of well over a years work by a few to keep mp alive and growing.... So go for it,,,be prepared to spend some time sitting by yourself,,,and dont give up...
  20. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    anyone who hasnt flown with maps...will have some sessions up this week. will be flying w/o labels and/or tac unless by some miricle a new player wanders in.. imho..these are the best maps to use... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8827 they have the aerodromes with a legend, and it seems these and large cities are really the only items the consitantly show up accuratly on both the game terrain, and the printed map.
  21. Sopwith Tripes in MP

    yeah,,,i think you got it backwards ax...its the 2g tripe that has the problem,,,,,, but,,,for all i know,,the tripe could be a problem plane too....dont seem to ever use in in mp
  22. Aces High adding WWI

    ty vasco,,but dont leave out ax....mp has always seem to go from 2-3 players,,up to 6 players,,back down to 2-3 players..and ax has always been in the mix, even when things got scarce...
  23. install path?

    programfiles(x86) is where your 32bit appications will get installed...the other one is for you 64 bit applications (you must have w7 64 bit) and obd doesnt get installed into program files by default,,,,,the default directory has always been c:\ so,,,it sounds like everything is where it should be on your install
  24. Going to try an have a session up around 7:30ish. If there are no new players, will be same as monday, but will put in 2 flights..one allied, one central. Will not set it up so sides have specific routes that will interesect at some point. Each side can choose an area they want to patrol, so they may, or may not find each other. Obvioulsy will not start each other up 100 miles apart.. seems like the best maps for navigating are the flanders maps.... anyone wishing to join and not having them should print them out. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8827
  25. mp tuesday 12-5 7ish

    7edt..am on teamspeak..will check in every so often. i have the strutters, and stumps mission, so if anyone gets on early, can try them out. will watch the screen for joiners

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