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Everything posted by Rooster89

  1. What a p*sser

    Ahh, the old hook in the hand. I feel your pain Widowmaker. My jackknife folded on my hand about 2 months ago and I had to go to my favorite hospital, (yes I have a favorite, been to quite a few) to get stitches in my pinkie and a tetanus shot. It hurt to fly OFF, but the war isnt gonna win itself! Now why is it my favorite hospital you may ask? Well, theres a big glass case where they put all the fishing lures that they've pulled out of people! None of them are mine yet, but Im sure I'll get a couple in there before I'm through. Stripers are fun too Widowmaker. My nieghbor just got a nice boat, so we'll be striper fishing on the Hudson river here before too long. Hope your wound heals soon so you can get back out there and get that carp. -Rooster
  2. Man youre fast Olham! Weren't you just talking to me about doing this yesterday??? The employees at "Olham's Albatros Malen Geschäft" have been working overtime! Skin looks great. I like the work youve done making a lighter plywood. -Rooster
  3. I hope PETA doesnt throw red paint on our forum now. -Rooster
  4. OFF owner

    Congratulations Macklroy. Based on all the time you'll be spending playing....you might lose all your friends sooner than you expected too. But you've got new ones here right? So who needs them? lol. Seriously, youre gonna have blast! -Rooster
  5. What can an E.III catch? you say? on fire! (sorry, just had to) But I've managed to down maybe 5 Nieuports in my OFF careers, all other times I go down without wings. I haven't even seen any BE2s in my current campaign, actually I havent seen any enemy planes and I'm up to 5.5 hours. Probably all due to the fact that Im in the Verdun region in 1915. -Rooster
  6. He's making sure you had enough fuel. -Rooster
  7. Heres my first posting of one of my skins here at our new home at CombatAce. I hope you can tell I've been practicing. I will upload it to the skins section as long as I can figure out how. -Rooster
  8. Barcode Albatros skin.

    Thanks guys. I hope to have more good ones cooked up soon. -Rooster
  9. File Name: Barcode Albatros File Submitter: Rooster89 File Submitted: 12 Apr 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins This skin is for OFF Albatros D.III early. Click here to download this file
  10. I like rabbits....even better in stew though. -Rooster
  11. Looks great Olham! The Kaisers flagship Albatros. They ought to display that beauty in Berlin to keep up morale. -Rooster
  12. Happy Easter all!

    Happy Easter. Great drawing Olham! Really like it. But wouldnt the one be an Albatros and the other a Sopwith Snipe? -Rooster
  13. Barcode Albatros



    This skin is for OFF Albatros D.III early.
  14. I know it was mentioned somewhere, either here or SoH, but i forgot what the trick is to reducing the shine on certain textures. I'm working on an Alb. D.III skin with a black tail and the black is way too shiny. Can someone refresh my memory? -Rooster
  15. shinyness of textures.

    Thanks Widowmaker. I'll give it a try on my next skin. The one I'm working on now is done. Just have to upload it later. -Rooster
  16. Anybody get this message before? My drivers shouldnt be out of date already? -Rooster
  17. Hmmm, Thats wierd

    Ahh, that was the problem. Thanks duck. For some reason it reverted to "safest settings". I switched it back but now I dont remember all config overrides and texture limits for best performance on my machine. I'll see if I can work them out tonight. -Rooster
  18. Ahh, thanks Shred. Josef Jacobs' then. -Rooster
  19. Landing Tips

    Glad to hear we helped a little Bez. -Rooster
  20. To turn off the messages go to your OFF CFS3 config and go to file, custom settings. As Unc says, "a window will appear telling you that the world is about to come to an end, just click OK". Then go to Window, Overrides. Now I forgot which one it is but its either "disable advisor messages" or "disable simulation warnings" HTH -Rooster
  21. Thanks Widowmaker. The black and white E.III is probably the best shot I ever took! It's definately my personal favorite so far in my "collection". Olham: They sure are in game. The black Albatros' are the aces of Jasta 7. I was flying a Pfalz when I took that shot. The Alb with the white stag is Carl Degelows. The name of the pilot who flies the other with the white stripes has slipped my mind. -Rooster
  22. Some of my latest screens: -Rooster
  23. I've definately been shot at after force landing my Albatros in an open field. I thought I was safe and as I wiped a bead of sweat off my brow, a Pup came up over the trees, gun blazing right at me and he hit me too. "Geez, take it easy krumpet, I'm already down",lol. -Rooster
  24. Thats awesome Olham. I must say, thats the bird for me! If you remember, on the SoH forums my "title" (underneath Rooster89) was "Der Wiess Adler". Ahhh the colors of our German planes eh? -Rooster
  25. The early campaigns are empty?

    Glad to hear you got one Luiz! But, yep, nothing was broken. Right now I'm flying Eindekkers for FFA 19. I've flown 4 patrols for a total of 3.5 hours and theres nothing in the sky but me, clouds and observation balloons. And the Eindekker is really starting to grow on me. -Rooster

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