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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Indian Pilot in WW1

    Try this site.www.wewerethere.defencedynamics.mod.uk/ww1/background_ww1.html - 8k -
  2. Cloud turbulence.

    Hi siggi, i've been having the same problem.I posted yesterday,i have found that if you nose down and gain speed in the cloud you dont spin.Mind you i am starting to do what POL says and go over / under / around / what ever it takes.
  3. Just been on a new site http://thevintageaviator.co.nz/ It's great.Take a look as they build a F.E.2b from scratch.
  4. Cracking new site.

    Cheers Mate.......
  5. A Kiwi Fee...

    We owe you the thanks,it's only because i read your thread that i spotted the link.
  6. File Name: Camel 28 Sqd 1917 File Submitter: Red-Dog File Submitted: 13 Apr 2009 File Updated: 20 Oct 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins New skin :ZIP file / 28 Sqd RFC 1917 Orignal art work by OBD Click here to download this file
  7. Here's some lovely shots of the front around Corcieux aroedrome.Flying for the french N73, 20.4.1916. Look Mountains at 7000ft.
  8. What happens on a lone wolf mission,No witnesses there.Thats most likely the reason i flew for 1 hour without seening a thing.
  9. Help

    All you skinners out there i need help. Tried uploading this camel to the skins contest but keep getting a error message saying ' file discription needed' any idea's boys? This is the file path i used. C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\skins\neil10.zip
  10. What ever i'am flying is the natural prey of a E.III
  11. After 6 hours and 2 confirmed kills my lateist pilot went West after flying into a cloud and losing his wings due to the inevitable spin.He was flying a Nieuport 11. Is this just a trait of the Nieuport or are all the aircraft/ pilots dicing with death when entering cloud banks?
  12. Help

    Thanks mate.i can get back to flying now.It took age's to put those checks on.........
  13. Help

    Sorted it Olham,i hadn't put anything in the big box.It's now done and in the download forum.Thanks.
  14. Camel 28 Sqd 1917



    New skin :ZIP file / 28 Sqd RFC 1917 Orignal art work by OBD
  15. Thanks Olham,just what we need for hours of skining....
  16. V1.30b loaded and runing.No problems another good job by the Dev's.
  17. Cheers Olham,yours are looking better every time,keep um coming. Having trouble uploading this one,i've posted my problem on the help forum.....
  18. Italian built Nieuport 11 (originally Ni.1615) captured by the Austro-Hungarians and repaired. The new fabric on this machine was transluscent. All the crosses except those under the lower wings have white backgrounds, and there are no crosses under the upper wings
  19. The early campaigns are empty?

    Hi Luiz,i don't think any things wrong,i had the same' see past posts' it's just the way it was.Sometimes nothing in the air but you and the birds.I went 7 hours flying a bristol scout in 1915 without seeing a thing.Next mission i got pasted by the first hun i saw.( or didn't see in my case) so get some hours logged and watch your back. By the way are you using TAC?
  20. Hi all,i need help. Just tried uploading my new skin to the contest page and all i get is a ' file discripton required' error message.This is the file path i used. C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\skins\Off_camel_Ace_t_148th 1918neil_Elliot White_Springs.zip Any idea's?
  21. Hi all i need help? I've been trying to upload my new skin for the contest but keep getting a error mesage' need file discription' it's been compressed into a zip file but still no go.
  22. File Name: Captured Nieuport File Submitter: Red-Dog File Submitted: 08 Apr 2009 File Updated: 20 Oct 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Orignal art work by OBD Click here to download this file
  23. Captured Nieuport



    Orignal art work by OBD
  24. What a crazy scramble

    Targeting cone olham? you must be losing your edge Mind you i did a scramble a couple of missions ago and got shot down before i made 500ft,so i know what you mean.

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