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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. To help Vasco get a idea of what we want for up and coming campaigns.
  2. Next Campaign?

    Hi Vasco, Hope you didn't mind the poll? just that you didn't get much respons when you asked us sunday. Anyway i like the idea of may be 4 FE2's and the rest PUP's.If every one who voted so far enlists that would make 8 bomber crew and 6 fighters.
  3. Right Lou, i might be gone for a few months as i am going to take off and fire all my ammo and then land at every airfield on the map until someone re-arms me.By the way do german bullets fit british guns? and how many cans a extra fuel can i fit in my 1 1/2 strutter in case they don't do fuel? wish me luck chap's i'am doing it for you.
  4. Next Campaign?

    Ive gone for a 2 seater with fighter escort in 1916, we could have the fighter jocks earning their keep protecting the jewels? And lets see how much you trust each other when your in the back seat........
  5. Belgium

    Funny it had a pilot before HitR? One of Stumps creations yet again not a OFF original.
  6. Nice one Olham don't you just love these guy's who spend the time working on these old birds so we can enjoy.
  7. Flew a DiD mission earlier today in a sopwith 1 1/2 strutter.Now this was a bombing mission and bombs were selected nothing wrong with that until i looked across to my wing man and saw he had no bombs?, i decided to go external and look at my crate and noticed i had none either.Now once over the target i heard the others dropping their bombs so pressed my selection button which didn't do much since all messagers are disabled and then hit the drop button ,well and behold the bombs released. Anyone else had this happen? or is it just my super strutter with inboard bomb bay...
  8. Invisible bombs?

    I think so but then again we struggle with the strutter in MP so it could be a glitch...
  9. Belgium

    Hi Buffin, if you want to fly a hanriot come over to the dark side, MP that is we have a flyable HD1 you can try out.I'am on my note book at the moment but later i will post you some screenies of it in action...
  10. Try banning the flintstones?

    Heard today that the United Arab emirate countries are thinking of banning the flintstones......... the only trouble is that they are divided over weather to do it or not because those from saudi arabia don't like it bit those from Abu Dhabi do..........
  11. Grounded until further Notice

    Thanks Widow, by the way make sure your Mrs hears you right.I asked for the same thing last year and before i knew it i was coming out of hospital unable to have any more kids.......
  12. Try banning the flintstones?

    come on boy's this was a joke' yaba daba do'
  13. Out of action

    All the best Mack, we will save you a seat in the mess....
  14. Map idea

    Been seeing alot of work done on maps latly so thought what do we need to help us when we get lost in our MP flights, detailed maps are fine if the sim is spot on but we know thats not the case, so how about a grid system like in the war.I've started messing with it and this is just a rough sample of what could be done,so please let me know what you think.
  15. Map idea

    No Duck it's the same one....
  16. Map idea

    I forgot about this......Anyway you can download the map if you wish it's in the download forum.You will need to rename the originals if you use it.
  17. Grid Map



    This is a grid map for MP mainly use it if you want...
  18. new patch

    Just flew with Beard,and Tango with no problems, all of us have the new patch.....
  19. Thanks chaps for making the effort once again. Now have a break for christmas............
  20. Mission test

    I,ve a game up now if your ready to fly,just join TS and i'll give you the IP.
  21. MP game up

    If any one wants to try MP i have a game up now.
  22. MP game up

    Sorry SRC i was in game, anyway i will be back on at 2000hrs gmt if anyones interested then, i'll be on team speak passsword pfalz.
  23. MP game up

    Hi Siggi have you got Teamspeak? if so we should be able to sort it out.

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