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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. HAT IN THE RING! : Web update

    Cheers boy's mines ordered.
  2. RFC uniform on a budget!

    Stiffy will you be an officer and a gentlemen or like me cannon fodder?
  3. Av8er if you want a Ferrari £150,000 if you want a mansion £5,000,000 for everything else in life there's OFF.
  4. Fantastic Sandbagger, this is why OFF is the king of the sims, thanks to the devotion of the dev's this sim just gets bettter and better long may it last.
  5. Pedals

    Thanks for all your replys, it seems you all like the pedels so i will invest in set.
  6. RFC uniform on a budget!

    What a great idea Stiffy, hope we get photo's of you wearing it?.That will be alright for the mess,but next you will need you fly outfit.
  7. Bristol M1c Progress

    Bullet that looks fantastic mate, if only i could do it..... i will keep at it and one day maybe i will get to your and the rest of the modlers standard.Can't wait to see her finished.
  8. TrackIr doesn't track at all

    Hi Jim, i've only just got my trackIR and found that when in cockpit if you hit the bracket keys a couple of times you sit further back in the seat which helps get a better perspective of where you are.
  9. Mine took two weeks to come, and the rest of my days to enjoy so hang on in there it's going to be welll worth the wait.
  10. Looks good stump, i wouldn't want to be in a row boat when fritz turns up with that sausage....
  11. Some screenshots

    Here's some more mate.
  12. Hi VonGuber , just go on to over flanders fields forum, then to Multiplayer and all you need to know is in the sticky posts.
  13. Here's some shots of tonights MP mission . come on in boy's its another world....
  14. Here's some pic's with stumps latist creation a rumpler 6b1 seaplane. look at that smoke,Beautiful....
  15. Stumps latist addon

    Hi Mack, we were doing the shooting, it's flyable but no cockpit at the moment....
  16. I don't think there is a base skin, you will have to over paint what youv'e got mate.I could be wrong.
  17. Hi Olham, i was flying MP last night so i don't know if that would change anything but it was not far inland from our DiD campaign airfield.
  18. Sunday Campaign

    Hi Mack, i belive that there are Alb DIII,DV, Pfalz DIIIa's still left,and may be a Dr1 if your lucky.....
  19. This rail yard looks alot better, look at all those targets?
  20. Great Olham we need more flyers this side of the pond you will love it, the campaigns are the one's we fly in the single player mode but your Sqd/jasta is full of real pilots. At the moment we are flying as jasta 4 november 1917 till Jan 1918 a 3 month campaign.
  21. Boy's it's about time you started flying MP, we are all ready using individaul ace skins and flying campaign missions its a hoot....

    I'll try and make it, i might not be able to talk much because my Mrs is in bed next to the comp or i could make her sleep in the shed!
  23. Frist come first served... [ attachment=36353:Shot11-04-09-00-07-34.jpg]
  24. Any one want a Alb D111

    It's yours mate. If any one else wants a crate pimping PM me with what you would like and i'll give it a go.....
  25. Went in to the pilot file to update todays date since i have not flown since the 30th and guess what? it's auto changed to the correct date...cool.So if you miss a day or two no advancing to be done.

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