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Everything posted by Creaghorn

  1. Here a soundtweak for more realism if the devs don't mind (downloadsection) contents are new sounds for AI flown aircraft with original engines of the apropriate planes and doppler-effect. right now only a few AI engine sounds are standing for many different aircraft. now you are going to hear the right engine for the right type. furthermore i tweaked the soundfile to have the effect that when an aicraft gets closer you'll hear it louder and vice versa. currently it's wether on or off. also you'll hear now flak bursts the louder the nearer it is, and softer the further away it is. additionally i tweaked the air explosion files (when an aicraft is burning and exloding). the explosion itself is the very same. now you'll have additionally some broken engine, overrides etc. contents are: Inline-scouts (albatros etc.) Inline-twoseaters Sopwith camel Other Sopwith engines, besides the camel (pup, tripe, strutter etc.) DH2 Various Nieuport versions Spad Se5 Fokker rotaries sound-effect file drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields wav-files drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\sounds the engine files won't replace anything, the explosionfiles will replace it, so please back up first the original ones. same goes for the sound-effect file. all original contents belong to OBD software Creaghorn
  2. btw the doppler here is no programmed doppler and does not work like in real. it's only the sound of the engines of the apropriate ac recorded during a real flight (during flight an engine sounds completely different due to doppler frequencies than when standing next to it) i used and implemented. the doppler is ingame not at all dependend of the manouvers an ac does. it's only a recorded wav.file. wich repeats itself. but nonetheless since they are the engines during a real flight, they fit imo better (besides the nieup-sound as it seems)
  3. look in workshop to the sound sliders. engine slider shows how loud your own engine is. effect slider shows everything else besides your own ac (AI-engine, AI-guns, explosions etc.). cockpitsound is mainly for your own mg. so you should decrease effects one notch (makes AI engine softer) or increase engine slider one notch (makes your own engine louder)
  4. are you talking about the own enginesound or the AI flown nieup you can hear flying next to you? because the own engines are the same as before. it's only the AI flown engines i changed. if you mean the latter i'll check asap.
  5. Squad mates

    IMHO real tracking would only make sense with regrouping AI. otherwise BH is right and every 3 days you'll have a new squadron. i also like the nonemission relevant randomness we have now. the idea of seeing the replay tool with real names would be a great feature so one can changes the lines by himself. in RB3D everything was tracked. good thing is the kills and deaths were there, downside is you had every couple days a new squad, and they made only kills in missions flown with you. i like the randomness as it is now and the killnumbers increasing in missions where you didn't fly with. maybe only tracking your own squad and leaving AI craft and other "unimportant" things out, e.g. nieuport crashes somewhere 50 miles west from your position and has nothing to do with your mission, or howitzer hits a squirrel 20 miles east of you etc. that might save recources and all important things would have been tracked. but since i don't know nothing about programming things etc. it's just a thought.
  6. thank you, guys, but please try it before you give any credit lol . one thing i should add, the engines sound great, but when entering the theater all AI-craft have the same pattern in the beginning, so it might sound a little bit strange because in the beginning all engines are synchronized. but that might, if at all, only occure on the airfield. as soon as you are in formation it'll sound as it should because some are closer, some are further away with mixed patterns etc.
  7. ah ok. understand. thank you for clarifying
  8. there is lot of trial and error doing this. i thought about tweaking frontambience too, but that might be tougher. it should be mostly loud enough to hear it softly in the distance, dependent how far away your airfield is from the battlefield, and when getting closer it should be louder. when flying at treetoplevel over the battlefield it should be really scary loud. but when flying high over NML it should be a little softer again. not easy to do but i'll try it. . just shows what a helluva job the devs made in every aspect.
  9. i just checked. it's the very same text as it is here, with the same credit. same goes for the readme file included in the pack. maybe you just overflew it spadlike too quickly?
  10. sorry WM, not sure what you mean. i think i did credit OBD in this line "all original contents belong to OBD software". is something wrong with that?
  11. Sound Tweak

    File Name: Sound Tweak File Submitter: Creaghorn File Submitted: 21 Feb 2010 File Category: Modding Tools and Add-on Software Here a soundtweak for more realism if the devs don't mind contents are new sounds for AI flown aircraft with original engines of the apropriate planes and doppler-effect. right now only a few AI engine sounds are standing for many different aircraft. now you are going to hear the right engine for the right type. furthermore i tweaked the soundfile to have the effect that when an aicraft gets closer you'll hear it louder and vice versa. currently it's wether on or off. also you'll hear now flak bursts the louder the nearer it is, and softer the further away it is. additionally i tweaked the air explosion files (when an aicraft is burning and exloding). the explosion itself is the very same. now you'll have additionally some broken engine, overrides etc. contents are: Inline-scouts (albatros etc.) Inline-twoseaters Sopwith camel Other Sopwith engines, besides the camel (pup, tripe, strutter etc.) DH2 Various Nieuport versions Spad Se5 Fokker rotaries sound-effect file drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields wav-files drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\sounds the engine files won't replace anything, the explosionfiles will replace it, so please back up first the original ones. same goes for the sound-effect file. please save the original before replacing. all original contents belong to OBD software Creaghorn Click here to download this file
  12. Version


    Here a soundtweak for more realism if the devs don't mind contents are new sounds for AI flown aircraft with original engines of the apropriate planes and doppler-effect. right now only a few AI engine sounds are standing for many different aircraft. now you are going to hear the right engine for the right type. furthermore i tweaked the soundfile to have the effect that when an aicraft gets closer you'll hear it louder and vice versa. currently it's wether on or off. also you'll hear now flak bursts the louder the nearer it is, and softer the further away it is. additionally i tweaked the air explosion files (when an aicraft is burning and exloding). the explosion itself is the very same. now you'll have additionally some broken engine, overrides etc. contents are: Inline-scouts (albatros etc.) Inline-twoseaters Sopwith camel Other Sopwith engines, besides the camel (pup, tripe, strutter etc.) DH2 Various Nieuport versions Spad Se5 Fokker rotaries sound-effect file drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields wav-files drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\sounds the engine files won't replace anything, the explosionfiles will replace it, so please back up first the original ones. same goes for the sound-effect file. please save the original before replacing. all original contents belong to OBD software Creaghorn
  13. For the Devs/OBD team

    though BHAH is still absolutley addictive and awesome, i can't wait to see p4
  14. For the Devs/OBD team

    that's the one i meant, but ooops, forgot collishaw. so there are 4. (i only counted survivors with 60+). but that's the point. probably MvR, udet or fonck could have had 300 kills if they would know they will come again as a new pilot, like cylons in battlestar galactica. but they flew carefully with survival first, then with making kills. that's human and makes 100% sense.
  15. For the Devs/OBD team

    IMHO the challenge is to survive, as it would be the main goal in real. not getting 100 kills. if it's accidentally both, so better. but that won't happen. as long as there is no one here who has survived to the end, ace or not, it will remain a challenge. personally i can't say there is no challenge in shooting down enemies, and with the same pilot dying after 5 virtual days. that's paradox and a the point of the sim is missed. frank luke had many kills in a short pace and he died quickly. LvR had many kills in a short pace and had injury after injury, a miracle he survived, same for nungesser or berthold. they spent more time in hospital than at the front. most simmers are IMO the types i mentioned above, because there is no fear of losing life. there are only 3 aces with very very big scores who actually also survived the war, and one of those aces is somewhat questionable. the other one seems to have skill and a hughe sense for SA, maybe the best pilot regarding flying ability, shooting and using advantages in one person. the third one very good flying skills, but also sometimes more luck than brains. but my personal favourite .
  16. For the Devs/OBD team

    mostly they are, and mostly lot of enemies also, wich makes it realistic. would only be cool if i wouldn't need to simulate it by myself but the sim itself. BTW, it's always touching and immersive to see when coming back to your airfield or regain again, that one member or so is missing.
  17. For the Devs/OBD team

    <br /><br /><br /> my solution wich works for me so far is to make up a little bit AI's stupidity to regain formation. when there is a fight, of course i join and try to get or try to evade. as soon as the enemy goes for the deck and i have a chance to catch him, i follow, but i try hard never to trade fixation with disadvantage, so i'll rather let him go and stay above to keep my SA. if there are other enemies around, i let him go big time and don't follow. so if my personal skirmish is over after some minutes, and there no immediate danger or a wingman in immediate trouble, i continue my course, no matter if there are smokepuffs of archie somewhere low or still some fight nearby, wich i just couldn't see at the moment. usually that would be the moment for everybody to rejoin. since AI doesn't do that, i simulate rejoining by flying along my course by myself to the moment i can warp (no tac, but trying occasionally X after some miles), my wingmen are joining automatically when warping and the patrol continues. it might happen later you run into the same enemy squadron again, or no others at all or very different ones.
  18. For the Devs/OBD team

    in my hombrew. no visible indicators of hitting the enemy from the distance (IMO big time arcadish cheat), also with wide spread bullets (you have to get close), also without visible bullets, later with visible tracersmoke (you have to get even closer because you), hard guns (harder to shoot down), wind buffeting, made my kills more realistic. have so far 12 kills in almost 400h flight. if AI could rejoin and get away, then it would be really perfect. that's the only and most important part wich is missing. but at least for me, so far my stuff satisfies me regarding realism. it's those little unrealistic and arcadish things wich makes shooting down too easy. so far i sorted them out as much as i could. when i use my version, and there is a smarter AI regarding rejoining in future (after 3-4 minutes of fighting) , you would have, if any, only a handful kills as it was in real. that would be perfect (though maybe for some chestpounders too boring)
  19. Get rid of Shrek

    there is a tool (forgot the name) and i used it for the startup sequence, but i stopped using it because speaking with a screen made me feel somehow strange . wingmen commands would be possible, but of course unrealistic, since there were no radios in ACin that time
  20. For the Devs/OBD team

    i would guess that one of the heroes and a big asset behind the scenes is rex hannover. the more coding is revealed, the more you might get out of this engine. but just a guess.
  21. Football 0 Rugby 1

    in wintertime during the offseason some friends and i used to play full contact rugby on frozen grass for fun and to stay in shape for years. from my experience tackling is more exhausting then getting tackled. in those years i was young and stupid anyway because i was violating my contract with doing non-baseball-stuff wich can get one hurt, but at that time i thought i was invincible to any injury. nope. after some games i broke my ankle and missed the upcoming pre-season and therefor missed my starting spot. but i can say, i loved to play it and am still missing it
  22. Get rid of Shrek

    just amazed how two short words (contact clear) can give so many conclusions what dialect it is and where one is from . in germany every village has a different dialect. but i don't think that two short words would reveal it. besides saxony, the most terrible dialect in german language...
  23. Football 0 Rugby 1

    yep. that's why i don't like soccer either. the theatralically dying like in swan lake when one touches the other (not so bad in GB, though more than in any other sport). i hate that and if i would be a soccer player, i would be ashamed by myself in front of the croud to act like this. in baseball if you want to send a message, you plank one. and if the other team wants to show authority they retaliate, usually at the catcher or one of the got to guys in the team. and there is no crying but a healthy bench-clearing. even more in hockey. or can somebody of you imagine some hockeyplayer going down and acting the dying animal just to show the ref somebody touched him? i don't think so. i like american football with all the little tacital details etc. but rugby is for me the ultimate men's teamsport.
  24. Get rid of Shrek

    you could also take a look into the downloadsection under Creaghorns Homebrew. There might be also useful things for you, including hangarfademusic etc.
  25. Machine guns

    good idea, would be great. but it would only make sense if you have a stick wich you have to hold with both hands, so you can push both buttons at once or only one. or you assign two buttons for the apropriate single spandau and one third button which pulls both triggers. but very good point, olham

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