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Rick Rawlings

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Posts posted by Rick Rawlings

  1. Well,  it is getting to be Saturday in some parts of the world, so when that applies to you, feel free to get 'er started! One other point is that having played around now in the new version, balloons are still super easy to take down, so remember Gentlemen's Honor to only attack the assigned one.

  2. 50 minutes ago, RAF_Louvert said:

    Also, Rick, I've updated your first post to include all the relevant naughty bits.  And now I'm off to the Castle Anthrax to inquire about a grail and ... no, wait, different sketch.  Sorry, as you were. 

    Thank you!


    7 hours ago, catch said:

    As for the tactics, you don't get into a turn fight right? If above, it's just dive, shoot, hope you hit something and run away. If on the level, take a pot shot and run away. If under, run away and pray someone in your flight has got your tail covered? Is that about right?

    The SE5a actually turns pretty well. I would say don't get involved in a sustained turn fight with DR I's and all, but it will do some turning. Also, while you are faster than just about everyone else, you are not faster than bullets, so make sure you have a reasonable head start and your speed is up before trying to run away. Also also, the AI seems to be able to dive better than you can before suffering structural collapse, so no guarantees about trying to outdive Albatros V strutters...

    The best bet seems to be to try to stay on top of the fight, let most everyone else dive away and then take on the guys left on top or start picking targets below you. Also, I would recommend not necessarily following one guy all the way down at first but break off every now and again to see if there is a better situation around you. You can usually catch up to the guy you were originally chasing if everything else is going ok.

    The speed feature of the SA series basically lets you pick when the fight starts and sometimes when it stops, so use that feature to take a moment and assess before committing. Once you are in the fight, it will matter less than the normal combat decisions you would make regardless the plane.

    Also also also keep in mind I will probably not follow any of that sound advice myself, so just have fun and play your character!

    *edit: As to the stick, I use the Thrustmaster TM16000, but I think some of the other guys use the one you have, maybe rjw, so maybe they will jump in here.

  3. 4 hours ago, catch said:

    I say old boy, I'm new to this comp see, so should the form be inserted in your first post so chaps don't have to search for it?

    Yes, but I am still about 57 posts away from being able to edit the main post, so we will have to settle for me linking it at regular intervals until I get Lou to edit it into the first post.

    And, when a chap submits it, where does it go

    To me when you click submit. Just like magic!

    and where do you put text/pics/vids?  This thread? 

    This very one!


    • Thanks 1

  4. Alright, alright, alright!

    As we approach start date, let's keep a couple of things in mind:

    1. Don't die on the first mission.

    2. DON'T DIE ON THE FIRST MISSION! It happens and it sucks! I died on the third mission of the Brisfit Challenge when I was run into by a flight member in the landing pattern and let me tell you, those a*****es do. not. care. They are landing and if they have to go through you to do so they will! So let's ease into it.

    3. Make sure you are all patched up! (This one is for me!)

    4. I recommend getting Robert Wiggin's backup program as we have lost people due to computer crashes and other hardware failures. Check the mods page to get the link. (Or maybe Robert will put the latest link here, I don't want to give out outdated information)

    5. People like to read the stories and look at the pictures and videos that are posted. So even if you have an uneventful sortie, type up a little something that adds to your character's legendarium, the more reporting the better!

    6. We are skipping 2 days between each mission, so fly every three days unless one of the other conditions in the first post applies. Having said that, I am not going to be the date nazi so don't sweat it if you are day or so off, the main point is just to spread the career out over a couple of campaign months just to make it more interesting.

    7. Please fill out the form at least every Saturday. You can do it as often as you like and I will just keep the last one.

    8. And lucky number...uh, eight? Do keep in mind that under extreme circumstances, the SE5a will shed a wing:

    Still a little miffed about that one...

    So good luck and good luck!


    • Like 1

  5. 3 hours ago, CastelEtzwane said:

    Well then this shall be my first go . . .   :smile:

    'Charles Frederick Finney, replacement pilot, reporting for duty, sir.'

    Six months flying time as a reconnaisance pilot with RFC-43 at Treizennes before being forced out with an injury.

    A quiet sort, he earned the moniker 'Fisticuffs' after a run-in with the local gendarmes, who jailed him for rowdiness during a brief visit with his flight mates to the nearby village.

    Fisticuffs remembers nothing of the incident and detests his new nickname.

    note: Have been flying WOFF steadily since 2018, so have some experience.




    Welcome aboard! and what a lovely mount!

    We are almost there, everyone! Kickoff is Saturday!

    Pilot list:



    Rick Rawlings














  6. Yeah, my view will still go wonky from time to time when I zoom in. I'll have to post that profile as even on YouTube people have said they like it. And yes, thank you, I thought that was a pretty good rocket blast which is why I was a little miffed that I seemed to be the only one in the flight who thought I should get some credit for it! :mad:

  7. Wow, I announced this challenge earlier than any of the others I think, but I am glad I didn't start sooner, as it has been a busy three weeks for old Rick Rawlings, that's for sure! However, as we draw nigh the starting date, it is time to clear up the remaining few points. Perhaps Louvert would be kind enough to edit them in to the original post for me.


    Here is the link for the weekly data entry form:

    Final, Final Challenge Form

    For prizes, Louvert has generously offered up a free custom paintjob to the winner, which has always been a big hit in the past as his skills are considerable. I have decided to award either this very mug:

    WOFF 2021.png


    or one of it's brethren, for nothing says a WOFF challenge quite like a fresh beverage contained in a vessel emblazoned with a subtle reminder that yes, you are better than everyone else!



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