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Rick Rawlings

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Posts posted by Rick Rawlings

  1. Setting air activity to low?  Turning forced encounters off? Shoving a $20 into the disk drive before each mission compiles? Other than developing a lot of "gun jams" or "engine seizures" before crossing the lines, that's all the tips I got! :ok:

  2. 3 hours ago, epower said:


    Welcome to our magnificent obsession.  Glad Pol sorted your question.

    When circumstances permit, I encourage you in the strongest possible terms to get TrackIR.  I believe it to be the most transformative addition to the fight sim experience after the jump to joystick from using arrow keys.


    I have to agree, if you can any way swing it. It's useful in a number of games. Even trying ARMA with it will leave you wondering why all FPS don't have TrackIR support. I got by with earlier phases of OFF with padlock and snap views but now that I am used to it, even while watching my videos, I find myself turning my head trying to look around!

  3. Here is the first video in my at least three part series: How to WOFF: Getting Started in Wings Over Flanders Fields.

    Part 2 will cover some basic flight and part three will be about the campaign. Hope it helps someone!



    Part 2 covering Quick Combat and basic flight...


    Update:  Part 3


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  4. Sub Lt. Rother Nought

    No. 4 RNAS

    27 miles behind the front

    Coudekerque, July 1916

    Well, I'm in for it now. I thought joining the air services would be a good way to avoid the war for a long while. Who knew they could train pilots so fast now? The last few days I have been up in a Sopwith Strutter ferrying 2nd Lt. Norton from one bomb-hole to another to photograph each one in turn. Of course, I would be all for firing off all the plates at once and getting out of there and back for a brandy like some anticipatory Yossarian, but Norton insisted on being at the right spot at the right time at the right altitude for every photo, regardless of how familiar Archibald was trying to become with all the sensitive spots of our bus. To make matters worse, every now and again he would jerk the Lewis gun around and stare intently at a spot in the sky as if to intimate that a hun was about to attack before glancing over with that inscrutable look of his, the berk...

    I can't wait for tomorrow...


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  5. Heh, it was the Hi Ho I was worried about...:fie: My family is well, thanks for asking! Kids are growing up as they are wont to do, WOFF keeps getting better, we are (sorta) back to the more modern-featured forum; what's not to like? How's everything going with you?

  6. 7 hours ago, CaptSopwith said:

    Hiya Rick! It's good to be back! Hoping to see some more folks around the old place. Hope you and  your family are doing well!

    PS: Had to correct my previous post - I managed to typo my system specs... getting old! ;)

    They actually are, thanks for asking! Lots of folks are around, just a bit quiet as it's been awhile since BH&HII dropped!


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