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Posts posted by Grinseed

  1. I've returned to the game after a long absence.

    Its good to be flying FE again. Love the new additions. I see the usual suspects are still producing their high quality aircraft, ground objects etc. Special callout to gertl, the Italian terrain is amazing. The mountainous terrain is so exciting after flying and dying over flat lands, seas and deserts for so many years.


    I have resettled ok for the most part. I recall a lot of the requirements for modding the game and more will come. In the meantime can someone direct me to any info regarding setting up multiple versions of the game, FE2 in particular?


    TIA and Cheers



    I hope this link works. Click the second video clip. Young Talitha goes flying in an open cockpit with the Red Baron in Australia. She did pretty well.

    I have fond memories of the Red Baron which is a company specialising in joyflights Downunder. I have not flown with them, but about 25 years ago, while walking around our hilltop country house with my two year old daughter, the Red Baron aircraft appeared low overhead and gave her and I a private aerobatic display for about 20 minutes waving to us on the ground, before going on to give a paid performance at a local fair. My daughter still recalls the day.





    Cheers Grinseed

  3. The nurse who committed suicide did not pass on any information about the royal morning sickness, she merely directed the call to another nurse in the relevant ward, who despite the obvious sham impersonation of the royal 'we' and fake corgi barking in the background, dutifully revealed all to who she thought was her blessed Queen and Prince Regent. You think she really committed suicide solely because she passed on a phone enquiry? I would suggest she got her arse kicked first.

    It appears some notes she wrote were found in her flat and in at least one she allegedly mentions unfair treatment at the hospital, which has been furiously denied, of course. The hospital, in defence of its own vaunted royal reputation has focussed attention on the two 'shock jocks'.

    The two 'shock jocks' are emotionally devastated. Be serious, they didn't set out to have anyone kill themselves, and the prank was not their own idea, but that of the radio station management, who for the most part have escaped personal retribution of any sort because their identity has been obscured by the heat focussed on the two djs who have been publically crucified. The howling members of the international lynch mob seeking some bizarre sense of revenge can relax, their nascent media careers of these two dimwits have been totally destroyed and and the shadow of this woman's sad death will be hanging over them for the rest of their lives.


    Prank calls have been a feature of media broadcasts for decades. They are a bloody pointless nuisance and the lowest expression of modern communication and deserve the greatest criticism. You will find recent examples on youtube, where unsuspecting people are recorded being prodded to raging infuriation in a perverted attempt at 'entertainment'. Yet, up to now, there has been no serious attempt to discourage the practice, because most people aren't usually expected to hang themselves because of a prank call. They usually do it after protracted mistreatment.

    This poor woman certainly had more issues than has so far been revealed, but for the moment, its easier to demonise and condemn the two djs than to find the real lesson from this woman's suicide.

    Let the heat pass, allow some light in, my money is on the inquest revealing more unpleasantries all around.



    In any case, for what its worth, real victims of this awful event are this woman's children.


  4. Over the past few months I have been around the flight sim block.

    I picked up a powerful computer, FE2, RoF, OFF(BHaH,HitR) and FS2004 and FSX. I even revisited IL-2 with my new graphics card.

    Now all these sims are good in their own way as they are different from each other. I am enjoying their differences and I will keep them all loaded on my rig to fly as I feel the need but I notice I always keep coming back to First Eagles.

    For sheer ease of use, the freedom to fly campaigns as I want, without having to achieve a specfic goal, apart from surviving, the difficulty and challenges of fighting a competent enemy AI (no Trackir, no outside view and targeting only at the point of combat engagement) and the joy of being able to modify the game in almost any aspect brings FE to the forefront of my collection of sims.

    Thanks to all who have contributed aircraft, fms, skins, terrain, sounds, missions, campaigns, ground objects etc and have kept FE interesting and enjoyable.



    Hals und Beinbruch!



  5. Very very carefully, if thats your thing....sorry, was thinking about something else.

    Firing through the floor, in Gothas at least, was a defensive measure for those pesky enemy aircraft that would try to attack by coming up the stern from below. The Gotha had a firing tunnel built into the fuselage.

    I have that book too. Its a beauty.

  6. Ummmm....sorry whiteknight, I havent been with this sim long enough to know yet, but, could ground objects be re-designated as aircraft and configured not to fly? IIRC correctly something like this was done with CFS2 and what was essentially an aircraft was actually a MG sports car, there was a motor bike too, that could be used to drive from airfield to airfield. You can taxi around the ground now in existing aircraft....


    Cheers Grinseed

  7. Salute all.


    Finally got the gaming rig I always wanted. Now I can fly OFF/BHaH/HiTR. I haven't flown OFF since Phase I was first released and with my old pedal coumputer I struggled to dogfight in slideshows and eventually returned to RB3D, but I kept abreast of developments in OFF, because of the historical immersion aspect and I knew one day I would get my current rig.


    In the meantime I inherited a 2nd hand steam powered computer and I took up First Eagles Gold but now I can fly FE2 with all the sliders on full. Its a great sim and I will still fly it but I've been wanting to fly OFF for such a long time and I haven't been disappointed. Its good to be in it again, though I have had to relearn quite a lot.


    And I've had to read a lot of advice and knowledge base stuff recently but I haven't found an answer to a current issue regarding a cockpit view.


    For someone without Trackir, one of the best aspects of OFF/CFS3 is the ability to move the eyepoint sideways and look over the side of the fuselage. I always thought that was really nifty and can help when taking off.


    But I have found that after using Ctrl/Shift/Enter to move to the right, using Ctrl/Shift/Backspace to move left again just creates an interuption to the game with some offer to report an error. The game continues running but I first have to dismiss the offer. I then have to use Ctrl/Shift/Space to recenter the eyepoint.

    Is it just me or doesn't Ctrl/Shift/Backspace work anymore?

    TIA for any answer.


    Other than that I am having a great time in the virtual blue in OFF despite being the lousy combat pilot I am :)


    Cheers Grinseed

  8. Keep at it Norm.

    I happened to see that angled Lewis myself and was coming here to suggest it to you. Other than that I wouldnt have but the foggiest idea how you could make the Lewis fire upward as well as forward, but it would sure add to the accuracy of the SE5 combat ability. Honestly, good luck with this. :salute:

    Cheers Grinseed

  9. This is a great addition to the FE hangars.


    Is this now the only flight sim that can boast a Spad A2?


    I think the Royal Aircraft Factory 'borrowed' the design for the B.E. 9, aka the Pulpit. From what I 've read British airmen were not at all impressed with having to sit in the front of the propellor, but in any case I dont think any of these crates made it to the front.


    As for the French aviators, they at least started with a SPAD.


    Lovely work Stephen, cant wait to fly it.


    ...and no this wasnt a call for you to make the BE9...you do what you want mate, coz you always seem to make such great aircraft, thank you.


    Cheers Grinseed


  10. Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1918 for FE1

    View File

    This is the FE1 version of Ojcar's last instalment of his great Armchair Aces series.

    I add my thanks to all those Ojcar has named as contributors in his readme, to Canadair for his batch converter and to Ojcar himself for his work and dedication in providing such a detailed and comprehensive WW1 campaign for First Eagles.

    Nothing complicated about this download which only involved a straightforward conversion of all the ini files from Unicode to Ansi, but read the readmes, both mine and Ojcar's.

    In future, I will do my best to maintain FE1 versions of any FE2 updates from Ojcar.


    Cheers Grinseed



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