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Posts posted by Mr_Dirt

  1. Wayfarer I have two gig of Corsair xms 2 matched memory.  Each stick is 1 gig. timing is 5 5 5 12 800 MHz.  I would give them to you if they would help.  They worked fine for me and they are just lying around here.  If you want them let me know and I will send them to you.

  2. I have read September Evening, it is about Wener Voss.  It covered some of his life and was okay in this.  The book explained that much of his family records were destroyed in WWII.  I found this book to be fair.  The main part of the book is about his last battle against 56 Squadron.  It covers some of his victories, but not much about his relationships with Richtofen or others.  I brought it because like you I have read many books on MVR, but I liked Voss who much like Frank Luke threw all caution to the wind and fought against any odds.  This is the reason they were gone so fast.

  3. I have just read it.  It is not bad, but really in most places is a rehashing of pilot histories.  It does use some letters and other material to add a human touch to the stories.  I have to say I did enjoy reading it.  It does not bring toany fresh insights to history.  It is still a good read IMHO.  I bought it and read it on my kindle so it was fairly cheap.  One thing it does is bring some of Boom Trenchard to life and tells of his struggle to bring the British RAF to life. 

  4. I am by most everyday, but never have been much for a lot of talking.  I enjoy this site as it is here I came after the first move.  I have yet to upgrade my computer so I am still playing WOFF on a loder machine with windows XP Pro 64bit..  It runs but not good enough for screenshots.   I hope everybody visits this site, but most of the people I see on the other are new to me.  Most of the old crowd visits both sites, but this is home.

  5. Lou I know what you mean.  I seem to work go home and collapse into a chair.  Most weekends we have two to four of our grandkids here.  I just reached the age of 60 and I wonder why they are called the golden years.  I look back and see all I have done and feel I left so many things undone.  I look at my family and those grandkids love being with us and I think maybe I did pretty good.  I know you will find time to do some of everything you want,  I am glad you share what you have locked inside that creative mind of yours.  Thanks for all you share and we look forward to the day you have more time to bless us with your writing skills.

    Happy Hunting in the Skies over Flanders John

  6. I am running it on Windows XP Professional 64bit.  My computer is an older dual core with a 1 gig 550 TI video card and 8 gig of memory.  I have my processor overclocked , but no where near the recomendations of WOFF.  I fly with my settings on 53343 on get around 25 to 35 fps with minamal flight activty in the area.  I have not fought a large dogfigt or I am sure my fps would be farther down.  I am planning on building a new computer and upgraging to windows 7 because Windows XP will no longer be supported by Microsoft.  I bought the game a will run it under XP to support the Developers in their effort to provide us with the finest WWI Airwar sim.

  7. Lou you are an amazing writer.  I have been around reading but not posting.  I read this today and had to comment.  I miss the stories about your young pilots, they were always a joy to read.  I have not experiecned the joys of WOFF yet as my old computer is not up to snuff.  I am going to build a new one in 2014 so I will once again fly above Flanders Fields.  I check in here often so I can see how you fine gentlemen are doing.  I hope and pray all of you had a Merry Christmas and wish all of you a prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR..   Thanks again Lou for your wonderful story.


    Best wishes and happy hunting in the skies over Flanders


  8. Looks like you did a fine job recreating our history.  I think schools should make more use of reenactors to teach a living history.  I am amazed at how little some of our younger people know nothing of the Civil War or could care less about history at all.   I am a firm believer you have to know where you have been to see where you are going.  I see by your photos there were alot of Iron Brigade members in the one photo.  They may just like that Black Hat.  I hope your experience was great and you have many memories for a lifetime.

  9. Shiloh do not forget the Wormy hardtack and salt pork I have read so much about.  You will also have to have coffee evert chance you get while on the march.  From everything I have read these guys could build a fire and have coffee very fast.  The good thing for you is at least you are Union so the panty is well stocked compared to your Confederate soldiers.  All I can say is hide the beef, pork, and chickens the Army of Northern Virgina is in the area.

  10. Shiloh I hope you have a great time at the reenactment, nothing is better than living history.  I will again visit Gettysburg someday, but just not when I would really like to.  When I visit these battlefields I wonder what drove our country to almost tear its self apart.  You talk of some reenactors emotions running high.  In Missouri and Kansas still use the border war to argue about sports.  I wonder if these people really understand why there was such hatred between our states.  I do not believe some of them even know why there there was a border war.  Pepole should know their history so we can learn from our mistakes.  There is so many interesting places to visit in this country it is hard to make them all.  Last summer I was at Gulf Shores I end up taking a small run to the fort that guarded Mobile Bay.  I could see where Farragut (sic) said damn the torpedoes full speed ahead.  It was great to stand there upon those walls and imagine what went on there years ago.  The mind can bring it all back to you that is a wonderful thing.

  11. Olham I have been to several Civil War battlefields and even to Gettysburg to me they are all special.  I stand there were so many men died fighting to tear apart a country.  I try to imagine the violence that took place and I marvel at the courage any service person has to face suddened death or terrible wounding for their country.  The men in the Civil War tended to all enlist from their county or home town.  They may have enlisted for country, but they fought for each other, and faced the dangers because they did not want the people back home to know they ever shirked from their duty.  I have always wanted to visit Europe to see and stand where the young men fought and died.  I am suire I would feel as if they were still there.  I feel that way at every battlefield I visit.  I can never repay the men and ladies who have servered my country, but I can respect and pray for them every day of my life.  You once translated my Great-Grandfather's Baptismal Records for me, that man fought in the Civil War after he moved from Germany in 1852.  He had been here for 10 years and made it his home.  I guess he felt he must defend it.  My state was very divide during the Civil War so I had ancestors on both sides.  I hope to someday visit Europe so I can see those places and pay my respects at the Cemetaries over there.  When people hear that I do not want to visit Paris they think I am crazy.  It is the battlefields I seek.  I to miss OVS what happened to James.



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