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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Graphic Settings

    Bullet holes don't show in the hires skin setting sir. Other structural damage does. I fly with hires settings because frankly in the excited pitch of combat, it's unlikely you'd be able to focus on seeing such small holes in the plane anyway. If you wish to see the bullet holes though, drop down the aircraft to the next lower setting sir. If you have the sliders set to 4 or 5 for aircraft detail, it's still going to look very good but you'll also be able to see bullet hole damage. Hellshade
  2. @ Hellshade

    Welcome aboard Akulawien. I think your english is great! To answer your question, the extra sound effects come from the very talented Creaghorn! He has created a mod called Sound Tweaks II which you can find in the download section of OFF:BH&H. I highly recommend it as it does a fabulous job of recreating the engine and machine gun sounds. He also has another mod that changes the Spandau Rate of Fire to be more historically accurate and various Bullet Mods that reduce or eliminate tracer fire for those early war birds. I'm also running HPWs (Herr Prop Washe) Main Flight Model AI Weight Mod and Buddy1998's Modified Damage Model v1.1. Buddy's mod is a modified version of HPWs Ultimate Damage Model v1.25 which is also an excellent bit of work. Make sure you only run 1 DM mod at a time though. You can find all of these and more in the download section. I highly recommend getting the JSGME mod manager program to be able to quickly and easily install mods without worrying about them possibly messing up anything. I thank you and all of the other posters who mentioned my various videos. Generating further interest in OFF:BH&H was the primary reason that I made them. Since OFF:BH&H doesn't have a demo to hand out, I figured the next best thing that I could do was to show people what it would be like to actually be in the cockpit flying this great sim. It's why there are so very few "cut scenes" or third person camera views in my OFF:BH&H videos. I thought once people could see and hear what the experience was like of flying and dogfighting in OFF:BH&H, they might at least be interested enough to come here to the forum and get a lot more information from the very fine folks who make up our community. I did not realize that so many people have done exactly that because of the videos and that's a wonderful feeling to know it has had the very effect I was hoping for. Thank you so much for that. I don't have the modders or skinners skill that others here have demonstrated over and over again. My knowledge of WWI is good, but pales in comparison to the many other experts on the forum, including of course, the Devs. But I wanted to help OFF:BH&H because if someone has a genuine interest in WWI air combat, this sim is an experience not to be missed. It is the veritable "diamond in the rough." You won't be sorry that you got it sir and if you haven't ordered the Hat in the Ring expansion, I and everyone else here will heartily recommend that you do. It brings everything up to the next level! We are very fortunate to have Devs that care so much about their product that they take every bit of feedback they get and find ways to make an already great sim even better. At any rate, if you enjoyed my videos, be sure to check out some of the other user made videos on the main page of www.overflandersfields.com Some of them are true works of art. By the way, if any of the Devs wanted to ship me a beta copy of OFF2 - I'd sign my life away guaranteeing not to disclose anything, but I'd love the opportunity to show off some of the excitement to be had with some short little clips that get peoples blood pumping for OFF 2! I understand you are far too busy making OFF 2 a reality to have time to keep putting videos together. I, on the other hand, am sure I could work some good promo videos into my schedule and submit them directly to you for your ability to release if and when you saw fit. Just a thought that's really a shameless attempt to get an advanced copy (for which I'd gladly pay full price). That being said, I would genuinely love the opportunity to generate more buzz and excitement for OFF 2 via videos if given the chance. Hellshade PS. I can't wait to submit a new OFF 2 video to the TrackIR site as well. I think that's a great place to get new people.
  3. OFF & Seven - thread separated

    For what it's worth, there's a history of first time posters dropping onto the forum now and then to post false information about the sim to make it look bad in the eyes of anyone just passing by and taking a quick glance. It gets a little old and after a couple of years it starts to wear thin. OFF:BH&H doesn't have a demo option so it's important to get the facts straight so people can make an informed decision about buying it or not. Usually it's the "kool aid drinkers" of one of the other WWI sims. and which two "punks" threatened you? I didn't see anyone threaten you. Maybe the "kool-aid drinkers" here aren't the only ones with thin skins, sir. Welcome aboard if you decide to buy. You will find the level of expertise about WWI around here to be exceptional and everyone is happy to help those with a positive attitude. Olham will probably want your info for the world wide OFF pilot map. There's a whole sticky section on survival. Well worth the time spent reading. Hellshade
  4. Ouch...OUCH!

    My goal in life is to be the person that my dog thinks I am. Hellshade
  5. OFF & Seven - thread separated

    I run P3 fine on Windows 7 x64 as are a number of other people. No changes required at all for me to make it 'compatible'. Check your drivers and check your CFS3, OFF:BH&H & HitR installation procedures would be my recommendation. Sorry, but way too many users plus the Developers themselves run P3 on Windows 7 already and have been for a long time. It's not the sim sir. Maybe you are thinking of a different WWI flight sim where if you don't use a very outdated version of Nvidia drivers that is recommended (in a highly militant fashion) by their Dev team you can get lots of graphic issues when using higher settings? Hellshade
  6. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    And yet the world is so very fortunate that no one rushed the Mona Lisa. Masterpieces simply take time. Hellshade
  7. Bethesda is integrating Kinect support for the Xbox 360 into Skyrim so you can do a whole bunch of stuff, including give commands to your followers via pure voice commands. Dragon shouts fully supported too. They claim it's due out in the next month and will be totally free. http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/107693-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-getting-kinect-support-dlc-will-be-exclusive-to-xbox-360.html Hellshade
  8. OT: STALKER 2 Animation video

    Probably hoping to drum up more funding or something, but the studio attempting to bring STALKER 2 to market has posted an animation video. Here ya go... http://vimeo.com/39690265 Hellshade
  9. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    Yet another outstanding little detail that will just add that much more to the immersion. Hellshade
  10. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    You Are Awesome. Thank you! Hellshade
  11. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    If I might make but one small suggestion / request. Please, please, please don't ruin the immersion of all of that incredible scenery, terrain, aircraft models and damage modeling (not to mention the incredible flight models and improved AI) by having engines explode and fly out of the plane. It makes my poor skin crawl every time I see that happen. Takes me right out of the immersion because it's just so out of place. Of course, you have my money no matter what. Hellshade
  12. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    Utterly amazing work. The blended airfield is fantastic. The clouds, lighting and plane models are all superb. And the damage models? You have certainly outdone yourself gentlemen. I would never have imagined anywhere near that much detail being put into the damaged aircraft. Might I ask what the graphic setting that the terrain is set at? Are those 4s or 5s, I presume? Hellshade
  13. I have to concur. Excellent screen shots Shiloh. The lighting is fantastic. Thanks for sharing. Hellshade
  14. new Nvidia BETA Drivers 301.24

    I didn't care for the FXAA myself, preferring the 16xQ AA instead because it offered better fidelity in my person opinion. However anyone with a lower end Gforce card may appreciate the option. OFF flew just fine. No troubles at all for me. I couldn't say if there was a performance boost or not. Hellshade
  15. I'm back

    Welcome back, Creaghorn. I'm sorry to hear of your woes. Quality is definately more important than saving a few bucks when it comes to buying a power supply. Hopefully that's the last of your troubles for awhile. Good to have you back sir. Hellshade
  16. OT: A sad day for the computing world

    Jack Tramiel died. He was a pioneer in the early 8 bit days of computing. I remember speaking of his name with reverence when I had my Commodore 64. http://games.ign.com/articles/122/1222591p1.html Hellshade
  17. OT: A sad day for the computing world

    Dungeon Master was simply amazing. I didn't know any self respecting Amiga or ST user that didn't own a copy. As for Legend of Grimrock, it looks like it's going to do a wonderful job of meshing the original '3d' type dungeon crawlers with todays technology. IGN already has a review up on it in case you haven't heard of it yet. http://pc.ign.com/articles/122/1222602p1.html Hellshade
  18. OT: A sad day for the computing world

    He also trashed Commodore just before he left it to go lead Atari, where he pushed out the Atari 520 and 1040 ST which were most noted for their built in midi port. Commodore fought back with their Amiga 1000 which had a custom chipset designed by, ironically, Jay Miner, who was the lead designer for the chipset of the Atari 400 / 800 series computers. I remember the Atari / Amiga "wars" back in 1985 - 1990. The Amiga won for graphics and preemptive multitasking but music fans who didn't buy Macs tended to go to the Atari 520 ST, at least here in America. I believe in europe, especially Germany, the Atari was the preferred machine. Correct me if I am wrong on that. Those were the days. Upgrading your machine was just putting some new RAM in it or maybe a second floppy disk drive. Everything else was pretty much set in stone. Of course a 2MB RAM expander for an Amiga 500 was around $500. Hellshade
  19. aerial gunnery training

    My standard answer for Aerial Gunnery Training: When the plane in front of you fills up 100% of your view, you are guaranteed to hit him. The only hard part then is turning away before you ram into him or his debris. Hellshade
  20. TrackIR is basically a must for any flight sim enthusiast. Hellshade
  21. Nice screen shots Shiloh. As Olham says, the DR 1 is not for running away. If you have the choice to fight or not, make sure it is one that you feel confident you will win. Once you are committed in a DR 1, you are in it for the duration in most cases. If you stay on your side of the lines and run out of ammo, bob and weave down low and lead them to places where ground fire can finish the job for you. Pragmatic survivors are generally happier than heroic dead men. Hellshade
  22. I'll buy your first novel sir. I enjoyed your work immensely. Please keep writing. Hellshade
  23. For anyone who might be interested, World of Planes (War Thunder) has begun it's closed beta. Head on over to sign up and see if you can get some flight time in before OFF 2 hits and eats up our lives. Be sure to check out the beta launch video teaser too. Per their announcement page: We are pleased to announce the start of the closed beta test for our upcoming combat MMO game. The multi-staged beta test will allow tens of thousands of players to become better acquainted with the War Thunder universe, giving fans of the project a chance to contribute to the game’s development. Closed beta test servers will be open 24 hours a day, meaning that players who have been invited can join the game at any time. To start, participants will have access to more than 100 aircraft models and several different locations, with new content added continuously throughout the test period. We've just released a new official video, «War Thunder — Beta Launch Trailer», which demonstrates the global scale of War Thunder’s in-game battles and a variety of gameplay options http://warthunder.co...ews/26/current/ Hellshade
  24. Again, it will be free to play. Not sure what the reason to hold off will be unless you just don't want to spend the time downloading it? If it sux,it sux. But for free, might as well form your own opinion instead of taking someone else for it. Hellshade
  25. It's just in beta. Maybe you could still offer up something for them that gets their interest? Lord knows you know how to write a proper mood setting audio track for a sim. Hellshade

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