Hello lads.
My friends are trying to play MP with me via a LAN.
Neither of these guys have Internet so they've aquired all dl's through me.
I am running Windows XP sp2
They are running Windows Vista Home Ed; and actually are running -identical- computers both purchased less than 2 weeks ago.
Problem they're having is mainly with mp.
They cannot get into the multiplayer splash screen (ie lobby)
They're gettin an error after the "contact....clear" Something to the extent of "Microsoft explorer has quit working/encountered a problem stating CFS3 has encountered a fatal error." And returns to main menu.
They have tried reseting (via off manager) off & cfs3. As well as full reinstall after wiping all traces of installation.
Still unable to get game to run.
They used the off install and inserted the cfs3 disk to pull the necessary files then reinserted off. ( did not install cfs3 ).
Greatly appreciate any help as we'd love to fly some missions.
(sorry if this is somewhere on the forums i wasn't able to find it.)