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Everything posted by The_Black_Knight

  1. To All, Although this may have been covered in other forums, I thought I would pass this information on. Similiar to other games such as ARMA 2, there are significant benefits to TURNING OFF the physx capability on nVidia cards. This applies to even high end cards that are in the market right now. If your system is getting cranky frame rates, even a lower resolutions this will provide a significant boost. Simply go to the nVidia control panel and turn the GPU feature OFF. I went from ~20 FPS, to over 40+ at 1920X1080 just by disabling this feature. It does not kill the immersion, but causes some less perceptible physics feature such as the warping of the wings. But its easier to fly when the controls are more responsive due to improved frame rate. There has been no stuttering in display. Should make for some happier gamers. For an idea of my gaming system I am using a Gateway FX P-97805u laptop: OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Version 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002 Other OS Description: System Manufacturer Gateway System Model P-7805u System Type x64-based PC Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz, 2267 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s) BIOS Version/Date Phoenix Technologies LTD 9C.17.00, 12/16/2008 SMBIOS Version 2.5 Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB Video Card: Single GeForce 9800M GTS Video Memory: 1 GB The Best, The_Black_Knight
  2. using a laptop

    I run OFF on a Gateway FX P-7805u, very successfully with the GeForce 9800M GTS card. It has a 1920X1200 17" screen, but I rarely use it. Normally I hook my laptop up via HDMI to my Sony Bravia 55" LCD TV, and downsize the image to 1768X992. It provides the same 16:9 perspective with increased frame rate so I can turn on 8X AA. Getting closer to a cockpit now...... Another option to consider in use for a laptop can be to wear a Vuzix VR920 set of head goggles. The only bad thing is the resolution is capped at 1024X768. However, because the picture is so close to your eyes, it rarely matters, and you get fanastic frame rates. It hooks up via standard SVGA and USB cabling. I have used these when I am on deployment, and don't want to be disturbed. I do believe the costs have dropped to under $200, and the image quality is very good. Basically, they are a dual miniature set of LCDs, but not shutter glasses.
  3. Is Crossfire supported at all?

    SLI / Crossfire independency is not true. Games do need to be written specifically to take advantage of the mutliple GPUs, just like hyperthreading of CPUs. In the case of OFF, the game engine does not support crossfire functionality. The engine is just too old, and the coding has not been rewritten to support this added option beyond the functionality of higher resolutions. It does make me wonder about nVidia cards, however. Is the game properly "tricked" into seeing one video card or is it only using one card? I don't have the answer for this one. Obviously, if a player is playing the game at a resolution above 2048X1535, which is the maximum analog resolution that can be displayed through a single DVI, HDMI, or VGA port, there are two cards active, BUT is there any additional added benefits shown in OFF in SLI mode beyond the basic resolution mapping?
  4. Consistent framerates

    Drop the last setting, "clouds", well below 5. This really hurts framerates. Based on your rig, a "2", would be the most conservative. I run 4-5-3-3-5-2, and pull consitent frame rates at 32 FPS, 1920x1080, AF 4X, AA X8.
  5. OT What Job do you do?

    I serve as a US Army officer for the Corps of Engineers. 16 year veteran now, multiple deployments, with a couple of combat tours in the history. Background is as a construction / facilities engineer, but I have worked a lot of other jobs over the years. A few of the more unusual which unrelated to my training were recruiting command and diplomat assistance out US Embassies. Looking forward to retirement. Just want to run a old school arcade / malt shop and build my Nieuport 28. Of course, I could just become a garbage collector, but I might get a bit bored quickly........... ;)
  6. I have been collecting original and reproduction WWI medals for years. It represents a part of military history, as you said with gallantry and valor. Totally understandable, if you are an early aviation and flight enthusiast. WWI was a period of inspired medal creation, such as the Distinguished Service Medal for the US Army on 2 JAN 1918. GEN Pershing was one of the first recipients. Of course, you don't see me walking around were a Prussian officers uniform on with awards either, but that is another story.
  7. OT - Victoria Cross Citations - WOW!

    An even bigger question is if they survived the war (since most did not), how did they function in regular society. Some of the most amazing acts of bravery, have a cost unspoken. I share this from personel experience.
  8. TrackIR 5: How big of a difference?

    If you are pilot, its like night and day. The ability to scan the horizon and the skies and rely on your MK I eyeball, is what defines early aviation and flight. If you learn to fly and scan simultaneously, you are less likely to be caught off guard during combat. Turning off the crutch of pan locking your target, leads to better realism and immersion. Once you are able to successively follow a target through all levels of turns, your peripheral vision, will pick up details your surroundings, that you were not aware of previously, such as banks of turns of your own aeroplane, and enemy maneuvers. The hardest thing about learning how to use this tool is two fold. One, training your hands (and FEET!) not to lean and overturn with your head (which passes quickly), due to spatial perception. Two, learning how to set up the TrackIR so it effectively is not either under or over sensitive, smooth, and has the correct limits of movement. This second part requires respositioning the camera and your seating, so all viewing angles of the TrackIR are maximized. If you are getting less than 180 degrees left and right (360 degree total), and 90 degrees up and down (180 degrees total), your camera is not correctly positioned. You may look like an alien with your TrackClip on, but who cares, it is better than wearing an oversized VR helmet.
  9. CFS3 at Best Buy

    Are you sure this is the same version release by MicroSoft, years ago? This actual MicroSoft version in CD form is TWO CDs, version the ONE DVD. Good deal for the price, however. $30 cheaper than when I bought it, 6 years ago.
  10. Squadron Reassigned to England - Boring!

    It seems in my memory, that you can alter the pilot file to adjust the date to coincide with a location change. The best way to do this was to validate the new move date based on the historical information in the select squadron screen, along with the airfield location. Then adjust the information in the pilot file to match it. I tried this when RFC 28?? campaign ended early in 1918 (which I was unaware) as there was no more information in the data file for this squadron, so I "rolled" the clock back, to continue flying in their Sopwith Camels. I am not sure if this was a bug, because I would have to get out my historical books to find out what really happened to RFC 28. I am sure the files are accurate, and the squadron was dissolved or absorbed into another for some reason. Of course, I don't recommend this in standard practice, bring "pilots back from the dead" or create bogus awards in the pilot's file, as this can be done in a similar manner. Some of these tricks were learned when CFS3 first came out, and the pilot information design for the file has remained somewhat unchanged.
  11. Game Acceleration Keystroke question

    Did you disable this function with the OFF configuration manager? When you set up the game within the game configuration, this option is an override which includes areas such as labels, messages, and HUD. If you read the the OFF graphics, tips and tweaks page on the main website, you will find it listed, that this feature was recommended to be disabled (Especially on the DiD standard). If you were following the guide, step by step, you may need to reactivate the function. A simple warning though, enabling this feature all the time, can lead to some nasty crashes on your airplane coming out of clouds, when flying in formation. Little blips are okay, but full blown flights with this feature on for extended periods of time, can cause problems. It is useful to get flight formation back together to continue the mission, however.
  12. Reviewing the Logitech G940

    As a replacement for an aging CH Products lineup for me, this flight system has been exactly what I have been looking for. Although there are some teething pains with conflicting axes during intial setup, once you get it all straightened out inside the GUI program (Logitech GamePanel) or inside the the individual flight simulator menus, the force feedback in flight is very effective. I normally fly a lot of older prop aeroplanes, such as the Sopwith Camel and Fokker DVII, and recently did a comparison of flight modesl used in Over Flanders Fields. The I-Force FFB is accurate is producing the looping gyroscopic effort that occurs inside the rotary Clerget engine of the Sopwith. I am able to do snap rolls and high yo-yos fairly easily using the the G940. The extra tension under high power stalls is impressive, as I can sense the moment of loss of airflow over the wings, the shudder, and deadstick control. If you have extremely large hands, this system could potentially give hand cramps, but for me, the grip was about right. The joystick does have a smaller handprint than a Thrustmaster HOTA Cougar. NOTE: This is not the first FFB joystick that I have ever owned, and there are professional joysticks you can "acquire" for several thousand dollars, but money value for a complete system, that works well, and is asthetically pleasing to boot is worth the hard earned cash. Recommended for beginning flight jockeys, and veterans alike.
  13. Laptop

    A small update, I realized I made an error in the description. The power adapter for this laptop cooler is included in the complete package. This cooler actually requires TWO USB ports to function properly, IF using the 4 port USB hub is used without external power. Something worth mentioning, because of the requirements for the fans and hub simultaneously, puts a substantial drain on battery use if not turned off. One USB connection for the power and fans, and one for the USB ports. The way to get around this, is use the included power adapater, therefore reducing your overall power consumption. I crossed wires in description, because I was thinking about my Logitech premium 4 USB port which I also use (the LED lights showing hub connection are useful). It does not include a power adapter, but is easily configurable with a standard, 3.5 mm recharger. Yes, I have a mass of cabling from my laptop (even with wire loom), but with this cooler system, it basically turns into a "ad hoc" docking station. Incredibly sturdy and portable for a 19" cooling system, easy to clean too!
  14. Laptop

    Recommended. NZXT ACC-NT-CRYO LX Aluminum Notebook Cooler 120MM Adjustable Fans Extremely powerful, well built cooling system with a powered 4 USB hub sized for up to 19" laptops. Portable and adaptable to meet you growing computer needs. This will keep your 800 lb gorilla happier, and healthier in the long run. Power adapter, not included however. Runs about $70, but worth the money. Solid aluminum constuction, with adjustable fan speed. It dropped the heat coming out of my 17" laptop by nearly 20+ degrees. You can search for it on Amazon, New Egg, Tiger, or direct from the manufacturer. Designed for more for high end gaming, not just general purpose like the Targus and other companies. Probably the best designed laptop cooler, other than some rediculously hi-tech fluid cooling system (for several hunderd dollars), I have seen in the last couple of years.
  15. How Do I bind a throttle conrtol?

    Here is your definative answer with the Logitech G940. I had many of the same problems, and wanted to post some of my observations with this new flight system. Because this system has so many axises and additional buttons, the default settings (or even your current settings) cause a whole new series of issues. Basically, you have to start from scratch to get this all right, because otherwise engine control is impossible with constant cut out and loss of control. FIRST, make sure you have selected the controller assignments under the G940 Throttle, not joystick or pedals in the options menu (in game). NEXT, you have to map TWO throttles to your flight controls within the sim. Use Throttle Axis 1 for the split right axis Use Throttle Axis 2 for the split left axis. DELETE throttle AXIS below Throttle Axis 4. NEXT, make sure there are no others axises mapped for the throttle. I found by default aerlion pitch was mapped to Axis X, which caused the aircraft to nose down out of control. You will have to delete this as well. It will not change joystick configuration. Also, a word on the pedals. By default, the toe breaks are also mapped to an axis in this game by default(an Axis Y of sorts). If you do not delete this as well, every time you use the pedals with both feet firmly planted, versus bass drum style "heel up" method, the plane will go into wild spins due to tail pitch. At first, I thought this was the flight model, particularly with the Sopwith Camel. However, since I have actually flown one of these birds, I knew something was not right. After these tweaks are fixed, you can then resume basic flight, or make button changes to match your preference. I know this is complicated, but I guess you should expect this based on the level of control you get with the system. Personally, I am very impressed with the force feedback and centering spring effects of the Logitech G940. During takeoff and landing your can feel the pull of the aircraft, the ground interference and bumps, and the gyroscopic effects quite well. Feels the guns fire, is a nice effect as well. Definately worth the money to replace my aging CH Products.
  16. All, After updating to Patch 1.32g, I seem to be getting CTDs to the main OFF screen after extremely long load times, every time I change the FOV from the default settings (23 / 16). OFF Manager is rebuilding the FOV correctly. The missions start correctly (with slightly longer load times), but after several minutes of flying I get a crash. Something just does not seem right here. I want to set the FOV to match my resolution (1920X1080), which should be 29 horizontal / 16 vertical based on perspective FOV equation math. The widescreen ratio 16:10 including with the workshop options, is not quite right (but close) at this resolution (16:9) using my 55" Sony Bravia KDL-55V5100 LCD TV. The OFF manager definately is correcting the perspective right, but it cannot seem to "hold fast" the setting without crashing. There is no problems with frame rate either, it remains "steady state" at 32 FPS, based on my CFS3.xml settings. Is there a bug in the FOV implementation? Could the developers include a 16:9 perspective in a future patch release? If I go back to default settings, everything is completely normal after rebuilding the perspective and start the missions. Anyway, kudos to the developers for at least including the option, as you all have really squeezed every bit of lemon juice out of this flight sim engine. The_Black_Knight "Track IR, how did we ever live without it?"
  17. Crash To Desktop (CTD) after changing FOV

    I did some more investigation, and have solved the problem. The OFF manager is required to rebuild the files a bit more than I suspected, than just the FOV changes, as the model textures reported by program are required to be reset as well. It is not done completely, when the FOV changes (my original thought) You are right, this does put an additional enormous strain on GPU and texture resources. In order for this to be corrected, you have to run the game first on a "free flight" mode and elminate the program from requiring to rebuild more than just one plane at a time. Once this is completed (it still takes longer than a "normal" (23/16) flight), the program for scenery, weather, clouds will load under normal time in a combat flight with enemy aeroplanes. As a heads up, if you computer specifications are just beyond the minimal requirements, would never suggest attempting to change the FOV. Under a full head of steam even my older GeForce 9800M GTS (1 GB video memory) is pushed to the limit at this resolution and FOV. Thanks for the help.
  18. Can't fly a mission

    Interestingly enough, I have found problems everytime I install a new patch. A couple of things are required, after an update to make the game run correctly. First, you have to do an OFF configuration reset, so the game recoginizes the changes in the patch. This does not require a reinstall, just let the computer recognize the graphics settings for your individual computer. In the case of the SuperPatch v1.32, I had to go even deeper, and reset my resolution setting, overrides, and memory settings to make it all work. The last patch, v1.32g, required me to rebuild the some of the aircraft through some "test flights", so the game did not CTD in the middle of a flight.
  19. All, I know this has been discussed several times, but after various levels of testing, I have found that several settings in the use of nVidia cards continue to make signifiicant improvement in framerate and visual quality. To give reference, here is the computer specifications I use for gaming: Gateway FX P-97805u laptop: OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Version 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002 Other OS Description: System Manufacturer Gateway System Model P-7805u System Type x64-based PC Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz, 2267 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s) (NO Overclock) BIOS Version/Date Phoenix Technologies LTD 9C.17.00, 12/16/2008 SMBIOS Version 2.5 Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB Video Card: Single GeForce 9800M GTS Video Memory: 1 GB Now, as far as settings for OFF, normal visual quality is 5-4-4-4-2 (I will explain why later) Antialiasing set at 8X Framerate max setting = 32 (CF3.cfg override) Remaining settings are at OFF default levels along with memory settings. Inside the nVidia Control Panel, I normally turn off AF completely, but leave AA to the application. I maximize everything else towards performance, and I TURN OFF Physx processing (it makes a difference here, folks, trust me) Ultimately, I have been able to stabilize the framerate with mimimal stutter at 1920X1080 32 bit at 32 FPS or 1792X992 32 bit at 41 fps (changing CF3.cfg again) The planes and scenery look smooth and no jaggies, without that framerate hit. I have found that when I start to push the envelope with clouds at OFF 3 setting, I begin to lose ~5 FPS Cranking terrain to OFF 5 setting, has then same effect with a larger ~10 FPS hit (especially near the ground). I don't try to drive the sceneary to 5 anymore, because eventually the game normally crashes after 15 minutes or so of play due to a video memory dump. Maybe someday when we have 8 GB of video memory and a bigger PCi/AGP pipeline this might not be a problem...... The key to performance is this case is tradeoff in AF, which based on the speed of flight is really insignificant, unless you a really close to the ground all the time! I prefer to be able to "see the wires" on aeroplanes from a distance along with my own plane, especially when constantly looking over my virtual shoulder. What is most important is making sure you adjust the maximum framerate to stay steady state, and use the resources for additional video processing. Hope these tips help! The_Black_Knight
  20. Quest for smooth shadows

    I discussed this functionality with MicroSoft when the original CFS3 came out way back in 2003. 2004 Maybe? This increase of quality of shadows was never built into the game due to lack of processing and GPU power at the time of design. It was a simplified "projection" static shadow process on earlier MS Flight Sim engines which had not progressed since the days of Red Baron 3D! FS9 and FSX improved on the design, and allowed generation of hardware shadows, versus in game generated shadows (CFS3). Bottom line is this function does not exist, unless the OFF programmers rewrite the coding portion of the engine to include other options in game (OFF manager), or OFF configuration function. This seems a bit unlikely, but with the effort of this team, I have seen other miracles happen. It is possible to rewrite this code, but I do not have the time to invest in the redesign. Its a bit more complicated that a multiple line rewrite and requires an overhaul of the 3D engine to take advantage of the features of the latest GPUs.
  21. Vista, OFF and dual core question

    Setting Single Affinity for best OFF performance is not necessarily true. I keep the dual processor running, max out AA at 8X, turn off PHYSx, turn off AF, and maximize the rest for performance and I am pulling 32 FPS at almost all times, 1920X1080 res. I don't generally run the game at 1920X1200, because the performance starts to suffer again. Its amazing what a few more pixels vertically can do to a frame rate. I do not have a top of the line laptop either in terms of CPUs, but I do have a very good GPU which helps enormously (specs below) Although OFF likes earlier faster processors (particularly Intel versus AMD) above 3 GHz, you can get very good peformance from dual and quads. I have watched the processor load through my G19 Keyboard, and the both level out at roughly 40-45% at steady state conditions during flight. Generally, the first processor always spikes during load up and at start, until my laptop can adjust the processor load. Make sure you ADJUST the CFS3.xml to a minimum of 30 FPS though, or you willing get choppy frame rates, which I do believe may be your problem. Also, turn off some of your graphics cards advanced features, because it will tear down your framerates as well. I recommend use of graphics card tweaking ability such as nHancer 2.5.1 because it also specification for individual game profiles better than nTune and others. Here is what I run in regards to performance specs to help if need a comparison: Gateway FX P-97805u laptop: OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Version 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002 Other OS Description: System Manufacturer Gateway System Model P-7805u System Type x64-based PC Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz, 2267 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s) (NO Overclock) BIOS Version/Date Phoenix Technologies LTD 9C.17.00, 12/16/2008 SMBIOS Version 2.5 Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB Video Card: Single GeForce 9800M GTS Video Memory: 1 GB
  22. Increasing OFF Performance

    This is a straightforward process, that came out of earlier days from this simulation (and I do mean WAY BACK!) It basically "locks" the maximum framerate that the game uses as a benchmark. Reduces stuttering predominantly. It was never anticipated when the game came out, that it would be required to change this function, but I am glad it was included! I made a small error in the name of the file, it should have been CFS3.xml Edit it using notepad or wordpad. Make sure you make a copy, and don't lock the file as read only after editing because CFS3 really does not like this....... The file can be found here: C:\\XXX\OBDSoftware\CFSWWI Over Flanders Fields\default Actual file details in edit mode (from my file, yours will probably say MaxFPS="0", because it sets no limit): <CFS3> <Debugger DefaultDebugLevel="alerts" DisplayFileLine="No" DisplayLevel="No" Watson="Yes" DebugLog="cfs3debug.log" ExitOnAssert="No" OnlyLogMsg="No" UseDebugWindow="Yes" EnableAsserts="Yes" SingleAssert="No"/> <Timer DefaultPeriod="0" Log="cfs3timer.log" OnlyLog="No" UseDebugWindow="Yes"/> <Counter DefaultPeriod="0"/> <Graphics OldAircraftRender="No" MaxFPS="32"/> <-------------CHANGE THIS TO 30-32 FPS! <ModuleDebugLevels> <SampleModule PrintLevel="Normal" AssertLevel="alert"/> </ModuleDebugLevels> <TopicDebugLevels> <SampleTopic PrintLevel="Normal" AssertLevel="alert"/> </TopicDebugLevels> </CFS3> Make sure you save the file. You will see change immediately, on next startup. The easy way to test this is to use the Z key during flight. The maximum framerate should stay at 32 FPS, except under the most stressful times, such as around airfields, but if you computer is powerful enough, it should not dip below 30 FPS. Without this tweak it will bounce from 60+ FPS to less than 20+ dependent on the conditions. It is really handy when you have 20-30 planes flying all around at the same time..... The_Black_Knight
  23. O.T. Still flying RB3D?

    Full Canvas Jacket was installed on my Vista X64 gaming warhorse after all these years. Its a bit tempermental to get going because of changes in video cards, but runs like a rocket. The atmosphere and career is still superior to OFF, for now. The damage modeling for RB3D is still quite a bit better than OFF in high speed maneuvers, but the scenery looks really rought even with a glide emulator. Changing gears to Rise of Flight, if this game only had an offline mode and a better campaign, I would proabably be playing only that game. Unfotunately, that will never be the case. So, it sits on the sidelines..... Now if OFF can get modeling the Pfalz DXII, Sopwith Snipe, and Nieuport 28, along with that pilot dossier docket, I would be in nirvana. Patience...... Viva la OFF! The_Black_Knight
  24. File Name: SPAD XIII Wallpaper 1920X1200 RELOAD File Submitter: The_Black_Knight File Submitted: 6 Jul 2009 File Category: Scenery and Ground Objects All, RELOADED wallpaper with some reporting the file as broken. This file was recompressed using WinZip 12.0 in legacy mode which allows compatibility with all formats down to WinZip 2.0. For all those true WWI afficiados....... This phenomenal high-quality wallpaper shows a fictious battle between Fokker DVIIs and SPAD XIIIs. The original painting artist I have not been able to confirm, however the painting is based on the United States 103rd Pursuit Squadron. The included wallpaper is 1920X1200, 32-bit in bitmap format. It was resized and edited from the original source. Uncompressed file size is a approximately 9M. Click here to download this file
  25. Version


    All, RELOADED wallpaper with some reporting the file as broken. This file was recompressed using WinZip 12.0 in legacy mode which allows compatibility with all formats down to WinZip 2.0. For all those true WWI afficiados....... This phenomenal high-quality wallpaper shows a fictious battle between Fokker DVIIs and SPAD XIIIs. The original painting artist I have not been able to confirm, however the painting is based on the United States 103rd Pursuit Squadron. The included wallpaper is 1920X1200, 32-bit in bitmap format. It was resized and edited from the original source. Uncompressed file size is a approximately 9M.

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