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Everything posted by The_Black_Knight

  1. ROF pushed back AGAIN

    I would rather Neoqb delay the release and get the conversion right, then release an unfinished product. Otherwise, we will have a severe repeat of Red Baron 3D. Good things come to those who have patience. In the meantime, at least we have OFF! The_Black_Knight
  2. All, For the life of me this escapes me. A little technical help from creators / modders. With nearly 100 photos to choose from in the campaign date library is this no option to change the photo in the dossier when you create a new pilot? Maybe me in a flight cap and silk scarf? :) If not, is there some secret code to unlock how the campaign reads the pilotXXdossier.txt file? It seems as though this is either random or defaulted. I do not see the reference to the photo in the profile txt, as I can understand about 3/4 of the file understanding the options. Thanks, The_Black_Knight
  3. How to Change Pilot Photo in Dossier?

    DOH! I forgot to look under the "help" button. Change photo number to pilot number............. The_Black_Knight
  4. NEW Wallpaper Uploaded

    All, For those who like SPAD XIIIs and Fokker DVIIs In commemoration of OFF, and the upcoming Rise of Flight US release, I uploaded a high end quality wallpaper today in the OFF - Scenery and Ground Objects section. Direct link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9147 The orginal painting was reformatted, corrected, and photoedited for use as wallpaper. It is 1920X1200, 32-bit in bitmap format. Enjoy, The_Black_Knight
  5. NEW Wallpaper Uploaded

    All, I just checked the download. Its good to go and uncorrupted. What some of you may be experiencing is an error from the compression factor if you are using a different program such as 7zip to unpack the file. The latest WinRAR and WinZip applications experience no problems. Incidently, I use Windows Vista Premium, 64-bit and the bitmap was saved in Photoshop CS4 as a standard 8 bit color coding with 32-bit depth, so there should be no issues with either XP or Vista viewing the file in a viewer or using the image as a background. I hope this clears up an issues. The_Black_Knight
  6. NEW Wallpaper Uploaded

    The file was compressed using Winzip 12.0. Unzipped size is about 9 MB.
  7. Little Details You Look For in a Sim?

    Personally for me, its all about the aeroplane FMs. As an engineer with a firm understanding of aerodynamics, engines, and advancements from this period, I have a tendency to evaluate each individual aircraft on its own merits. If a Nieuport 24 can outturn or equal a Fokker DrI, you immediately have simulation problems. Modeling flight characteristics of individual aeroplanes in conjunction with damage modeling is a tough nut to crack. Not only do you need to understand the limitations of the era, but fundamentals in physics as well. Thats why it was so sad to see MicroSoft's flight sim crew be disbanded. Artists and modellers can do the graphics, but they cannot model the flight effectively. OFF provides good realism within the limits of low airspeed stalls, but not power stalls. Damage models are still a long way from realistic due to eyes on visibility damage. However, this conversion has come a LONG way since its beginning. Red Baron 3D highly tweaked FMs/DMs are the only ones superior at this time. The_Black_Knight
  8. All, I am wondering what potential aeroplane models are in development for the next update for this great simulation? Looking back in time and remenissing the countless hours logged under Red Baron 3D (Full Canvas Jacket) and First Eagles, and Open Plane I can't help but ask. The flight models are very good and plane selection acceptable in OFF, but still could be further tweaked for realism under power stalls and wind conditions. Personally, I have inherent interest in seeing the Pfalz D.XII being added to the hanger stable in OFF. Although it may not have the notieriety of the Fokker D.VII, it was nearly an equal in performance. Back to logging a few more claims.... The_Black_Knight

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