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Test Pilot

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Posts posted by Test Pilot

  1. Nice report there Bullethead! OFF sure seems to get the creative writing juices flowing. Olham, thanks for the info. Didnt realize the Spad had such a good climb rate; Ill need to take advantage of that. I guess it just takes a strong will to stay out of the turning fights I'm so accustomed to in planes like the Camel. The neat thing about the Spad is that it's tough to do a quick turn to the right due to engine torque.

  2. I'm of the opinon of immersion of air combat is a good thing, if you attempt take off mid-winter without warming-up your SE5, and it stalls on you, and you crash that's immursion.


    But if somebody refuses to remove my wheel chocks, until I warm up my engine, how is that immursion.


    If I can override, this waste of time and energy, be my guest



    Dont think of Cntrl Shft B as a burden, just imagine it as a dexterity exercise - but no cheating!


    For total engine management I'll fly FSX's A2A P-47, but a little extra detail where I can get it is still very nice :yes:

  3. Well hopefully I was wrong! I had forgotten all about null zones in MSFS series (no doubt because OFF is nothing like it!) and realized my null zone and sensitivities were at their (very annoyingly set!) defaults. Bumped the sensitivity up and the null zone down and flight was much better; well other than having lost elevator control until started a new flight. Actually shot down a Alb. DII in QC with the Spad until I ran out of ammo. Im almost scared to see what the Camel will be like now! And I haven't even touched any of the triplanes in OFF3 yet... :biggrin:

  4. Hello,

    this is astounding, since all AI-Spads are flying rings around all of my Albatros type planes - :wink:


    The difference of capabilities between AI and own plane of the same type is indeed strange .. as well AI planes can still dive vertically without losing wings, and have no problems in thick clouds - neither in manouevering nor in knowing perfectly my position. Grrr..






    Id simply blame it on my lack of piloting skills in the Spad, but when using the Camel, I can take on 4 of anything and never worry about being outmaneuvered even against those odds (steering clear of the ground is another thing....). Obviously the Camel is almost in a league of its own, but what Im doing isnt entirely wrong at least. Ill try monkeying around with the Spad's trim as that could certainly play a major role.

  5. Given its almost complete lack of maneuverability but its plus dive speed, Spads are a plane that should not get in a turning fight and instead use high energy tactics. What are some tips for this bird? No matter what I do, it seems I get pulled into a turning fight because I always find a fokker on my tail and no amount of climbing or diving ever allows me to shake an EA. Even my wingmen in their Spads seem to have no prayer in this plane.

  6. So in this little world of your's, after we hit 'E' to start the engine, the mythical mechanic, the same one who spun my prop will or won't like the sound my engine makes on rev-up.

    Then on his decision or our hitting 'Shift + Control + B', chocks away and we're allowed to take off


    Does he ever say 'You can't take off'. Is this during a 'Scramble' as well. The present system works rather well


    It's been proven the more you move the pipes around, the more likely for a leak to occur


    To me it's just an overcomplication, for no good reason, but then it's just a personal opinion



    The run up is really just done for testing the magnetos and seeing (and yes listening too) how the engine responds. Sure the mechanic will listen but once the plane is on the line for takeoff, its the pilot who will be doing this. In the sim, this mythical bogeyman mechanic who would never want to part with his precious plane isnt going to have any say here at all.... The key press is really no different than motioning with one's hand to free the wheels for the takeoff roll. I like the idea of the chocks, at least so long it doesnt actually say parking brakes instead on the screen.

  7. I think the best idea of increasing sales may lie simply with including CFS3. Maybe even including the required files from CFS then in the installer itself so that CFS never needs to be installed. CFS3 would certainly ship with the game so as to fulfill legal reasons of copyright and the like, but for someone just using OFF, CFS isnt really part of the install process at all. Even market the OFF DVD as including "the classic WWII combat sim". Itd be like getting a bonus sim and the casual buyer probably would hardly notice the CFS requirement for OFF. Now would MS go for that???

  8. They are both really busy, but if this thread gets enough attention they will respond.. they kinda watch for things that seem to be most important to everyone, as they can't satisfy everyone's wishes, unfortunately.


    I also like the idea of the parking breaks/chocks, but am not seeing any other responses.. Maybe, if you can get some others interested in this as well it will get some attention.



    I for one would like chocks (aka parking brakes) to be simulated for a run up.

  9. Yes but AI have no effects from wind for example. They will slow down so you will catch them later.


    Ok, thanks for the reply. It was way more immersive flying in formation and looking around for enemy a/c (really need trackir and itd be incredible). May take quite a bit longer to fly missions now, but the hour long mission literally flew right by as my attention was constantly focused on both the sky around me and the plane on my wingtip.

  10. Winder, thanks for the status report. We are with you. You have made the right choices all along and I stand with you. I only wish I could do more. Like the others I would purchase any add-ons you OFFer. I am optimistic about sales picking up. Even as other product hits the market I can see an increase of interest in our sim based on it's merits. One product cannot be all things to all people. If only Oprah would mention OFF on her show... or some dictator give Barrack Obama a copy. Anyway, many thanks to you and team OBD, God bless and best wishes.


    Haha! Well if I ever become dictator in the next 4 (or 8) years and meet Obama at an international summit, Ill give him my copy of OFF3! :biggrin:


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