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Everything posted by Macklroy

  1. Clearing gun jams ?

    Short answer: Can't do anything about it. Longer answer: Wait it out. If you're guns jammed because of overheating, they may cool off and work again. Sometimes they spring back to life just at the right time, while other times they will just NOT clear themselves. Like Uncleal said, you can turn off gunjams alltogether if it becomes a gamestopper.
  2. First off: I misspoke before about the date on that pic. It was the 7th of April, not the 10th. (havent even gotten there yet. ) Secondly: The first claim reports on my new se5 pilot, flying for RFC-56, are in. 15 for 15! ! ! Whoohoo. I couldn't believe it. My claim confirmation percentage is usally around 50-70% With my luck the next 15 will be rejected. lol oh well. Just returned from a wet run over the main allied offensive in Arras. And it looks like the days of the DII are over sadly over for me. Reported 3 of these new machines downed (those are the 3 pending claims). S!
  3. 10th of April 1917. RFC 56 flying with Albert Ball and company.
  4. Much agreed. If/when I ever fly an albatross campaign, I'm going to puruse the "Olham" section of Alby skins for sure. Bravo sir! But since this is the SS thread I figured I'd post a random shot for ya'll. Thomas Macklroy's new se5 over the front.
  5. Need help ? Press help !

    Can't help ya with the 'help' function. But I gotta ask. Does that von Mueller have an all red version of that craft with the same design on the side? If so, he shot down and killed Hillman Macklroy just two days ago.
  6. best turn out yet on mp

    Besides the 'hard' damage model. what other 'optional' add on's are necessary to join a mp session with ya'll? Do I need to dl specific missions/planes/etc? I'd love to try and get in on a session or two!
  7. Very nice Olham! Sometimes simplicity is grand.
  8. Poor Toddrick Macklroy played the hero on his second combat flight. Took his flight of three against a group of albatross DV of twice that number. Things weren't too bad untill Manfred and his flight of six alb DV jumped in. 2 v 1 odds is about my limit. Going 4 v 1 is certain suicide. I'm going the cautious route with the other three brothers. Sometimes it's best to come back and fight another day.
  9. Thomas Macklroy Age:24 Enlisted 4 RNAS July 1, 1917 Stationed at Frontier Aeredrome. Flying the sopwith camel Richard Macklroy Age:18 Enlisted 3 RNAS July 10, 1917 Stationed at Furnes Aeredrome Flying the sopwith camel Toddrick Macklroy Age:18 Enlisted 3 RNAS July 10, 1917 Stationed at Furnes Aeredrome Flying the sopwith camel Hillman Macklroy Age:20 Enlisted 10 RNAS July 14, 1917 Stationed at Droglandt Aeredrome Flying the sopwith tripe/TG tripe/camel Introduction: I watched "Saving Private Ryan" this Memorial day weekend and I got the idea to do a little roleplaying with my pilots. Starting from my original avatar I enlisted three 'virtual brothers' (another idea I picked up, from....creaghorn maybe?). All four brothers are enlisted in an RNAS squadron in the summer of 1917. I spread them out a little amongst different sqns, although the twins (Toddrick and Richard fly in RNAS 3 together), I also tried to enlist them roughly at the same time, although the oldest, Thomas, gets about two weeks of combat experience ahead of the others. I'm hopping to get at least one good solid career out of the family. Although the odds that Thomas is still alive when his brothers are brought up to active flight duty is pretty slim. To increase the chances that all four will be flying together on the same day (without going out of DiD) each pilot will only be required to fly one combat mission per day of the campaign. So Tom will get 10 missions under his belt before his younger brothers join the fight. So much creativity I see from the community here on the OFF boards I thought I'd try my hand at something fun! S!
  10. Meet the Macklroys

    Hehe, aye. Hillman is wearing a german getup. But I use the 'paint' program to edit my pilots and so very few pictures of myself on my computer. I just try to make stuff fit. And Toddrick's craft is in fact a nieuport in that picture. Taken durring his first solo flight prior to active duty in the camels. PS-silly me forgot to upload the promo video I put together. Gonna be the next summer blockbuster. "The Summer of '17" I'll upload it this evening. S!
  11. WOW! I can't believe I hadn't flown the sopwith triplane before today. I was tooling around for a new career in the british air corps and figured i'd give the triplane a go in QC. Handles like a dream, and with the twin vickers mounted it's like childs play. Just wondered if anyone else had thoughts on this Fokker killer. S!
  12. Sopwith Tripe & TG Tripe

    January of '17. Be in the tripe before the end of the month.
  13. Sopwith Tripe & TG Tripe

    Thanks for the replies gents. My statement about it being a 'fokker killer' was just a term of phrase. I am quite unfamiliar with the history of wwi and it's aviation history. Most of my opponents have been flying albatross or haberstadt craft. Currently flying a campaign of RNAS 1 since they get the tripe the earliest. Thanks for the history lesson Interlocutor! I have 2 pilots going atm (vitrual brothers if you will). One flies for RNAS 1 while the other for RNAS 8. Both start out with the nieuport but I'm looking forward to flying the sopwith tripe. It is too bad the twin vickers tripe wasnt more common at the front. S!
  14. Only the Cool flame-jobs make it into the movies. Great work on this film btw! Bravo.
  15. Clouds!

    Did you read my post? S!
  16. Clouds!

    While others say setting clouds to 2 makes them 'smaller' and easier to manuver around. I suppose you "COULD" turn off clouds all together. There really is no 100% solution to this issue. You just have to decide which option works for you. I set my clouds to 2 and just take my time to fly 'around' them. But this means I had to set my option to lead the flights all the time otherwise your flightlead can lead you right into one. S!
  17. Some good points here so far Bruce. #1 priority before you enter the mission: Take note of your wingmates names (i write them down on a scratch paper so i can spell them correctly). Under 'witnesses' on your claims form, put ALL of your wingmates names in. Example; Tom Jones, Dick Tracy, Santa Clause Other than that, if you know the plane type, select it from the 'drop down' menu on the claims form. My confirmation success rate was a meger 50% when I simply put "single seat" in for the type of craft destroyed. But now that I'm learning to ID the enemy scouts (I play with labels off) I have been entering them in and getting closet to 90% confirmation. A typical claim form has these elements: -Names of pilots in your flight. -General location of enemy crash site. -Altitude (low, medium, high seems to work) -Some type of description of encounter. (ex: fired short burst / scored hits on engine, wings, tail, etc / smoke visible / flames visible / out of control / crashed in flames. Those are just some examples. But #1!!!!! you MUST have witnesses. If ALL your wingmates get shot down your chances of a confirmation go down with them. Try to keep them alive, or at least 1 or 2 and you'll find that they will put in a good word for that Albatross you shot off their tail. S! and good hunting. PS - one of my earlier pilots shot down an enemy albatross that ended up slamming into a hangar at my own airfield when it crashed. I was 'not' given credit for the kill. Sometimes your paperwork just gets lost or pushed aside. Dont forget there IS a war goin on out there.
  18. 19 and 20

    "Now where did YOU get off to in such a hurry there Ray? One minute you're on my left, the next you're a swiftly disapearing speck off towards Albert like you missed a date." -Antoine Perrone was a fair squadron leader but a strict one. I had broken formation (unbeknownst to me at the time) and now I got to answer for it. My name is Raymond L'Rouy, and I'm currently stationed at cachy aerodrom. And this is my story of number 19 and number 20. We were up for our daily patrol. Antoine, along with Henri Bertrand and a childhood chum of mine Michel Legrand. I was flying Antoine's wing on this particular flight. We were just nearing the frontlines near the city of Albert when I spoted a flight of Fokker EIII scouts bellow us flying low over one of the abandoned RFC aerodroms. I looked up at Antoine and was getting ready to signal him that we had company. But as I looked up he was already tipping his wings as if to say he acknowledged the enemy presence himself. Elated upon finding such easy prey this early in the day I had already banked my nieuport over and was starting my attack before he finished his last wag of his wings. As I gained swiflty on my prey I had only thoughts of them not noticing my prescence that I had failed to realize just what sort of situation was developing. What I later had learned is that Antoine had noticed a friendly flight of two seat recon planes. A flight that we had been notified would be in our area and to watch for them. So what I took for an attack signal was simply him trying to get our attention as to the friendly flight. I suppose my eagerness of the day had won over my cooler judgment. Now as I pulled back the throttle and rolled into an almost vertical dive, now as i'm linning up my target, and now as im just about in the thick of the fight i realize....im alone. With no more than a split second left to think I decide my best defense now is a good offense. So I open the throttle back up to full and lay down on the trigger just as the first fokker passes through the gunsight. I can see im hitting him good, as pieces from his craft are breaking apart and his engine is tossing a large trail of black smoke out behind. I tore back on the stick and pulled above him. I couldn't make him out against the landscape at first but a long trail of black smoke lead me to him. He was really out of control at this point and I had other matters to attend to as one of his friends was now trying to return the favor. We kicked around for a few turns and eventually I managed to get him in front of my gun. On the edge of stall and nearly standing on my right foot to keep the nose up I ran a line of rounds from his prop to his rudder. A quick snap and he rolled into a dive and I followed closely behind. Diving now on my target I was confident that I could finish him quickly. That confidence was quickly smashed by the sound of machinegun rounds cracking through my fueselage and wing struts. Tearing back on the stick again I snapped my head around to locate my antagonist. I could hardly believe what I saw. A heavily smoking Fokker, clearly my encounter from just moments ago, had pulled in behind me in my dive and was now lining up another attack. Luckily I had gathered enough speed in my dive that I was able to climb out of his range of fire. He attempted the same manuver but his craft was too heavily damaged and he could not maintain control and began to spin towards the ground again.Comming back down almost vertical now I reaquired my original quary and sent a long steady burst across his plane. It is my opinion that the last attack put rounds into the pilot. For as I pulled around I witnessed no attempt by the pilot to correct his crafts rate of decent and the fokker exploded in a field just a few yards away from a farmhouse. As I looked back I could also see two billowing columns of smoke now. One near the farmhouse and another a bit further to the south. My opponent with the smoking problem had made the decision to shoot me down or die in his attempt. I could find no other craft in the sky around me. I checked my heading and turned for home marking with my pen two small dots just west of the line south of Albert. 19 and 20 I was hopping. - My story seemed to please Antoine as he chuckled and said. "That could explain the two EIII scouts that we encountered...well, we watched them diving for their lines anyway. We figured something must have spooked 'em. Could have been that mad frenchman with his hair on fire attacking 4 to 1? Just maybe...Now let's see about getting those victories confirmed eh Ray?" "sure thing boss" Michel Legrand added running up to us "Hey Ray! Was that YOU down there with those bosche boys? I thought I saw one of those crates hit a house! Why dont you tell anyone when you're goin on a barn burner?" ------------------------------------- As a side note I reached the 17hr mark for the first time in DiD. Although I am finding it a little easier to survive in nieuports in 1916 than camels in 1917-18. S!
  19. Just wondered what most people set for the 'time advance' option in their campaigns. I just noticed after comming safetly home after a harrowing mission over the front that I had logged my 16th mission. YA!.....and yet here it was the 8th of July and i enlisted on the 2nd of the same month. 16 missions in 6 days!!! Im beat. Im currently using the historical (weather made) mission frequency and have time advance set to automated by the sim. Do most of you fly with those same settings? Do you fly a lighter flight load? Do you advance time manually some times? Just currious about fellow pilots flying habits. S!
  20. Finally here

    Well met luftace. I was also drawn from the spitfires of ww2. This being my first wwi flight sim that i've played it's hard to rate it against others but it's top notch for sure. GL in you virtual endevours and be safe in those of the more REAL nature over in foriegn country. S! sir
  21. Automated or Manual time / date

    Ya i wondered about the fuel thing. If it really does make your plane lighter I'm all for it. I usually leave it at 60% tank. Get's me everywhere i need to go. I just bypass those exceptionally looooong missions. S!
  22. Ending Campaign Missions

    S! Cdr84 Shift+w Will advance your TAC to the next waypoint on your map. Ctrl+w Will take activate the previous wayoint on your map. x Will accelerate time. So what? Well, What i end up doing sometimes in a mission after scrambling to fend off enemy fighters at the air field or go off chasing a two seater for 100miles over whoknowswheresville is this. If you hit shift + w a bunch it will cycle through your waypoints. Once you have the last waypoint activated (last waypoint is home) simply accelerate time. You "SHOULD" end up back at base some 2-3miles from your home airstrip. You can then either land, or just hit esc. and select "end flight" from the drop down. Your mission debrief should say something like, congrats on another flight logged. And then prompt you to fill out any claims if you have actually knocked down an enemy. Hope that helps.
  23. Oh OW!

    Richard Macklroy was on another routine patrol with his best 4 wingmen. A fight had ensued between Macklroy's flight and 5 enemy Albatross DIII near the front lines. When the battle was over and the dust was settling, Mack was watching the last bosche scout crash into a wooded area just outside of la lovie. He scaned the skies for his pilots. Jem, Adam, Jam....*BOOOM*. Slamed by a direct hit from archie Mack's cripled sopwith camel dropped from the sky like a stone. Fighting the controlls and looking frantically for the front lines to set her down in friendly teritory. But it was no use. The ol' bird had bought it. And try as he might the nose would NOT come up. Shortly after the explosion a small fire had started in the cockpit and now things were looking grim. So stressfull was the situation inside the cockpit, that Macklroy had failed to notice tree branches wizzing past his head.... Richard Macklroy spent the rest of the war behind the lines a prisoner of the german army. His tally of 22 confirmed kills in the course of one bloody week in July 1917 shall be remembered as the summer that 'could have been' for a popular british ace. ..................... Well, i guess i can start my french pilot now. I was really on a roll with this one too. My first 5 kills were confirmed. And this pilot had a streak of 17 straight confirmed victories. I think he was Irish or something. No one gets THAT lucky. Even in his last moments he walked away from a crash that would have killed any normal man. S!
  24. Only time I've been able to get the guns to stick 'open' and firing is when i pause the action in mid attack for a quick screenie. If i was firing when i hit pause, I will be firing when I unpause the game regaurdless of if my finger is on the trigger or not. The 'open' gun is soon silenced by a quick flick of the trigger. First time it happeded i thought they were enemy traceres and I started to jink and dive before i realized that the bullets were originating from MY gun haha. silly pilot. S!
  25. If this is old im sorry for beating a dead horse. But i found this serries on youtube and really enjoyed it and learned a LOT about the war and the air war even more. Hope this isnt breaking some forum rules or anything. S! Trying to find them all but some episodes seem missing. I'll try to update them as i find them. 1914- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td8gxOLaJ_g 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iQKne2bj5E 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4Qufv4yoN0 3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y70uNPcM0ww 4- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEn7VAszPXI 5- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE3DDS9IDdk 6- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=328b_UG_Yes 1915 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4KgCATAAiU 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Cm1UzG9Ztk 3 4- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KknW9NYm5pY 5- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n24nXNYxneo 6- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--F-4vSK5Gg 7 8- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX9N1rHyIRg 9- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s-phy2-qfc 10- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxN5bMpfi6E 1916 1 2 3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB-gAQ0Kj10 4- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCY2F08XnVc 5- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vuqb95kFATc 6- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMq0vN8sZK8 7- 8- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv2QXpK8_u4 9- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMHsklB4iJs 10- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyQ3A1Nf0sM 11- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfG4PPucR6A 12 13- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCE0tTSPeas 14- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b0UEUeuhDY 1917 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr5nCRF-znw 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx-NKpgM7EQ 3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25pOL8HOhqs 4- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN84DyCYXV8 5- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq0aNdxyt8w 6- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY6gCAMDRpU 7- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgoZeBrMexY 8- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO4J4Kpp4Ao 9- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbhs0IxCcW8 10- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6_ONXq8_eo 11- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJuYgV83FbY 12- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isKhFQk6fzY 13- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y73HBdrgWJg 14- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O98U73UkB9s 15- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m6Um8pbCJs 1918 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3NSpYQD-FU 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5MU97OHP8c 3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zorhcMpdKHI 4- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kitxZU00_A 5- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vZglWH59lU 6- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNqq1SmoGAo 7- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3vk_Z5OgLg 8- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nI0YtRuAGQ 9- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKTICmxBig4 10- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CrGyrnWpO8 11- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swh7Klmtwgc 12- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q31O3aSTNt0 13 14- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxwFOtXyfiQ End- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaMpaltOdOA

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