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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. The Real G.I. Joe

    France's most famous war pigeon was Vaillant, who on 4 June 1916, during the Battle of Verdun, carried the last message out from surrounded and heavily assaulted Fort Vaux. Vaillant completed his mission, but had flown through clouds of poisonous gas. He was considered dying after arrival, but actually survived several more years. Vaillant was awarded a national citation and became part of the legend of Verdun. His name may have inspired Walt Disney's 'Valiant'.
  2. Staff Sergeant William J. Guarnere

    RIP soldier...
  3. Your fav "BAD GUYS" Cold War plane as a youth?

    MiG-21 later models, before I fell in love with the MiG-29's shapes. (but later, flew flight sims, and simply hated the Fulcrum's cockpit!)
  4. Multiple medals?

    About the basics: first, you must have installed Strike Fighters 2 CAT File Extractor (available at Thirdwire Downloads, Tools and Utilities sub-section), and use it to extract the MedalsUSAF & MedalsUSN.ini file into your SF2/Flight folder. These two files must be located in the SF2/Flight/MissionData001.cat compressed folder. Then you can modify anything in these files, and have these modifications impact the game as long as your files exist in your SF2/Flight folder. For example, you will notice that in both files, the "//Purple Heart" block has a "CanBeMultiple=TRUE" line. Everything you have to do is to add this line in any block where you want to have the medal awarded every time the conditions are met. I have designed several medals packs including US awards (for SF1/ FE1 mostly), and you could make the multiple awards possible for the Air Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Silver Star. I hope this is the answer you were after.
  5. Tomorrow is a big day

    You will survive !
  6. dammit

    Just hope that one day, your landlord will try 'not to evict' very bad people, and get what he deserves, with interests. And damages.
  7. I shouldn't laugh...but

    God once said: "Vengeance is mine;" There He repeated it. Very audibly.
  8. and now, for something completely different:

    So that's the reason why the Killer Rabbits have disappeared in The Netherlands !
  9. Shooting the Cockpit - War Crime or just immoral?

    The weakest part of any warplane from the Taube to the F-22 has always been the same: the pilot's head. René Fonck, an extraordinary sharpshooter, boasted that when flying the SPAD, he could put bullets like with his hand. He usually downed a target with a single burst of 6-10 bullets in all, and no wonder, at least one was usually found in the pilot's head. For the campaigns I'm designing for the WW2 MTO, I have studied many aces of that front; regarding the best marksmen of their nation, for example Hans-Joachim Marseille over Libya and Egypt, George Beurling over Malta, or Pierre Le Gloan over Syria-Lebanon, few of the pilots shot down by these aces did survive. Marseille especially was renowned as a wizard for deflection shots, which allowed him to ignore the dorsal armor plate of the enemy cockpits.
  10. Sad week-end for us movie-fans

    On Saturday, we lost Maximilian Schell, at 83 (The Young Lions, Topkapi, Cross of Iron, A Bridge Too Far...). This Sunday, we mourn the death, at 46 only, of Philip Seymour Hoffmann (Capote, Mission Impossible III, The Boat That Rocked, The Master, and just recently, Hunger Games: Catching Fire...). Two charismatic actors in totally opposite ways. Two giants never fall without a third one stumbling. Have I missed one more sad loss?
  11. Palestine WIP

    Ready for the last and final battle at Megiddo !
  12. Certificate for Erik

    Countersigned for Grade A pass.
  13. Hiroo Onoda: Honor or Fanatism? RIP

    One of my favorite songs actually deals with this oppressive question. "Born in '17 at Leidenstadt" is a collective work by Jean-Jacques Goldmann (French Jew), Carole Fredericks (Black American) and Michael Jones (Welshman). The Jew imagines if he were born German after the WW1 defeat, the Black if she were born white and rich at Johannesburg, the Brit if he were born in Catholic Ulster. Have a try on the enclosed link below. The two last lines are strangely not translated, while they are the most important wish: "May we be spared you and me, if possible for very long, to have to choose one side." Translation of "Né en 17 à Leidenstadt" by Jean-Jacques Goldman ...
  14. London closes oldest fire station 10 more to come w/loss of jobs

    No wonder if the insurance costs for housing in London raise afterwards! It seems that the London authorities have declined back to a pre-1666 level of intelligence. (Boris Johnson himself has a "Quest for fire" look...)
  15. Aircraft and women equations

    F-18 = poof plane? Uh... Will you be brave enough to send your adress to the USMC? They would surely appreciate!
  16. Let's just Nuke 'em

    Perhaps the Koreans have found out that traitors meat gives a better taste to dogs meat?
  17. Let's just Nuke 'em

    "War: it is people who do not know each other but fight each other, for the profit of people who know each other but do not fight each other." (Paul Valéry)
  18. And I like the way this almost accidental episode of human fraternity in despair is bracketted between examples of the usual hatred the governments wanted to instil: the recitations at school by French, British and German pupils, and the infamous sermon of the Bishop of London. And the sad moral is that even while what is best in Man can survive at war, stupidity and cruelty finally prevail. The real world.
  19. Post random things thread

    Mmmm... Too much flesh, too much light, too much needing my Fleshlight !
  20. Reunited at last

    A moving story I heard of last week. On this18 December 2013 was commemorated on the French Mediterranean Coast the last departure from Algiers, just 70 years before, of Free French submarine Protée who was later reported missing with all hands (74 men). The wreck was located in 1995 at 130m depth, close to the French coasts, which confirmed that the sub had been lost to a mine. What was rather unusual at the ceremony, was that the ashes of the last surviving 75th seaman, deceased shortly before, have been put down at sea over the wreck, thus complying with his last wishes. Raymond Morales should have appeared among the missing, 70 years ago, if his best friend had not insisted on swapping their duties on land and at sea. A survivor by sheer luck, Morales chose to rest for ever among those whose water mass grave it was his fate to share 70 years before, after the long and happy delay Destiny granted him.
  21. Post random things thread

    A couple enters maternity hospital for delivery: Man: - Oh darling, if the baby looks like you, it will be a wonder! Woman: - Oh darling, if the baby looks like you, it will be a miracle... A man arrives late at the maternity hospital, after his wife has completed delivery: Man: - Oh darling, I am so ashamed to have missed the birth! Woman: - Don't worry darling, after all you were not present either during the conception... Dissymmetric libidos: Man: - When you're dead, I could say: "Cold, at last." Woman: - When you're dead, I could say: "Stiff, at last." (authentic dialogue between Sacha Guitry and wife Yvonne Printemps)
  22. File Name: Counters & screens for SF2:WW2Pacific File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 13 December 2013 File Category: Menus I had once worked on a campaign for SF1, set in the Marianas, June 1944 (using Wrench's map). I had let it aside, then discovered that The Dev A-Team had perfectly completed this project within its free mod for SF2 full-5 merged: WW2Pacific, and its Expansion Pack 1 (available as usual at Capun Skunkworks). Yet, I'd like to provide here some recyclable marginal works I had designed for this campaign, updated and complemented for an SF2 release, which could be a fine graphical addition to The Dev A-Team's mod: A batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities significantly present during the War in the Pacific – but also expanding to the CBI Theater (China-Burma-India). Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and regimental/divisional devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. For several nations, alternative counters are included to cover the different periods of The War when the aircraft skins or roundels changed. Lot of screens and related texts, initially intended to be linked to my own Marianas 1944 campaign (screens are converted to .jpg format, and includes some alternative screens). Screens and texts cover: openings, daily missions briefings, and campaign victory/draw/defeat/KIA debriefings, for each side. Bon appétit ! Click here to download this file
  23. Updated and submitted. Thank you Gatling.
  24. Counters & screens for SF2:WW2Pacific



    I had once worked on a campaign for SF1, set in the Marianas, June 1944 (using Wrench's map). I had let it aside, then discovered that The Dev A-Team had perfectly completed this project within its free mod for SF2 full-5 merged: WW2Pacific, and its Expansion Pack 1 (available as usual at Capun Skunkworks). Yet, I'd like to provide here some recyclable marginal works I had designed for this campaign, updated and complemented for an SF2 release, which could be a fine graphical addition to The Dev A-Team's mod: A batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities significantly present during the War in the Pacific – but also expanding to the CBI Theater (China-Burma-India). Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and regimental/divisional devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. For several nations, alternative counters are included to cover the different periods of The War when the aircraft skins or roundels changed. Lot of screens and related texts, initially intended to be linked to my own Marianas 1944 campaign (screens are converted to .jpg format, and includes some alternative screens). Screens and texts cover: openings, daily missions briefings, and campaign victory/draw/defeat/KIA debriefings, for each side. Bon appétit !

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