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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. Great Pics of the British Army

    "Pull my lip..."
  2. 200 years ago this day: Armageddon in Europe

    The battle was fought on 16, 18 and 19; 17 October saw minor actions and arrival of reinforcements on both sides (but about 10 Allies to 1 French! Napoleon should have fallen back at that moment). Anyway, it makes the rate of casualties per day even heavier. I hope to see some pics of re-enactments, for I've read somewhere that about 5,000 re-enactors were expected. It could look and sound something more than a common skirmish.
  3. WWII Pet cull

    Just a beginning. Many cities during the War that followed, especially Leningrad, ended up completely cleared of their pets, for more justified and food reasons. War gets the humans insane; how could the beings closest to the humans get out unharmed from that holocaust of values?
  4. England v Poland

    Yep, a much better advert than the Polish Plumber cliché... Polish Plumber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  5. Beijing, China.

    My vote for the third pic, a mix of ancient Feng-Shui harmony and multicolored plastic kitsch. That's the way I imagine modern China, till I can go and see by myself. Perhaps next year (Horse's) or the following one.
  6. Don't know whether to laugh or cry

    I can imagine the new advert from LucasStuff if working with USPS: "Your lightsaber now delivered by Jabba The Hutt itself. Lightspeed not guaranteed."
  7. Vo Nguyen Giap, dead at 102

    Damn, I did not think he was still alive!! His funeral ceremony and national mourning are certainly to be a major event in all of Vietnam these next days. His fiercest opponent at Dien Bien Phu, General Bigeard, just died 3 years ago at 94. He had stated about Giap's treatment of the French PoWs after DBP, 8000 of them dying within the first 4 months: "Giap was a great general, but his doctrine, Marxism, was inhuman. The former Vietminh captain said to me: "We did not kill any prisoner". It's true; they just let them die." Giap's main quality as a leader, was the constant faith he was entrusted by the Viet authorities. He faced several critical setbacks during his military career, facing de Lattre's inventiveness in 1951, facing unsustainable losses during the first weeks at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, not to speak about his repeated tactical failures facing the Americans, or even his own Southern compatriots in 1972. But in circumstances when a common Communist general would have been dismissed, he was kept as the head of military, and as such was each time able to think about bad choices, completely change his mind, and find a new and much more efficient strategy. Anyway, he was one of the greatest military minds of the last century, and of the last millenium.
  8. Tom Clancy Dies at Age 66

    He made enough to be never forgotten. Take the heavenly seat next to Ian Fleming's, Tom.
  9. Navy Fires Carrier Air Wing CO

    Long time since the first women officers aboard could have been welcomed by a: "Beware, miss, I suspect at least three of my seamen to be heterosexual!" [ Yes, some reputations are enduring: in the same A few good men quoted above, Nicholson takes on the "faggoty white uniform"... ]
  10. Navy Fires Carrier Air Wing CO

    "There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning. Promote 'em all, I say, 'cause this is true: if you haven't gotten a blowjob from a superior officer, well, you're just letting the best in life pass you by." - Jack Nicholson as a colonel of Marines in A few good men.
  11. Cyber Punk 2077 Teaser Trailer

    Two hypotheses. First: the psychodoll has been reconditionned and recruited rather than executed on the spot. This can explain the same metallic scar received on her cheek. But while the Max-Tac heavily enhanced cyborgs are themselves on the edge of cyberpsychosis, they are not supposed to be former mass criminals. Second: as the music is dying between the two sequences, the chick cop may have had a break in the vehicle and played a little 'braindance' fantasy of her own on her neural system, with herself and her strong-and-silent colleague she has a crush on as the main characters. Quite twisted, but typical of this degenerate mankind.
  12. Cyber Punk 2077 Teaser Trailer

    I'm old enough to have played that RPG quite much. Ah, the fever of a run in the combat zone of Night City 2020... Always chances to have problems with a cyberpsychotic cyborg that had been too heavily modified, just like this pretty chick in the video, and have the NCPD Cybersquad 'Max-Tac' intervene and terminate the threat in the way we can see. The rules of damages were ridiculously lax in that RPG, so the avatars were very enduring in such a killing universe, I just had a handful of very long-lasting ones. From these games, I remember mostly the problem with the neighbours for having the 1980-90s punk music tooloud too late at night.
  13. 100 years ago today...

    On 23 September 1913, Roland Garros became the first pilot ever to cross the Mediterranean Sea by air, 730 kms non-stop from Southern France to Bizerte (Tunisia), in 7 hours 53 minutes, on a Morane-Saulnier monoplane with a Gnome 60hp engine. He landed with just 5 litres of fuel out of the 245 litres he carried. One step more for the aviation, hats off. Five years and two weeks later, Garros, as a military pilot in the 'Storks' fighter group, was reported MIA during the last hot weeks of the Great War. He is buried just next to the place where his body was recovered, in the cemetary of the small town of Vouziers (Ardennes) - just 10 kms from my parents' place. Meanwhile, he had become the first actual fighter pilot using a fixed forward-firing MG aiming through the propeller, had been just short of one kill to become the first 5-kills ace ever before his capture in 1915, escaped in 1918 after several attempts, had to learn how much aviation had evolved while he was a POW, just to be shot down after a handful of missions with the 'Storks' and 2 more kills. His name has been given to the tennis stadium where the French Open takes place. So an amazing proportion of French people believe he was a tennis player !! Illiteracy is a scourge...
  14. RUSH the movie

    Did not see the movie, but I just hope that this Rush has nothing to do with Rush Hour, Rush Hour 2, Rush Hour 3, etc...
  15. What would you do if you found $42,000

    There are places, I don't know if that corner of Boston is one of them, where when you find $42,000 in a bag, there's a big chance the cash belongs to very bad guys with very bad temper. So it's better to hand over the sum to the police and keep on feeling your fingers cold, rather than have the sum snatched from your stiff hands with severed fingers...
  16. HEY! It's...

    Happy birthday !!!
  17. Active shooter incident reported at Washington Navy Yard

    At least, the relatives of the victims at Fort Hood could have the murderer tried, could hear from him the reasons for his deeds (insane reasons, but reasons anyway), could get a chance to hear remorse and receive apologises (not been the case of course, but a chance anyway, important for those families believing in forgiveness and redemption). Here, nothing of that. The mourning shall be harsher.
  18. Agree. I don't remember that the US Navy stopped dropping or taking bombs on 7 December 1942, 1943 or 1944, whatever bad memories it could have revived. When a war is on its way, there is no good or bad day for trainindg or fighting...
  19. Syrian helicopter shot down by Turkish jets

    Sounds like cold revenge for some Turkish Phantom previously lost...
  20. Active shooter incident reported at Washington Navy Yard

    Not to drop again the debate about weapons and ring the bells at the NRA, but what to think about a sentence like FoxBoston's: "A federal law enforcement official told the Associated Press that Alexis is believed to have a criminal record and to be a holder of a concealed carry weapon permit." !?!!??! Is it only on this side of the Ocean that it sounds totally insane !?
  21. Help: Trying to come with a nickname for my sci fi character

    Fixer, or Fixit.
  22. I want one of these!

    A camera also keeps the the last view of the users' stunned or terrified faces when they realize that the ejector seat really works !
  23. Version


    This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size, more immersive counters, devoted to each of the nationalities that could be present in First Eagles, including possible new theaters. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and division device show the ground units, those with national ensigns and warships shapes the naval units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. This pack may seem redundant after Stephen1918's. However, I was preparing these counters since long as part of a major upgrade for my former Medals Pack for FE. As this work still needs time, I provide the counters here in a separate delivery: they won't be included any more in the new Medals Pack. My counters are also different from Stephen's in two regards, in continuity with my former various counters packs for SF1: first, I kept loyal to the smaller 24x24 size for FE1, enjoyable on large-scale maps with crowded stacks; and second, I kept on using the colors of national uniforms and usual aircraft skins as my counters' background colors, rather than generic colors by sides, thus favoring immersion over immediate readibility. This makes my pack an alternative rather than a redundancy: the choice is still yours. Of course, this mod provides all of the counters needed for the nations present in First Eagles' campaigns on the Western Front, and also in the add-ons available at Combatace giving access to the Italian and Eastern Fronts. Some variant counters have been included, for aesthetic purpose only, for example several German air counters to reflect the changes in German markings and development of camo skins. Ottoman counters have been added for operations on the Palestine map, Romanian counters considering a possible extension of the Eastern Front, Bulgarian, Serbian and Greek counters for a possible development of a Balkan Front. Soviet and Polish counters have been added in the case of scenarios about the Russian Civil War or the Soviet-Polish War. Ground counters have been included for units of the British Empire present on various fronts ( Australia, Canada, India and New Zealand ); and there are even ground counters for “anecdotal” units which once served on the Western Front, such as the two Portuguese divisions decimated during Operation Georgette ( April 1918 ), or the Polish and Czech Legions wearing French blue uniforms engaged during the last offensives in Champagne. However, safe for the Australians and Poles, none of these nations is listed in the game's Nations file (FirstEagles/Flight folder). This can be remedied by small tricks explained in the ReadMe file. Finally, naval counters have even been included for FE2 air-sea scenarios or campaigns taking place in the North Sea, or elsewhere yet to come ( Adriatic, Baltic, Dardanelles... ). A small folder has been added to fix a problem in my former Medals Pack for FE, that prevented the counters of the Royal Naval Air Service ( a new Nation created especially for that mod ) to appear on the Planning Map. It will be fully solved in a later upgrade for that mod, yet to come.
  24. File Name: Air & ground counters for FE File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 03 September 2013 File Category: First Eagles Hanger, Menu Screens This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size, more immersive counters, devoted to each of the nationalities that could be present in First Eagles, including possible new theaters. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and division device show the ground units, those with national ensigns and warships shapes the naval units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. This pack may seem redundant after Stephen1918's. However, I was preparing these counters since long as part of a major upgrade for my former Medals Pack for FE. As this work still needs time, I provide the counters here in a separate delivery: they won't be included any more in the new Medals Pack. My counters are also different from Stephen's in two regards, in continuity with my former various counters packs for SF1: first, I kept loyal to the smaller 24x24 size for FE1, enjoyable on large-scale maps with crowded stacks; and second, I kept on using the colors of national uniforms and usual aircraft skins as my counters' background colors, rather than generic colors by sides, thus favoring immersion over immediate readibility. This makes my pack an alternative rather than a redundancy: the choice is still yours. Of course, this mod provides all of the counters needed for the nations present in First Eagles' campaigns on the Western Front, and also in the add-ons available at Combatace giving access to the Italian and Eastern Fronts. Some variant counters have been included, for aesthetic purpose only, for example several German air counters to reflect the changes in German markings and development of camo skins. Ottoman counters have been added for operations on the Palestine map, Romanian counters considering a possible extension of the Eastern Front, Bulgarian, Serbian and Greek counters for a possible development of a Balkan Front. Soviet and Polish counters have been added in the case of scenarios about the Russian Civil War or the Soviet-Polish War. Ground counters have been included for units of the British Empire present on various fronts ( Australia, Canada, India and New Zealand ); and there are even ground counters for “anecdotal” units which once served on the Western Front, such as the two Portuguese divisions decimated during Operation Georgette ( April 1918 ), or the Polish and Czech Legions wearing French blue uniforms engaged during the last offensives in Champagne. However, safe for the Australians and Poles, none of these nations is listed in the game's Nations file (FirstEagles/Flight folder). This can be remedied by small tricks explained in the ReadMe file. Finally, naval counters have even been included for FE2 air-sea scenarios or campaigns taking place in the North Sea, or elsewhere yet to come ( Adriatic, Baltic, Dardanelles... ). A small folder has been added to fix a problem in my former Medals Pack for FE, that prevented the counters of the Royal Naval Air Service ( a new Nation created especially for that mod ) to appear on the Planning Map. It will be fully solved in a later upgrade for that mod, yet to come. Click here to download this file

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