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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. Lucks holding out for this guy

    So much fear that he may have stayed stuck to his driver seat rather !
  2. Italian Front (WIP)

    Definetely teased_
  3. Fort Hood Gunman Sentenced to Death

    The victims wall is still an impressive view. Just forget the worthless bastard and have a thought for them and relatives...
  4. Two

    An ill-matched couple of lovers exchanges SMS. Romantic call: "Tell me dear, what are you doing? If you are writing, send me your words. If you are crying, send me your tears. If you are sleeping, send me your dreams." - Philistine answer: "I'm s**tting right now!! What the f**k you want me to send you?!"
  5. Why you cant use phones on Planes

    Direct democracy can't work in a plane. Just sit down quietly and let the skilled crew fly you to the Promised Land. Er... Isn't it what our politicians say?
  6. Two

    I pointed out to my girlfriend that there was less and less room left in her trousers. She pointed out that there was still much room left in my condoms... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A man admires his naked body in the standing mirror of his room: "Two inches more, I would be a king !". His wife passing behind: "Two inches less, you would be a queen..."
  7. Never was so much owed by so many speech

    No war can be won through speeches. But sometimes, they can help much, especially Old Winnie's.
  8. VJ Day

    It is sad that Peace occured only after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, after terrible bombings on anything urbanized in the Home Islands, after Japan had passed the edge of starvation. But to be honest, most of Eastern Asians would not have felt sad if the whole Archipelago and all of the Japanese race had been erased by nukes from the face of the World. The problem is that most of Eastern Asia would probably not feel sad either would it happen today. Japan should have shown repentance for mass crimes then, and humble modesty thereafter, in the way Germany has, which made this country reputable again to its neighbours.
  9. RIP... Admiral Sandy Woodward

    Tribute to the admiral ...
  10. it's a boy

    Oh, I thought they would call him Jack, after the two best kings in English history. No, wait a moment... Weren't they the two worst? OK, forget it.
  11. Coming out of the civilian closet

    His Most Catholic Majesty's forces shall gain a firm asset with you, Mac. I had once read a long report about the Spanish Marines: it seems to be a very demanding unit, with harsh selection and harsher training, but a very strong esprit de corps afterwards. Will you face the challenge of your life?
  12. You know in the southern states...

    What about the classical threatening quote for American highway cops: "Don't make me take off my sunglasses!" ?
  13. it's a boy

    "It's a boy!" - I wonder what they said when Grandad Prince Charles was born: "It's a... er... bat?!"
  14. Hey CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News!

    Finely said. And I like the Arthurian Legend summarized in the French series 'Kaamelott' as: "Hah! Between his sword flashing light, his Merlin raining stones, and his Lady-of-the-Lake thinking herself a trout, our King of Brittany lacks but a trapeze act!"

    What weapon exactly was this giant mole banger?
  16. Aircraft Nicknames

    For the french planes, very few nicknames: 'Parasol' for the Morane-Saulnier L and 'Bébé' for the Nieuport 11 are the only ones I know. 'Longhorn' and 'Shorthorn' for the Farman M.F.7 and M.F.11 were nicknames given by the Brits. Another plane who deserved its nickname was Sikorsky's four-engined 'Ilya Muromets', named after a legendary giant warrior (also nicknamed 'Ruskiy Vityaz', the Russian knight).
  17. This photo gives me the creeps

    Who captured them? East or West? I mean, any woman would look quite uncombed and unhappy after interrogation by a whole regiment of sprightly cossacks!
  18. I experience some problems while trying to design my first campaign for The Dev A-Team's Wings Over Russia, free add-on for SF1:WoE. My campaign deals with the liberation of Crimea in 1944, and starts on April 8. Here is an illustrated summary of the problems, the pic is taken on Day 3 of the offensive: Northern Front (Perekop Isthmus): - Map on Day 1: two Soviet armies in Kherson (1) and Nikolayev (2) attack a German corps in Perekop (3). The debriefing claims that Perekop has been captured. - Map on Day 2: the Kherson army is now at Perekop (3) and attacks a Romanian corps at Simferopol Airfield (4), while the Nikolayev army stays where it stands. The debriefing claims that Simferopol Airfield has been captured. - Map on Day 3 !?!!?: Simferopol Airfield (4) is still Romanian-held !! The attacking Soviet army has vanished !!! The Nikolayev army is now at Perekop (3)... Eastern Front (Kerch Strait): - Map on Day 2: a Soviet Navy army appears at Taman (6), a German corps appears at Kerch Airfield (8). Kerch (7) is unoccupied, but Axis-held behind the Axis lines. Taman is connected to Kerch, Kerch to Kerch Airfield, very close. The soviet Army attacks Kerch; the debriefing claims that Kerch Airfield has been captured !?!!? -Map on Day 3: the Soviet Navy army stands at Kerch Airfield, after having captured two strategic nodes in one single attack, including one it was not connected to ! [ I have made tests with an Axis unit at Kerch (7) and an other at Kerch Airfield (8). Once again, both places fall in one single blow. ] The problems are the same in the following days. Any Soviet army at Perekop (3) attacking Simferopol Airfield (4) is prone to vanish even when claimed as victorious. Same disappearance for the Soviet Navy army at Kerch Airfield (8) when attacking Simferopol (5), to which it is connected. The only time the Soviet armies prevail is when there are simultaneous offensives on both Simferopol Airfield and Simferopol. I had such problems when designing ground battles for my former campaigns for SF1: Wings Over Africa (Crusader 1941 & Gazala 1942). Some places were announced to have been captured, but when looking at the map the day after, the place was still enemy-held, and the attacking unit(s) had simply vanished. On the other hand, there was no occurence of a strategic node close to a targetted one falling in the same time, even when unoccupied and even when very close (Bir Hacheim and Bir Hacheim Fort for example). In these campaigns, I just had to rework on the strategic nodes network to have things work better. But here in Crimea there are very few nodes, there is no such alternative. In the Terrain/Russia/Russia_targets file, I have tried to reduce the Radius of the strategic nodes too close to each other, without any result. What does this Radius line mean, actually? Both my WoA and WoR have been installed over an updated installation of SF1: Wings Over Europe. If someone has ever faced the same problem when testing his own campaigns, I'd be glad to have a discussion. Especially if he found out the source of the problem and the way to overcome it. Thank you for your attention.
  19. Actually, I have solved the problem already. It seems that airfields close to other strategic nodes are automatically captured when the neighbouring node is captured, even while they had been designed as independent strategic nodes. All of the mess with victorious attacking units vanishing without obvious reason is also related to this problem. Airfields should never be used as strategic nodes. So I have modified all of my strategic nodes network, adding on the map several new target places to compensate for the low number of strategic nodes still available in the Crimean area: Yalta, Feodosiya, Yevpatoriya, Cape Chersonese (also an airfield there)... I have tested the campaign several times: now it works, with victorious attacking units surviving. I can even get a satisfying duration in spite of the campaign being very unbalanced, by adjusting the resupply rates. I am working now on the hardest part of the project, gathering scarce informations about the actual aces in each unit; it takes longer than for my former MTO campaigns. In order to recoup my works on the map, I plan to add later a campaign about Crimea 1942, the first fall of Sevastopol: Gordon Gollob's JG 77 vs the Black Sea Fleet's MiG & Polikarpov aircraft, another very unbalanced campaign. Much of the work on the data and units is done already, yet still not tested...
  20. Its only a game!

    Do you remember this sketch from the Monty Python: The Bournemouth Gynecologists vs the Watford Long John Silver Impersonators? Quite an uneven match, indeed...
  21. Happy 4th July Yanks :)

    150 years ago, Vicksburg MS, last Confederate bolt on the Mississipi River, surrendered to the Union, thus granting Grant his first step to the White House and the USD 20 note. The town did not celebrate the July 4 any more before 1944. The same day around Gettysburg PA, shocked and exhausted men were still digging the biggest mass graves ever on the American continent to clear an extensive slaughterfield from thousands of bodies and parts of bodies. All of them American, having seen more than their life part of fireworks during the three previous days. Wonderful days... Oh, well, happy July 4 however!
  22. Good Fighter Pilots Gone West

  23. Why NK is a better place to live than the US

    It's easier to catch tasty birds with some good Colombian snow...
  24. How to deal with a Sniper in Vietnam...

    Surprising that there is still a hill after that!

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