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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. KING Willem Alexander .....

    May this reign be worth of respect before the Dutch people today, and History tomorrow. I suppose that new Dutch Euro coins shall be stamped at once?
  2. File Name: Soft targets for Wings Over Russia File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 27 April 2013 File Category: Ground Objects Mods While working on some new campaigns for Wings Over Russia, I thought it could be a good idea to transpose into the infinite plains of Mother Russia my former mod providing infantry objects for Wings Over Africa – and thus, to hand over soft targets to be strafed by your Shturmoviks and Jabos. Here you will find Soviets and Germans, but also Romanians, Hungarians, Italians, Poles and Finns: actually, several of the enclosed units are linked to Eastern battlegrounds not included at the moment in Wings Over Russia (Poland in 1939, Finnish Winter & Continuation Wars, Danubian Europe 1944-45...); but I still hope that in some future they will be! Once more, this work is an adaptatation from Kesselbrut's famous mod providing infantry squads and AT guns crews as 'soft' ground objects (with some files and skins from Heck's work for First Eagles, a handful of other skins from various other objects, and my own tweaked graphical modifications). Proper credits and links are given in the ReadMe file. Click here to download this file
  3. Soft targets for Wings Over Russia



    While working on some new campaigns for Wings Over Russia, I thought it could be a good idea to transpose into the infinite plains of Mother Russia my former mod providing infantry objects for Wings Over Africa – and thus, to hand over soft targets to be strafed by your Shturmoviks and Jabos. Here you will find Soviets and Germans, but also Romanians, Hungarians, Italians, Poles and Finns: actually, several of the enclosed units are linked to Eastern battlegrounds not included at the moment in Wings Over Russia (Poland in 1939, Finnish Winter & Continuation Wars, Danubian Europe 1944-45...); but I still hope that in some future they will be! Once more, this work is an adaptatation from Kesselbrut's famous mod providing infantry squads and AT guns crews as 'soft' ground objects (with some files and skins from Heck's work for First Eagles, a handful of other skins from various other objects, and my own tweaked graphical modifications). Proper credits and links are given in the ReadMe file.
  4. I had let BoB aside mostly for no terrain could fully satisfy me and immerse me into the battle. Now I'm going to play it again, and again. Thanks a lot, and congrats for this new brilliant piece of World. Sad for the lack of buildings, but I'm sure some TOD genius will find himself motivated enough by this piece of art to find a way.
  5. File Name: Gazala 1942, a campaign for WoA File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 20 April 2013 File Category: User Made Campaigns May 1942. Rommel's successful counter-offensive, following the retreat of Autumn 1941, had regained most of Cyrenaica by February. But since, the Axis forces had been blocked before the Gazala Line: a deep minefield running through the desert from Gazala to Bir Hacheim, stippled with fortified "boxes", and supported by mobile armoured reserves. Having received enough supplies, Rommel now planned to brutally unfreeze the situation. 'Operation Venezia' implied a daring flanking move South: while the Italian X and XXI Corps were tasked to fix the Allied attention North, around Gazala, the Afrika Korps and the Italian XX mobile Corps would outflank the fortified "box" of Bir Hacheim, and face the British tank reserves in the open, far away from the minefields cover, where the supposed superior range of German guns should give a decisive advantage to the Axis forces. The frontal attack on Gazala was launched in the afternoon of May 26. The flanking move began that same night. In the morning of May 27, the Axis tanks overran one brigade, surprised while isolated in the open, and drove back two others. The Afrika Korps kept the momentum, heading Northeast, while behind it, the Italian armoured division 'Ariete' was tasked to capture Bir Hacheim and secure the supply lines. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here is my second campaign for Wings over Africa, the free add-on by The Dev A-Team re-enacting the War over the most legendary battlefields of North Africa. All of the required planes and objects are provided already, except my own Soft targets for WoA whose download will be required (link included in the ReadMe file). One single modified file is provided additionally, giving higher hosting allowance to several airfields in order for them to manage the large number of units crowded as historically as possible on both parts of the Gazala Line (accurate details in the ReadMe file). This file is actually the same that the one enclosed with my former campaign Crusader 1941, so is compatible with both campaigns, and doesn't spoil the other campaigns by The Dev A-Team. A French translation of the campaign texts, as well as a handful of new counters are also included. Now choose your side, and protect or break open the gate to Egypt! Click here to download this file
  6. Gazala 1942, a campaign for WoA



    May 1942. Rommel's successful counter-offensive, following the retreat of Autumn 1941, had regained most of Cyrenaica by February. But since, the Axis forces had been blocked before the Gazala Line: a deep minefield running through the desert from Gazala to Bir Hacheim, stippled with fortified "boxes", and supported by mobile armoured reserves. Having received enough supplies, Rommel now planned to brutally unfreeze the situation. 'Operation Venezia' implied a daring flanking move South: while the Italian X and XXI Corps were tasked to fix the Allied attention North, around Gazala, the Afrika Korps and the Italian XX mobile Corps would outflank the fortified "box" of Bir Hacheim, and face the British tank reserves in the open, far away from the minefields cover, where the supposed superior range of German guns should give a decisive advantage to the Axis forces. The frontal attack on Gazala was launched in the afternoon of May 26. The flanking move began that same night. In the morning of May 27, the Axis tanks overran one brigade, surprised while isolated in the open, and drove back two others. The Afrika Korps kept the momentum, heading Northeast, while behind it, the Italian armoured division 'Ariete' was tasked to capture Bir Hacheim and secure the supply lines. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here is my second campaign for Wings over Africa, the free add-on by The Dev A-Team re-enacting the War over the most legendary battlefields of North Africa. All of the required planes and objects are provided already, except my own Soft targets for WoA whose download will be required (link included in the ReadMe file). One single modified file is provided additionally, giving higher hosting allowance to several airfields in order for them to manage the large number of units crowded as historically as possible on both parts of the Gazala Line (accurate details in the ReadMe file). This file is actually the same that the one enclosed with my former campaign Crusader 1941, so is compatible with both campaigns, and doesn't spoil the other campaigns by The Dev A-Team. A French translation of the campaign texts, as well as a handful of new counters are also included. Now choose your side, and protect or break open the gate to Egypt!
  7. Bandit 6 o'clock

    It depends both on the enemy plane and my own. Speedbrakes combined with barrel roll/ sideslip, and hope in an enemy overshoot, is a generic tactics, but I wouldn't use it with a plane whose speedbrakes are too slow to spread. Flying at altitude a heavy plane vs a lighter one (F-4 vs MiG-17 typically), I would give dive a chance. Flying a MiG-17 vs a F-4, I'd rather try the tight turn. Flying a MiG-15 vs anything, I'd never try the tight turn on any account (!), vertical climb if sufficent kinetic energy work fine; if not for some reason, speedbrakes work quite well. Also important is the enemy armament. Burners I'd never use before an enemy in my six potentially equipped with decent IR missiles, I would even throw a few flares during the maneuvers if having one finger still available. Against an enemy without or with but poor IR missiles, no such restraint. Against an enemy with good missiles, it is important to get out of the lethal cone ASAP; boldness can pay as much as it can put an end to your fight. Against an enemy with unreliable missiles, high G maneuvers will either dissuade him from firing them, or have him waste them (depending on how your own plane can execute such maneuvers). Against an closing enemy with guns only, the priority is to spoil his line of fire at once by frantic unpredictable maneuvers, and have him waste ammo, then only to search a way out.
  8. Starting a new gig soon

    Congrats, Excellency. How many lobbyists at your door and phone already?
  9. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    Do they still have death penalty in Massassuchets? It won't resuscitate the dead, neither appease the maimed, nor even have the paranoiac madmen give up their fantasized war against the Federal state. But people premeditating and planning such acts won't say they were not aware of the consequences.
  10. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    True, very controversial as a politician and a person, but leaving the land of the living usually closes any controversy. So RIP anyway.
  11. File Name: Operation Crusader 1941, a campaign for WoA File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 30 March 2013 File Category: User Made Campaigns On mid-November 1941, six months had passed since Rommel's Afrika Korps and the Italian Army of Libya had driven back the Western Desert Force to Marmarica, secured positions at Sollum and Halfaya, surrounded and besieged the port of Tobruk. All of the Allied ill-planned counter-attacks against Rommel's strong positions so far had failed. Yet, though scarcely and expensively supplied by sea, the Tobruk Fortress still stood fast, fixing enemy forces and denying this strategic supply port to the Axis. Now Rommel was ready to deliver a heavy and, he hoped, decisive blow against Tobruk by November 20. Therefore, he had ordered his subordinates to ignore all of the deceptive maneuvers the British could attempt against his Eastern positions in order to disorganize the assault. Unfortunately for Rommel, it was a major offensive that Cunningham's Eighth Army was actually planning, named 'Crusader' after the new cruiser tank model just delivered on the Desert front - both the tank and the offensive crystallizing great hopes. While the XIII Corps was to threaten and locally outflank the main enemy positions at Sollum and Halfaya, the XXX Corps, with 7th Armoured Division as a spearhead, was to advance deeply into Rommel's rear lines and seek a decisive battle in the open against the outnumbered Panzers. The flanking maneuver began on November 16, and when the 7th Armoured Division stroke the Italian division 'Ariete' on November 18 at Bir-el-Gubi, Rommel didn't understand at once that he was to lead a major and decisive battle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Welcome to the first of my first two campaigns designed for TK games – actually, for a marvellous free add-on for TK games. A 'Gazala 1942' campaign shall indeed be uploaded very soon. So please forgive some possible mistakes and omissions, due to sometimes scarce or conflicting sources. I need your indulgence, and possibly, if wanting to share, your informations and sources to amend my database for my other projects. Almost all of the required planes and objects are provided already in the excellent Wings over Africa mod, except an Italian skin for Stuka. Fortunately, Wrench has designed an adequate model which is available for downloading at Combatace. Also, my own Soft targets for WoA will be required. All of the links are included in the ReadMe file. Some modified files are provided, allowing some Italian units to fly the Fiat G-50 in campaign with adequate markings, and giving higher hosting allowance to several airfields in order for them to manage the large number of units posted as historically as possible on the start line of the offensive (accurate details in the ReadMe file). A French translation of the campaign texts, as well as a handful of new counters are also included. Now time to take off and fight for Tobruk! Click here to download this file
  12. Version


    On mid-November 1941, six months had passed since Rommel's Afrika Korps and the Italian Army of Libya had driven back the Western Desert Force to Marmarica, secured positions at Sollum and Halfaya, surrounded and besieged the port of Tobruk. All of the Allied ill-planned counter-attacks against Rommel's strong positions so far had failed. Yet, though scarcely and expensively supplied by sea, the Tobruk Fortress still stood fast, fixing enemy forces and denying this strategic supply port to the Axis. Now Rommel was ready to deliver a heavy and, he hoped, decisive blow against Tobruk by November 20. Therefore, he had ordered his subordinates to ignore all of the deceptive maneuvers the British could attempt against his Eastern positions in order to disorganize the assault. Unfortunately for Rommel, it was a major offensive that Cunningham's Eighth Army was actually planning, named 'Crusader' after the new cruiser tank model just delivered on the Desert front - both the tank and the offensive crystallizing great hopes. While the XIII Corps was to threaten and locally outflank the main enemy positions at Sollum and Halfaya, the XXX Corps, with 7th Armoured Division as a spearhead, was to advance deeply into Rommel's rear lines and seek a decisive battle in the open against the outnumbered Panzers. The flanking maneuver began on November 16, and when the 7th Armoured Division stroke the Italian division 'Ariete' on November 18 at Bir-el-Gubi, Rommel didn't understand at once that he was to lead a major and decisive battle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Welcome to the first of my first two campaigns designed for TK games – actually, for a marvellous free add-on for TK games. A 'Gazala 1942' campaign shall indeed be uploaded very soon. So please forgive some possible mistakes and omissions, due to sometimes scarce or conflicting sources. I need your indulgence, and possibly, if wanting to share, your informations and sources to amend my database for my other projects. Almost all of the required planes and objects are provided already in the excellent Wings over Africa mod, except an Italian skin for Stuka. Fortunately, Wrench has designed an adequate model which is available for downloading at Combatace. Also, my own Soft targets for WoA will be required. All of the links are included in the ReadMe file. Some modified files are provided, allowing some Italian units to fly the Fiat G-50 in campaign with adequate markings, and giving higher hosting allowance to several airfields in order for them to manage the large number of units posted as historically as possible on the start line of the offensive (accurate details in the ReadMe file). A French translation of the campaign texts, as well as a handful of new counters are also included. Now time to take off and fight for Tobruk!
  13. What would be your alternative to Morphine?

    It would be a moving way to cheer up the last moments of a poor young lad. But I can imagine the scene after at the coroner's: "Er... Morphine could explain that blissful smile. But who the hell can explain me why this legless stiff has such a massive... er... stiffness?!?"
  14. Let's have a pissing match

    To stop the teens just playing with their own joystick in the loo?
  15. StartDateDeviation=0 -------------------- Campaign starting at planned date, not one single day before or after NormalMissionRate=20 ------------------ One mission per 20 days NormalMissionRateDeviation=9 ------- Seeing above, latitude of 9 days: your next mission will occur between 11 and 29 days after the one you completed OffensiveMissionRate=12 -------------- When an offensive is on its way (ground units attacking), you'll have one mission per 12 days instead OffensiveMissionRateDeviation=5 ---- Seeing above: during an offensive, your next mission will occur between 7 and 17 days after the one you completed
  16. I used to play it for several campaigns, and likes it above SH4 (not tried SH5, bad rumors). I played it in a some unrealistic way, always using magnetic detonation, much more efficient (I like the view of torpedo course, detonation, and damage underwater), even when assigned close to Iceland. Historically, it seems that the Germans switched off the magnetic device on their torpedoes as soon as Spring 1940, after too many critical duds during the Norwegian campaign, just fought too close to the Magnetic Pole. The Americans were the jerks who, compelled by insane superior orders, kept on using malfunctioning magnetic torpedoes for all of the first part of the War in the Pacific, missing golden opportunities to reduce the Imperial military and merchant Navies as soon as 1942. Also unrealistic, I have several times eliminated a chasing destroyer, rushing right ahead, just by firing my aft torpedo (magnetic detonation). Too easy to be true.
  17. Everybody hates me

    Does it exist for Miniguns?
  18. On 21 March 1918, the Germans unfroze the Western Front and began their Spring Offensive, a calculated bet taking advantage of the end of the war at East and of their recent numerical superiority at West. New tactics in the use of artillery, gas, and Stosstruppen proved deadly in the face of outnumbered British troops still shocked by the vain expensive offensives of the preceding year. As soon as the first days, no such gains of ground had been noticed at West since 1914. With this blow at the hinge of the Allied armies, it was the moment when the Reich was the closest to disrupt the front and win the war, driving the French to protect Paris and the Brits to fall back to the North Sea ports. Finally, this blow could lead to a result that four years of war shoulder to shoulder could not achieve: a much more integrated Allied command, able to react much more efficiently to the next offensives to follow, until the tide turned in July.
  19. Be afraid......

    Don't forget the ultimate NK weapon since 1950 in case of hot confrontation: the screaming left-winged Peace movements of decadent, fat, loosened-arsed West...
  20. Starcraft Players: PETA states Zerglings have feelings too.

    ...Except the human species, which PETA notoriously hates.
  21. Political Discussions

    Access requested please. Thank you.
  22. Soft targets for Wings Over Africa



    While working on some new campaigns for Wings Over Africa, I have examined many detailed orders of battle for ground units and sub-units. And always in search of ultimate accuracy, I have realized that several of these units, even at division-level, couldn't honestly be materialized on this dusty battlefield with any of the many tanks, SP guns, or even armoured cars provided with the mod. Lacking armour and engines, these units should be definitely classified as 'soft' targets. Yes, that sort of targets that allow pure fighters even carrying machine-guns only to enrich their score anyway, besides... Needless to say (safe for credits and acknowledgements), this work is an adaptatation from Kesselbrut's famous mod providing infantry squads and AT guns crews as 'soft' ground objects. Some files and several skins come from Heck's work for First Eagles, a handful of other skins come from various other objects, sometimes with my own graphical modifications. Proper credits and links are given in the ReadMe file. These new infantry objects will be required for a couple of new campaigns for WoA that I plan to deliver soon.
  23. File Name: Soft targets for Wings Over Africa File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 07 March 2013 File Category: Ground Objects Mods While working on some new campaigns for Wings Over Africa, I have examined many detailed orders of battle for ground units and sub-units. And always in search of ultimate accuracy, I have realized that several of these units, even at division-level, couldn't honestly be materialized on this dusty battlefield with any of the many tanks, SP guns, or even armoured cars provided with the mod. Lacking armour and engines, these units should be definitely classified as 'soft' targets. Yes, that sort of targets that allow pure fighters even carrying machine-guns only to enrich their score anyway, besides... Needless to say (safe for credits and acknowledgements), this work is an adaptatation from Kesselbrut's famous mod providing infantry squads and AT guns crews as 'soft' ground objects. Some files and several skins come from Heck's work for First Eagles, a handful of other skins come from various other objects, sometimes with my own graphical modifications. Proper credits and links are given in the ReadMe file. These new infantry objects will be required for a couple of new campaigns for WoA that I plan to deliver soon. Click here to download this file
  24. Doomsday Preppers called

    French version of the Doomsday shelter, just don't forget your corkscrew! Moisture is intentional: to grow mushrooms, lure frogs, scrape stinky ersatz cheese from the walls, and drown out own feet's smell...
  25. Another film thread

    All of Sergio Leone + Ennio Morricone Westerns = unforgettable soundtracks + classic melt of large views on vertiginous countrysides and close-ups on ice-cold eyes + stinking bastards with ugly faces + humour + immortal quotes... Also liked the latest 'Django' as a new milestone in the history of Westerns (ditto bastards, humour, quotes, etc)

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