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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. Soviet Kittyhawks?

    Thank you, Wrench. I'm clearly not a graphical modder in the heart, but I have other tinker ideas: on these land-lease planes, the red star often covered the US roundel without fully erasing it. A new Decals file on a green/brown skin like Starfighter2's (ET 449 with red spinner) should fix the problem... By the way, I'm just finishing a campaign for Wings over Russia, covering the Crimean offensive in April-May 1944, that will require the user to download a few additional planes from Capun's: the BV-138, the Boston and adequate Soviet skin, and yes, the P-40E (actually P-40M of the Black Sea Fleet). But I can't find the original model any more at Capun's (that, or the grease on my glasses has intoxicated some parts of my brain!): the model I use and work on comes from Wings over Africa. Where should I give instructions to download the P-40E from, please?
  2. Best movie of 2012?

    Just my choice, but I would place The Hunger Games over Dark Knight Rises...
  3. Happy New Year to everyone....

    [drunk yawn] Bonne année les mecs...
  4. Merry Christmas everyone

    Peace on Earth!
  5. Star Wars: The Old Republic goes Free to Play

    After now slightly more than a couple of weeks playing the Jedi Consular ("Let the Force in, and enforce Peace") and the Sith Warrior ("Jump into the melee, feel the power in your enemies' distress, and let some others count the burnt bodies"), both about 22nd Grade, I can tell I just find the game really, dangerously addicting. But I usually am an easy audience. I would have never come to the game if paying, fearing an unsufficient system, but it works well on my machine. Now I can't wait to carry on with my avatars' adventures, and try some other careers...
  6. It´s Official. Sign in, for the US to impose order thru the Galaxy

    "Mmm... Interesting." - Homer Simpson "Signing in!" - Sarah Palin "Will there be a Mormon chapel aboard?" - Mitt Romney "Could I write, I would sign!" - George W. Bush "I am a Death Star!" - Marilyn Manson
  7. You just can't get enough of ass !

    Corsicans like sausage of ass; one of their main weaknesses. So, old Dumenicu has invented an automatic machine to make sausages out of an ass, and presents it to his son, a boy not really renowned for his bright intelligence: [ with Corsican accent ] - You see, Alfonsu, the ass enters the machine here on the conveyor belt, and some minutes later, delicious sausages just go out there... Alfonsu thinks a moment, then asks giggling stupidely: - Hey babbu, have you found a machine, you put a sausage into, and an ass goes out? Old Dumenicu sighs and replies: - Yes son, I have found one: your mother...
  8. I had noticed too. Gepard's answer is peremptory. Primary/ seconadary guns, or gun groups
  9. 12 12 2012

    Big nice fireworks planned for me on that 12/12/12: in Le Havre, we just inaugurate a new tramway network that evening at dusk on this so symbolic date. Hoping it won't rain again...
  10. The skin is perfect for any D.520 Vichy unit present in Syria (GC III/6 & II/3). As the D.520 is still available with II/3 emblem in the all-inclusive WoA where my campaign would just have to be added, it would be enough to add a tga for D-520/Camo/D/SqBadge139 for GC III/6 emblem, either Mask of tragedy of 5e Esc. (the unit of ace Le Gloan), or Mask of comedy of 6e Esc., both on the tail actually: both emblems are available on many other jet skins for GC I/11 Roussillon (at WoE or SF2:E for exemple, but also products listed on CA's Free licensing list). My greatest lack now would be Veltro's Morane MS.406 (for GC I/7 in Lebanon): I have the model for personal use, but as this is not the case for everyone else, I would have to replace it with a Hawk 75 when uploading the campaign. Your Palestine map is just perfect for my works: airfields at Lydda and Aqir, raw dusty Levant strips, and anyway, I intended to focus on the Southern, hardest-fought part of the campaign only. I have just added a Vichy base at Rayak (alas on the only flat part of country I could find West of Damascus, far away from genuine place in the Lebanese valley, off flyable map anyway), as well as a strategic node to have the ground fight to Beirut last longer. I would also like to add some Vichy French objects present in the Morocco map of WoA (tanks, Peugeot trucks, AA guns...), but the mod's ReadMe is not detailed enough to know who made what, and to know at the moment whom to ask for authorization. Of course, these modified files would have to be added after downloading all of your original work, to save your original files.
  11. Flotille 11F was 1F between 1940-53, was once made of carrier-based Escadrille 7C1, later renamed Escadrille 1AC... Yet the black Seahorse has always been its emblem. This site just gives you the variations for this emblem: http://www.ffaa.net/squadrons/11f/insignes.htm Translating texts from French: - 1938-44: on mid-fuselage of Dewoitine, behind the cockpit (see pic below) - 1945-50: on lower nose of Seafire - 1950-52: on upper tail of Hellcat I wonder which era you're aiming at, but in case, just saying, I'm badly lacking a Dewoitine D.520 Vichy skin for Escadrille 1AC, for a campaign I'm preparing for WoA, Syria-Lebanon 1941 (which would require adding your Palestine map to the WoA Installation).
  12. Check my old: Medals & Musics Pack for Edward's Korean War It may be easily adaptable to SF2. It gives medals only for the Soviet "volunteers", but better than nothing. I plan for long to upgrade it with NK & PRC panels, working from time to time on the gathered pics, but other long projects eat my available time. Besides, it seems that at that time, the Chinese People's Army of Liberation, in a pure vision of Revolution, had no official medals, no official ranking system. Heard however of an unofficial ranking system by the numbers and places of pockets and buttons on the uniform: soldier men stay soldier men!
  13. File Name: National counters for Wings Over Russia File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 18 November 2012 File Category: SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size, more immersive counters, dedicated to each of the belligerent nationalities in Wings Over Russia, the free mod for WoE developed by The Dev A-Team. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and division (Axis) or corps (Soviet) devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. The represented nations are either present in the only campaign existing at the moment, or available for possible new campaigns and theaters on this tremendous Eastern Front (Finns, for instance). Three “nations” have also been added to the list (replacing others, actually): the Soviet Guards, the Soviet Navy, and the Free Czechs (who flew within the Red Air Force, like the French and Poles). You can see on the illustration the graphical interest of having the growing numbers of Guards units distinguished from the other stacked Soviet ones. The modified Nations list also associates adequate lists of ranks with several of the air forces who fought over Russia, and adds some other slight modifications to reflect some realities of the Eastern Front. Click here to download this file
  14. Version


    This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size, more immersive counters, dedicated to each of the belligerent nationalities in Wings Over Russia, the free mod for WoE developed by The Dev A-Team. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and division (Axis) or corps (Soviet) devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. The represented nations are either present in the only campaign existing at the moment, or available for possible new campaigns and theaters on this tremendous Eastern Front (Finns, for instance). Three “nations” have also been added to the list (replacing others, actually): the Soviet Guards, the Soviet Navy, and the Free Czechs (who flew within the Red Air Force, like the French and Poles). You can see on the illustration the graphical interest of having the growing numbers of Guards units distinguished from the other stacked Soviet ones. The modified Nations list also associates adequate lists of ranks with several of the air forces who fought over Russia, and adds some other slight modifications to reflect some realities of the Eastern Front.
  15. Nesher, Wilco, Guyran, Mannie

    Reciprocal blind fire is not the answer: it won't elevate the debate, and won't disturb but innocent people, about whom no policymaker on either side give a damn. Accurate fire is the answer, as accurate as possible, at best just between the eyes of the nearest Hamas warmonger as done some days ago. "Hey, Fire-Eater: eat that!!" Stand fast, Israel!
  16. Best punch scene

    For a real-life, media-covered, historic with far-reaching consequences punch, just remember this one: Coup de boule de Zidane vs Materazzi. Finale ...
  17. Rare Korean war photos . . .

    I can also recognize 3 pics of what seems to be the wreckage of Guy Bordelon's Corsair: five red stars, VC-3 markings, and darkened roundels for night fighters. Bordelon was the only Allied ace on prop plane, the only Allied night fighter ace, the only US Navy ace, and seemingly the last scoring ace of the War.
  18. help me understand something, Navy uniforms.

    Hey, had the seamen worn pink jackets and fluorescent pantyhoses, some persistent reputations would have been much less ambiguous... More seriously, the white uniforms appeared at the era of the coal-fed navy. I suppose it may have been a humiliating way, typical of those times, to emphasize the difference between the immaculate uniform of the honorable deck officer rarely leaving the bridge, and the dirty fatigue suit of the recruit sweating at the boilers.
  19. 50 years ago this week

    "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?" (WarGames)
  20. Syrain Helicopter Shot Down

    You need to be a Syrian rebel, and perhaps to be strafed, hacked and rocketted repeatedly by these unreacheable mosquitoes. When you finally can crush a bug, you can't help a "Yessss!". In such a case, it's better the crew doesn't reach the ground still alive.
  21. Not a bad guess for 1977

    If a real Firefox, I wouldn't fly in its six !
  22. At the moment, I'm preparing a campaign that may overstack a large number of squadrons on a limited number of airfields: the Kursk 1943 campaign for Wings over Russia by The Dev A-Team, rewritten with expanded and accurate orders of battle: more than 300 Aviapolk/Gruppe-size air units! Of which, some 240 Soviets air units are mainly and about evenly stacked on 7 available airfields, each of them rather representing the operational bases for all of an Air Army. Let us consider one of these airfields now assigned overwhelming, and oversized responsibilities: [TargetArea048] Name=Kursk Airfield Position=789000.000000,563000.000000 Radius=7071.067871 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY AirfieldDataFile=RUSSIA_AIRFIELD3.ini NumSquadrons=4 - - - - - - - - - - > ?? Target[001].Type=Runway3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ What does the NumSquadrons line actually mean? Does it mean that whatever the number of squadrons stacked on this strip, only four random of them could be sent up the air at the time of your mission? If so, may I expand this number to 12, or 16, to make the most of the 30+ squadrons on each airfield, and not to have the painful feeling that the overwhelming Soviet air superiority over Kursk is somewhat... congested? Is there some other data somewhere else concerning the max number of squadrons in the air during a mission that the game can process? Thank you for your answers...
  23. The Russian map proposes mostly #3 airfields for the Soviet side of the front. Each relevant airfield could be crammed with 30+ regiments (20-32 planes), but it would be sufficent to me if only 12 of them per airfield could be present over the front each time a mission is launched (there would be several missions a day during offensives). Testing again and again with one single airfield hosting an increasing number of squadrons, each one of a different model, could help to assess the actual operational allowance of a modified airfield. Boring method anyway. Thank you for your answers, masters.
  24. English class in spain

    I suppose most people in Barcelona are actually bilingual, speaking Catalan, and Castilian as a foreign language...
  25. English class in spain

    Master, I have often seen even more miserable examples in a neighbouring European country, bilingual of old: Belgium. My place is well linked to Flanders, where I go visting and shopping from time to time, and my parents' place is close to Wallony, where we often go together. In Flanders, I have met many shop-owners or people in the street first refusing to answer me in French, until they realized I was a French foreigner, not a Belgian Walloon. Then they proved able to perfectly speak French. And in Wallony and center Brussels, I saw as well in many shops and restaurants waiters refusing to speak or understand basic Dutch, and thus forcing their Belgian Flemish customers to pathetically stammer French. I'm sure they would have made some efforts, had the tourists been Dutch. Without some efforts from both sides, this poor kingdom is doomed. By comparison, consider Switzerland, a tiny country who have happily survived centuries of multilinguism, without any insuperable hitch...

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