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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. 7Jul 2005, London

    In memoriam ... ...
  2. Your best mods for First Eagles?

    Browse the fine products developped by Capun's team. You will need to register, and conform their restrictions about downloading. There are many planes you really can't go without, like the Brisfit, the DH4, and the Pfalz D.III, and some interesting few used planes (I can't live now without their SS D.III). http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/Skunworks1.html
  3. Happy Birhday Slartibartfast

  4. Women Football World Championship

    More Eros, less egos. Acts, not craps. Women's game can be a fine alternative to the ugly spoiled bastards of the male soccer.
  5. Eurocopter Tiger to Libya

    I've heard that the Armée de l'Air has already been reduced for a while to drop practice bombs to save ammunitions. We'll soon have to drop darts, breeze blocks, wrenches, bags of bolts, and Bastille-Day bangers! It wouldn't sound class at all if Gadaffi was wounded by a wrench on his foot, would it? It is not new to the Armée de l'Air. I've read that in 1991, in spite of months of preparation, they began Desert Storm with less than 60 AS30 Laser. In spite of 95% accuracy, they soon ran out of them, and had to modify their Jaguars in order for them to carry the Paveways they had begged from US units.
  6. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    The international award for troublemakers is a purple mark of hobnailed boot sole on the butt. Without any clasp distinguishing the religion. Period.
  7. 97 Years Ago.....

    I don't know of a present official American representative at Rethondes. I have names for 7 French (all Army), 4 British (all Navy), and 6 Germans (some civilians), including interpreters and aides-de-camp. But Marshall Foch himself, who was present, said a bit later in 1920 after the Versailles Treaty: "This is not Peace, this is a 20-year-long armistice." (quoted in Hearts of Iron 3). How right he was! as the French defeat in 1940 was ratified in the same carriage, following Hitler's will...
  8. Lost the will to fly/play

    Have a new look on The History Channel's Dogfights, random period. I usually watch a couple of relevant episodes before starting or in the course of a campaign. May these heroic examples inspire you to take off in the search of Glory, and to take it down from the clouds!
  9. 97 Years Ago.....

    " - World War One: one hundred military killed to one civilian. - World War Two: one military killed to one civilian. - Vietnam War: one military killed to ten civilians. You know how to survive the next war: ENLIST !!!" (Pierre Desproges)
  10. I'm working at the moment on new annual campaigns for Edward's Korean War mod for SF1. And I still find it disturbing to see so often my UN units sent towards Shenyang, PRC, an unthinkable move that could have possibly triggered WW3. I'd like to immunize all of the targets located in China and the USSR, safe for Antung airfields area, without going through the radical solution to erase them (I need the airbase at Shenyang). I'd like also to allow my Communist prop-bombers a few strike missions, but not too far away behind the front line, and to immunize the other UN possible targets. So, is there a code line that can be inserted in the Targets data to make some of them immune from enemy missions? Thank you for helping.
  11. Personalised wingmen

    UK, wouldn't you dream of writing "Algie", "Bertie" and "Ginger" as wingmen for your Sopwith? You've red too much of "Biggles"!
  12. Immune targets

    Damn yes, you're right ! Cheating with the Alignements data is such an evident idea that I hadn't even thought of it ! Thank you very much, I'll test as soon as possible.
  13. 70 years ago this 22 June...

    On June 22, 1941, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, unleashing 3 million men, 200 divisions, on the most extensive front from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Surprised, unprepared, scattered, suffering from silly rules of engagement to prevent any provocation from their neighbour, the Soviet forces could at first only resist and die where they stood. This day, the Luftwaffe attacked more than 60 airfields and claimed about 1100 Soviet planes destroyed on the ground, as well as 600 in the air (the Soviets admitted later about 1300), losing less than 50 aircraft. All of this last week of June was in keeping, with Minsk falling before July. Three years later exactly, the Soviets returned the favour by lauching one of the biggest and most decisive offensives in History, Operation Bagration, on 22 June 1944. This time the scattered Nazi forces were the ones surprised with trousers down.
  14. Happy Birthday Stary & squid!

    Happy birthdays to you both!
  15. Rabbinical Court to execute Dog

    I didn't think the Jews believe that a man can reincarnate into an animal. But seeing in the BBC News link a line about Bashar al-Assad, I myself sometimes believe that an animal can reincarnate into man.
  16. Al Queda's new CEO

    In the Middle Ages, the Order of the Hashishins often assassinated Muslim and sometimes Christian charismatic and important leaders. But he never tried to assassinate any Templar leader, for he knew that such a man would be replaced at once by another, without even slightly destabilizing the Order. Nonetheless, the Templars were eventually eradicated, through one single cautiously arranged blow, with the complicity of the Papacy and of many indebted European kings. Such an arranged international move would be hard to obtain today, because of the inertia of some involved countries (did I say Pakistan? no, I didn't).
  17. menuver to dodge a missle

    Or just hope the incoming missiles have been bought through lobbyist schemings at temptable Congressmen...
  18. Version


    This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Wings Over Vietnam. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and divisional devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. - September 2013 update: adds USMC, ROK and Australian ground counters, and now distinctive USN and USMC light grey air counters.
  19. The "Liberty Belle" Has Crashed

    The pic looks like Schweinfurt 1943. Awful to see...
  20. Dambusters Digger

    Escadrille Lafayette: not exactly flying nazis, and yet...
  21. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Ben Stiller had to suscribe a life insurance worth $2,000,000 for his ultimate line in Dodgeball : "F**kin' Chuck Norris..."
  22. File Name: National counters for Operation Desert Storm File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 08 June 2011 File Category: SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout This mod is an adaptation from First Eagles' planning map, where different colors can be displayed for each present nationality. It provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Operation Desert Storm. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and brigade/division devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.Besides all of the present units, I have included counters for units not used in the original Desert Storm campaign, but which were present and played a significant role, and as such could be used in a upgraded campaign. Namely an air counter for the French Armée de l'Air, and ground counters for the forces of Egypt, Syria (division-sized units), and Saudi Arabia (miscellaneous brigades). Updated version October 2011: the US air counters now display the adequate low-visibility roundels. Click here to download this file
  23. Check This Out!

    - Corsica Indipendente !!! - All right, Ange, you're clear to go, and don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out...
  24. Version


    This mod is an adaptation from First Eagles' planning map, where different colors can be displayed for each present nationality. It provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Operation Desert Storm. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and brigade/division devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.Besides all of the present units, I have included counters for units not used in the original Desert Storm campaign, but which were present and played a significant role, and as such could be used in a upgraded campaign. Namely an air counter for the French Armée de l'Air, and ground counters for the forces of Egypt, Syria (division-sized units), and Saudi Arabia (miscellaneous brigades). Updated version October 2011: the US air counters now display the adequate low-visibility roundels.
  25. File Name: National counters for Wings Over Israel - February 2015 Update File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 07 June 2011 File Category: SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Wings Over Israel. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and brigade/division devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. -- February 2015 changes: lots of variant counters for each era of the Israeli-Arab Wars -- Egypt and Syria (Iraq and Libya to a lesser extent) have changed quite often their flags and roundels during the period covered by Wings Over Israel (1948-82 with add-ons for SF2:Israel). So I chose to include several variants, which allowed me as well to insert some minor changes, just for aesthetic purpose (Syrian division-sized units by the ’70s only, Arab camo skins by the ’70s only, Arab camo suits for ground units by the ’80s...). Thus, the screenshots here depict the overture for the campaigns of Six-Day War 1967 and Lebanon War 1982, with clear differences regarding the Syrian counters. Click here to download this file

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