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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. File Name: Flesh and Metal for WoV - VNAF/RAAF update File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 11 January 2010 File Category: SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout This mod provides you with enlarged panels of decorations for the US Air Force and US Navy / US Marine Corps, as well as many pilots pics to embody the SAM fodder. The March 2011 update adds some more Vietnamese decorations to your awards panels for USAF and USN/USMC, and a completely new awards panel for the Republic of Vietnam Air Force, in the case a mod would allow you to fly a campaign as a VNAF pilot. Lots of pilots pics have also been added, including a large number of photographs for South Vietnamese pilots. The Vietnamese anthem completes the package. The September 2013 update adds a full panel of awards for the Australian pilots in Vietnam (No.2 Sqn RAAF, Canberra bombers), as well as some new Vietnamese decorations, and many American and Australian pilot Pics. The complete lists of your available decorations (partly stock ones, partly Guest's, partly SF2's, partly mine) are displayed here: USAF : Medal of Honor Air Force Cross Silver Star Medal Presidential Medal of Freedom Air Force Distinguished Service Medal Legion of Merit Bronze Star Medal Distinguished Flying Cross Airman's Medal Air Medal Purple Heart Vietnam Service Medal Vietnamese Air Force Distinguished Service Order Vietnamese Air Gallantry Cross (Gold Wings) Vietnamese Campaign Medal USN/USMC : Medal of Honor (Navy model) Navy Cross Silver Star Medal Presidential Medal of Freedom Navy Distinguished Service Medal Legion of Merit Bronze Star Medal Distinguished Flying Cross Navy and Marine Corps Medal Air Medal Purple Heart Vietnam Service Medal Vietnamese Navy Distinguished Service Order Vietnamese Navy Gallantry Cross (Gold Anchor) Vietnamese Campaign Medal VNAF : National Order of Vietnam Air Force Distinguished Service Order Air Force Meritorious Service Medal Air Gallantry Cross (Bronze, Silver and Gold Wings) Hazardous Service Medal Air Service Medal Wound Medal Campaign Medal US Legion of Merit US Distinguished Flying Cross US Air Medal RAAF (No.2 Sqn, Canberra bombers) : Victoria Cross Distinguished Service Order Order of the British Empire, Member Distinguished Flying Cross (and Bar) Air Force Cross Mentioned in Despatches badge Vietnam Medal US Legion of Merit US Distinguished Flying Cross US Air Medal Vietnamese Air Gallantry Cross (Silver Wings) Vietnamese Campaign Medal Click here to download this file
  2. No change at all about the jewelry and awarding criteria, actually, it won't mess with your ongoing campaigns. I just added some pilot pics (doubled the previous number for the USN pics, I can remember).
  3. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Perhaps the NK planned to send 12 to 24 planes, but only 5 could take off, as for the others, either the pilots were busy in a session of self-criticism, or the planes were under revision for months as the chief engineers had been denounced and executed, or important spare parts had been sold on the black market.
  4. Leslie Nielsen Dies

    "Protecting the Queen's safety is a task that is gladly accepted by Police Squad. No matter how silly the idea of having a queen might be to us, as Americans, we must be gracious and considerate hosts." (The Naked Gun) Strange quote for a Canadian... RIP, Mr Nielsen.
  5. Feeling miserable...

    Feeling miserable, Part One : Burt Crappy enjoys chili, at best with as many onions and red beans as possible. He has allowed himself such a rich dish for lunch, as after all, it's his birthday today. But as one could expect, his digestion that afternoon is above complex, and on his way home this evening, his car indoors is stinking like a tropical tripe shop. He wonders how he will manage that, as his wife has most probably planned something for his birthday. Fortunately, she's got a cold, and can't smell much. Actually, at home, his excited wife doesn't let him in before having masked his eyes under a scarf. Then, she drives him in the middle of the living-room, and lets him standing right there. - Wait for a moment, Burt Darling, she says. Something to do in the kitchen and I'm coming back... Not seeing anything, but hearing the kitchen's door closing, Burt thinks: - Well, now I can relieve my belly a little... Just a little... God, it hurts! And Burt lets some poisoned air out, ventilating the room in the best way he can while blinded, hoping his wife won't notice. Some minutes later, Mrs Crappy comes back: - And now, Darling, I'm going to remove this scarf... Oh no wait. The phone is ringing in the bedroom. I'm coming back in a moment. The bedroom is upstairs, and Burt knows that his wife will stay there for a while. She didn't notice anything the previous time, so he feels allowed to unleash the Hell burning inside him. Some five-megatons explosions later, Mrs Crappy comes back into the living-room and takes the scarf off. - Surprise! And then, Burt Crappy can see thirty of his friends and relatives crowded in the room, holding their noses while singing: - Gnhappy birthgnday to gnyou!... Gnhappy birthgnday to gnyou!... * * * * * * * * * * Feeling miserable, Part Two : A young man meets for the first time his fiancée's parents. But his latest lunch has been a mistake, and his belly hurts. While discussing with his possible future mother-in-law, he feels that he won't be able to hold on for long the fart he is about to release. He finally let it go, as silent as possible. The mother shouts: - Toby ! The young man looks behind him, and sees the local puffing fat bulldog standing right here, very close to his bum. Thanking Heaven for the misunderstanding, he carries on the discussion. A moment later, he is forced to let another fart out, something more loudly. The mother shouts again: - Oh Toby ! Move out ! Completely reassured, the young man decides to relieve his belly, and allows himself a six-seconds-long rumble. And then, the mother shouts in panic: - Toby !! Come here at once, or this young bastard will finally s**t on you ! * * * * * * * * * * Feeling miserable, Part Three : During the Middle Ages, a copyist monk is preparing a splendid illumination on a new page of first-class vellum, to start a sacred text: a capital S decorated with angels, unicorns, shells, a dragoon, a divine sword, and a rain of gold. The monk seems very proud as one one of his young brothers stares for a while at his almost finished work. The young novice finally talks to his elder: - Most humbly, I beg your pardon, my dear Brother Heedlessius. But I am almost certain that “Psalm” begins with a P...
  6. File Name: Medals Pack, Israeli-Arab Wars - February 2015 update File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 12 November 2010 File Category: SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout The State of Israel provides very few medals even to his bravest soldiers. Three in all are actually attributed, which are all included as stock in SF1:Wings over Israel or SF2:Israel. Additionally, they are scarcely awarded, and almost never seen on the chests even of the best aces of the Israeli Air Force. The few ribbons that could be seen there were mostly awarded for participation in a given campaign, not for exceptional feats, honorable wounds, or exemplary long service. This mod makes these campaign ribbons available; they will allow you to keep a track of the campaigns during which your pilot has flown even just a handful of missions. Moreover, I have included as well the badges for command citations that could be granted for special feats. A devoted panel of decorations has been created for each of the following selected periods when Israel was fighting an open war or undeclared hostilities. You shall just have to upload the correct panel before beginning a campaign. Citations have been arranged to restitute the fact that no medals actually existed before 1973. Eight periods covered: War of Independence 1948-49 Sinai Campaign 1956 Interwar 1956-67 Six-Day War 1967 Interwar 1967-73 Yom Kippur War 1973 Interwar 1973-82 (also works for 21st Century what-if campaigns) Operation Peace for Galilee 1982 Changes in the June 2012 update: New panel added for the War of Independence (campaign existing for SF2:Israel) New lowest level of citation added in all panels (brigade commander citation), inducing some changes in the awards' criteria and precedence; citations rewritten accordingly Modified AwardScreen for SF2:Israel Changes in the February 2015 update: French translation now included for all of the awards' names and citations. If you chose an installation of the game in French, just overwrite the relevant folders with those enclosed in the "French" folder. Click here to download this file
  7. Living in Europe...

    But which Europe?...
  8. Living in Europe...

    Other example of variety in Europe: how to cross a street safely? In England, cross the street accompanied by a dog. In Italy, cross the street accompanied by a pretty woman. In Germany, cross the street dressed as a general. In Spain, cross the street dressed as a Roman Catholic priest. In Poland, cross the street when sober. In France, never cross any street. Never !
  9. Hullo, the serial modders. I plan to make an all-inclusive add-on for Operation Desert Storm, allowing to fly three new units: the three French groups that actually led missions over Kuwait and Iraq, which were composed of Mirage 2000C (with RDI radar), Mirage F-1CR (reco version), and Jaguar A. The mod will include campaign data, modified planes, screens, medals, pilots pics... I even have tactical data accurate enough to join an extensive and illustrated historical account about the French aerial participation to the Coalition's effort in 1991. Very fine models with adequate skins already exist for the Mirage 2000C and base Mirage F-1C (original creators having signed on the Freeware Licensing list shall be credited), and only some minor changes and reassessments (markings, weaponry management...) will be necessary for acceptable versions. I couldn't actually make more, as I have no experience neither tools (nor brains, nor even patience enough) for modding templates, cockpits, or flight models. But I could find no other Jaguar model than the British GR.I (by The Mirage Factory), which compared to the French Jaguar A, is like night and day (literally, as Jaguar A with poor electronic equipment is a day-only bomber). My question is: does such a model for SFP1 (at best with a two-tones desert skin) exist somewhere, or is someone in the community working at the moment on such a model? Thank you, boys.
  10. A very useful and accurate site. I had already harvested the loadouts, and several pics for my future included booklet, and for new ODS screens for the planes. But I had lost the link since, thank you for remembering.
  11. 3 best, 3 worst movies

    Best: all of the movies by Clint Eastwood (some exceptions) Worst: all of the movies with Christophe® Lambert (no exceptions)
  12. The tweaking shall be difficult. For example, I've not been able to find a good, readable pic of the cockpit for the Jaguar A. Only many ones for the GR.1. I have lists for the electronical equipment (very short lists indeed), but I don't even know if that translates in the use of an actual HUD. Some proposals for the pics?
  13. Right. The Mirage F1-C-200 with Djibouti skin, and the Jaguar GR.1 included in ODS (desert skin by USAFTML, I believe?), that I will somehow slightly modify within my most humble means to obtain an acceptable (with indulgence) result, are both creations from TMF. The Mirage 2000 is based on Erwin_Hans' 2000-5 model and some others' works to get the actual version of the 2000C. A personal request I shall send soon, as my works will progress on (some borrows could also be made to TMF's weapons packs). Really sorry if I make it the wrong way, it's my first mod involving other creators' aircraft. But I would prefer to make it an all-inclusive mod including links to the original models, rather than just links and disheartening lists of modifications to add.
  14. No, not Russia: Bulgaria

    From the album World pics

  15. World pics

  16. They are so cute when small !

    From the album World pics

  17. France's national sport

    From the album World pics

  18. Snow on the Channel

    From the album World pics

  19. Jordanian pipers in a Roman theater

    From the album World pics

  20. Looks like God speaking to Moses

    Tip: click inside this box to load the editor
  21. Looks like God speaking to Moses

    From the album World pics

  22. Version


    The State of Israel provides very few medals even to his bravest soldiers. Three in all are actually attributed, which are all included as stock in SF1:Wings over Israel or SF2:Israel. Additionally, they are scarcely awarded, and almost never seen on the chests even of the best aces of the Israeli Air Force. The few ribbons that could be seen there were mostly awarded for participation in a given campaign, not for exceptional feats, honorable wounds, or exemplary long service. This mod makes these campaign ribbons available; they will allow you to keep a track of the campaigns during which your pilot has flown even just a handful of missions. Moreover, I have included as well the badges for command citations that could be granted for special feats. A devoted panel of decorations has been created for each of the following selected periods when Israel was fighting an open war or undeclared hostilities. You shall just have to upload the correct panel before beginning a campaign. Citations have been arranged to restitute the fact that no medals actually existed before 1973. Eight periods covered: War of Independence 1948-49 Sinai Campaign 1956 Interwar 1956-67 Six-Day War 1967 Interwar 1967-73 Yom Kippur War 1973 Interwar 1973-82 (also works for 21st Century what-if campaigns) Operation Peace for Galilee 1982 Changes in the June 2012 update: New panel added for the War of Independence (campaign existing for SF2:Israel) New lowest level of citation added in all panels (brigade commander citation), inducing some changes in the awards' criteria and precedence; citations rewritten accordingly Modified AwardScreen for SF2:Israel Changes in the February 2015 update: French translation now included for all of the awards' names and citations. If you chose an installation of the game in French, just overwrite the relevant folders with those enclosed in the "French" folder.
  23. no threat to national security?

    Mystery missile launch? Mmmm... I would put Moriarty, Blofeld, Dr No and Dr Evil on the first list of potential suspects...
  24. The 11th Day of the 11th Hour...

  25. Just popped in to say hi

    ¡¡¡ Ay ay ay !!!

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