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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. BPC Mistral

    Visit of the French warship MISTRAL (command, support & amphibious assault ship - nicknamed "The Swiss knife")
  2. (002) Alongside the quay

    From the album BPC Mistral

  3. (003) 885m² Docking bay for 4 LCU or 2 LCAC

    From the album BPC Mistral

  4. (004) 2650m² Hangar for 59 armored vehicles

    From the album BPC Mistral

  5. (005) Ramp down to the Docking bay

    From the album BPC Mistral

  6. (006) 1800m² Hangar for 16 helicopters

    From the album BPC Mistral

  7. (007) On the flight deck

    From the album BPC Mistral

  8. (008) Stern elevator to Helos hangar

    From the album BPC Mistral

  9. US military airplanes in 1936?

    What about an early war against Japan in 1938 (facing A5M, Ki-27, Ki-21... models existing in Il-2), from the hypothesis of a bilateral non-appeasement policy after the USS Panay Incident in China?
  10. Plane with 160 on board crashes near Islamabad

    May all the bodies be recovered, and then RIP.
  11. Few shots from Farnborough 2010

    Thank you for sharing.
  12. What about space combat sims?

    I have just installed and tried AdAstra for a while. It seems to be quite a attractive and deserving game. Sure, some of the ships designs seem to have been conceived by a junkie attacked by a flock of gooses while under LSD influence. But the stellar systems are really interesting, and most of the classics of the explore-fight-trade open spacegames seem to have been kept or enhanced. Viper, thank you very much for the link. I enjoy spacefights, provided I have the biggest ship by far, and the Death Star Superlaser. No yells, no blood, no traces: Deep Space is a so clean place.
  13. A Gurkha is disciplined for beheading

    Really doesn't sound like "The Axe of Good" Trademark. Is the next step collecting embalmed heads and collars of ears and fingers, and the following step... Colonel Kurtz's way? But on this special case, I can admit particular circumstances and a necessary initiative. After all, why can't those freaky irregular warriors decide to wear identity discs?
  14. Anti Aircraft Laser unveiled at Farnborough

    I can imagine messages from a speaking RWR: - Second 1: "You have been targetted by a Raytheon laser weapon. Thank you for choosing Raytheon." - Second 3: "The weather is getting hot, isn't it? Open the canopy for fresh air." - Second 6: "You are boiling. Any prayer?" - Second 8: "You are perfectly cooked. Serve with onions and vegetables." In a quite recent album of the French-Belgian comics "Buck Danny", an USAF F-16 pilot flying over the Korean DMZ was trapped and blinded by a North Korean red laser beam aimed at the cockpit. His navigation computer having been sabotaged by a South Korean traitor, his waypoints led the plane deeply in NK territory for him to be captured. A NK operation of propaganda.
  15. Anti Aircraft Laser unveiled at Farnborough

    I would trade any M61 Vulcan for such a laser gun aboard a jet fighter. No need to aim before the target, as your shot has the speed of light. The dream weapon for high-deflection shots !
  16. Sexiest(Coolest) Plane Ever

    I had formerly focused on pretty agile fighter aircraft, but the most beautiful and majestic ever, I think, is the B-29 in silver painting shining in the sun over the clouds...
  17. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Is it just me? I haven't heard any one single vuvuzela for some days. Now I almost miss them. Frightening.
  18. Sexiest(Coolest) Plane Ever

    I think too that the poll should be divided in technologic eras. I'm usually more fond of WW2 props, and as an "IL-2" fan, my favourite would be the Yak-3 (not on the list), pretty, balanced, easy to flight, and very elusive in a close dogfight near the ground. Some of them were nicely decorated by the Soviets (bright red noses, large mottoes in Cyrillic, that sort of think), and I like the design of the French squadron Normandie-Niemen with the long white lightning of 303th IAD. For the Western planes, I would have voted for the F-4U (not on the list either), in the same time physically impressive, powerful and tough (contrary to the pretty P-51 I find quite fragile) - and identifiable enough at long range to avoid friendly fire. Concerning WW1 birdcages, I would choose the SPAD XIII who has a very intimidating aspect (the P-47 counterpart for WW1), but I usually prefer to fly a more balanced plane with no real weak point, like the S.E.5a or Fokker D.VII. Concerning jets, I would say F-86 or Super-Mystère B2 for early ones, and F-18 for later ones. Unfortunately, none of them are on the list. So, no vote.
  19. British Soldier spits out bullet!

    A bullet-chewer ! Even Chuck Norris would say: "Respect!"
  20. In Memory of 'The Few'

    More threads to come about the most critical days of the Battle, I think (Adlerangriff, Adlertag, first bombings on London, BoB Day...). After all, you're not 70-year-old every year.
  21. Better SPAD XIII in 1918 ?

    I know that a French pilot, and later his squadron, used an emblem picturing a long-walking white skeleton handling a scythe. Actually, the same picture that you can see in the movie "Red Baron" misused as Lance Hawker's emblem, painted on his SE5a (what a goof!). Unfortunately, I don't remember Which squadron it was.
  22. Question about pilot always leads and rank

    At the French, Alfred Heurteaux has led since November 1916 the Escadrille N3 (later SPA3, the best of the best) as a simple Lieutenant, while there were in the Squadron five Capitaines higher in rank than him. That shocked the French hierarchy, not the frontline pilots who respected skillfulness above everything else.
  23. OT, Daft UK Laws

    At least in Uk, it's still legal for anyone to lick the Queen's back... when pictured on stamps, of course.
  24. On this day in 1872

    Then came the 250lbs police officers, then the police cars with especially reinforced chassis, and so on...

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