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Everything posted by 10107

  1. A change in pace...eeerrr...velocity :)
  2. First time whacking something since 2018.
  3. Since we seem to be so far behind in replacements for our CF188s...the Gripen was tossed around as a possible replacement.
  4. Man this thing carries alot of A2G :) But this carries alot more.... :)
  5. img03291.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  6. img03290.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  7. Something I have in a magazine. Lots of stores :)
  8. img03289.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  9. Still working on it as I get the fixes for the lod

  10. img03239.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  11. Nice day for a trip into some hostile territory. Not the best time to try to get airborne though. Sqn mates burning in the distance...reduced to MiG spare parts...airbase blown up.. Heading home for some coffee..
  12. img00186.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  13. img00185.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  14. img00184.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  15. img00174.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  16. img00171.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  17. img00165.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  18. img00164.JPG

    From the album Pixelations and paint

  19. A break from Suez and 800 SQN colours. I need someone who like making decals....I hate doing all those numbers.

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