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Everything posted by VonGuber

  1. ts message

    Well, I thought I did... but now that I look, I certain that I don't have the correct IP address. Is it posted somewhere, or could someone PM me, please?
  2. ts message

    Has anyone tried it yet? I get an error message saying the server is offline or TS isn't running on it.
  3. MP Sunday

    Good report Mac, That clears up some stuff...I was wondering what the rest of the story was. I can fill in some blanks around the time of the passage quoted. While you and Av8er were chasing the RE8s, I had a brush with some SPADs, probably their escorts. I think there was another DV there, maybe an AI plane. Shot one of them a bit, and then lost track of it. Since I didn't see anyone else around, I broke off. Shortly after, Av8er came by, and we formed up on heading for home. As luck would have it, 2 of those pesky SPADs came up behind us...fast... and Av8er turned to engage. I couldn't leave him at long odds, so I followed. We were both circling with the SPADs, trying for an advantage when everything locked up. It's probably lucky for me, because I think my SPAD was getting the upper hand. Both great missions! Can't wait for next time.
  4. Balders, Check this link. We use these rules with 1:144 scale models and some telescoping stands. I think there may be a few pictures here
  5. gotha nite

    Same here... would love to, but Friday is most likely a no-go. When you get a time, post it and I'll make it if I can. And thanks for the offer.
  6. Is that acceptable? I thought the Sunday group used DiD settings. Seems like 'normal' would be a more realistic setting. I had a blast last night... thanks again Ax, and also SD for the scramble mission.
  7. In the MP missions it's hard for me to tell who's talking. I see there's an overlay for TeamSpeak, but it's a beta with basically no support. I generally dislike beta software...since it is usually buggy...but I think several of you are using it. So, does it work, any pitfalls, etc?
  8. Teamspeak overlay

    There's an hyperlink in Duck's tutorial sticky.
  9. Sunday Funday Funnies

    Yesterday was my first time with the Sunday group, but one thing that I liked was that in the first mission, (I think...) the flight leader (Stump? I think....) designated a rally point on the map. That way, after a scuffle we had a place to go. I was able to rejoin and carry on...very cool. And way easier than "fly north", at least for me. Mighty... hope you get your machine sorted.
  10. Sunday Funday Funnies

    I second that. Today's missions were so much fun that they'd probably be illegal in most of the southern US states.... If someone posts a time with a training game, I'll pop in if I can. I'm wondering though...does anyone have a remote idea of what's going on with the screen freezes? Seems like several people get them, and not the same ones all the time.
  11. mp session sat 11-14

    Control+shift+L.... I have to second the thanks to everyone who's helped so far. Had a ball this evening. Sitting Duck, that Italian mission is way cool! I'll check in tomorrow.
  12. mp and teamspeak

    Hey guys.... Looks like I got my audio trouble straightened out. It was a combination (apparently) of sound driver and headset. The mic on the Logitech set won't work at all. I updated to a new EVGA audio driver for Realtek, and it has mic boost function. So, now I've got settings figured out so I can hear myself on TS. Funny thing is that I can't get my front panel to work...which sucks because of cable length. Maybe I'll go down to Radio shack and get an extension. I wonder if there's a possibility that I shorted out my front panel? It was working a couple of days ago.
  13. mp and teamspeak

    Hey guys, Thanks again for the help this evening...sorry, but I locked up on this end for some reason. Had to restart the computer, and then the Mrs. was yelling about dinner. So, discretion being the better part of it, I had dinner.... I'm going to get a different mic and give it a try...there's not much else to troubleshoot. I'll still look forward to some MP games.
  14. Does there exist a spreadsheet that lists the airfields in the game and what units are assigned to them? I sort of remember something about this, but could be mistaken...or could be a bit of a conversation from long ago. Anyone know?
  15. Airfield/squadron information?

    thank you! I thought someone had mentioned this.
  16. mp and teamspeak

    Thanks SD, and thanks to Ax also for trying to help me get straightened out. Sorry I had to bail, but had a meeting to attend. As it turned out, my time would have been more productive here. I'll keep plugging at it until I get it sorted. Wish I could have seen the flight.
  17. I see... thanks Stumpjumper. As soon as I get stuff downloaded and find a decent headset, I'm there.
  18. Fly with the DiD group?

    Ok, I can copy the mission files easily enough. I've never messed with the mission builder, so would indeed need some pointers. I'll be glad to give it a shot though, as I've got some down time from work right now. Not to mention that I'd love to see how others would fly my missions. If there's anyone who wants to try to show me something about mission builder, perhaps they could PM me. I'd really like to ramp up and try out the MP games too... the Jasta 4 thing looks right up my alley!
  19. Fly with the DiD group?

    I was just wondering - did you guys get any response about DiD missions? I'll save some of mine if someone can point out how it's done. I've never tried it.
  20. SPAD camp? Now that sounds interesting...what is it?
  21. TrackIR and bombsight (F7) view

    I think the issue might be that TrackIR uses the F7 key as a default hotkey. So, if you're using defaults in TrackIR it can conflict. I had the same trouble and reassigned the hotkey to something not used by OFF. Come to think of it, I remapped the bombsight view also.
  22. I have recently started using TrackIR 5, which I think is great. There's one niggling thing though; there seems to be a spot in the center of my display where the panning sort of catches for an instant. It's not bad, but it's also not smooth motion side to side or top-bottom. I'm thinking there must be an adjustment for it somewhere, but so far I'm not finding it. Anyone else had this experience, and if so what's the fix. Thanks.
  23. TrackIR question

    Yes, thanks. I did find Homeboy's guide, but I didn't find my particular issue. I'll go through it again though.
  24. control + ; works for me. Cool screenies, Red-Dog I'm itching to try the MP thing...where's the suggested reading to learn how?
  25. Av8er- Just to clarify, it will be the CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder that is in your "my Documents" folder. They are not in the CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder (of the same name) that is in your OBD Software install. When you open the one in "my documents" you should see your pictures. (ok , at least that's how it is here on my box....)

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