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Everything posted by VonGuber

  1. TrackIR question

    Good to know. I'm getting good response, just this annoying "stiff spot" in the middle of my display. It seems to be at the 0,0 coordinates, and just sort of clicks (not audibly, just sort of pauses when I pass through.). It doesn't do it in the control panel test mode, so not sure what's up. Otherwise, I'm lovin' this thing. It has completely changed the OFF experience.
  2. TrackIR question

    Thanks Al, that's just what I need to hear. I'm still feeling around the software, so you've given me a better starting place. Kevin Thanks Al, that's just what I need to hear. I'm still feeling around the software, so you've given me a better starting place. Kevin
  3. OT What Job do you do?

    My first job was as a caddy. Next worked as a short-order cook. Then I joined the US army and jumped out of airplanes for a few years. I gave that up when they made me transfer to field artillery. After that got a job in the defense industry, didn't like it so started a one-man graphic arts company. I did a short stint as a silversmith...found out that the Southwest US doesn't need another white guy making tourist jewelry. Did some hand engraving professionally for a bit...still dabble in it. Now, I operate a small specialty contracting company, and cut custom gemstones as time allows. Any "spare time" I can find is given to some non-profits I work with. It's quite a diverse and talented group we have here....
  4. From DiD campaign mission. Also with typo fixed... thanks Olham.
  5. German airfield under bombardment

    Thanks for the information. I figured it must be the case, but didn't remember seeing anything like that in Phase II. Here's yet another example of some amazing attention to detail in this sim....good job guys!
  6. German airfield under bombardment

    That is a really good shot. Anyone know what's up with the roundels? I can sort of see them on the Noop...are they painted over or something, or is it a custom skin?
  7. Nice screen shot...what it that? Looks like an engine. (?)
  8. Full DiD Campaign - German

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. The bomb run was cool...but, getting hit by Quirks in the first mission? Nicht so gut....
  9. Full DiD Campaign - German

    FleigerAbteilung (Artillerie) 250 Wasquehal, Flanders Feldpost 11 29 October 1916 Pilots Log: Lt. A. v. Guber Military Purpose Flight: #0002DFWcv Orders- Bombing, airfield attack Ballieul East aerodrome Wetter: heavy cloud cover, sleet and/or rain at low altitudes, wind light at 5kts/11 degrees dir. Recommended operations altitude: 3500 meters Notations: Subsequent to the morning raid on our field, we were ordered to prepare for a retaliatory raid. I was assigned to lead a flight of 4 aircraft loaded with bombs. We took off at 1345h in heavy rain and sleet, climbed to 3000 meters and proceeded to target. Moderately heavy flak encountered over the lines as well as over target, but no damage was sustained. Bomb impacts were observed on target, both on runway and flight line. Flight returned to base without incident with one unidentified formation observed flying west at approximately 2700 m. altitude. All craft landed safely and proceeded to Intelligence briefing. Total time aloft was 53 minutes. A. v. Guber, Lt.
  10. Full DiD Campaign - German

    FleigerAbteilung (Artillerie) 250 Wasquehal, Flanders Feldpost 11 29 October 1916   Pilots Log: Lt. A. v. Guber Military Purpose Flight: #0001DFWcv Orders- None, Scramble in response to air raid Wetter: heavy cloud cover, sleet and/or rain at low altitudes, wind light at 5kts/11 degrees dir. Recommended operations altitude: Notations: Air raid sirens sounded at approximately 0920h. I was able to get airborne before enemy was in range to attack, and was joined by 2 pilots, Muller and Schrieber. Having seniority, I signaled them to follow and led the flight east towards a safe airfield. We managed to elude the attackers. At about 10 minutes into the flight, I spotted aircraft above and to the south. Not knowing if they were friend or foe, we climbed to meet them, so as not to be disadvantaged if they were hostile. Upon approach, they proved to be a flight of 3 Be2s. Being fully armed and fueled, I order the attack. Engaging 2 enemy craft, we observed one of them smoking and losing altitude. This craft was reported to crash land by Muller. Muller and Schreiber also engaged and destroyed one craft, but the third one evaded us and presumably escaped. While returning to base, a flight of 5 aircraft was observed at approximately 2500 meters, heading east. Based upon the appearance of the undercarriages, I believe they were Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutters. We did not engage and they continued on their course. Upon returning to our Wasquehal field and finding no enemy present I led the flight in maneuvers for training purposes, landing after 113 minutes of flight. All in flight landed safely. Upon inspection, my craft showed 4 bullet holes in the left wing, Muller's showing 2 holes in the rudder. After briefing the Intelligence Officer, appropriate claim forms were filed. A. v. Guber, Lt.  
  11. I had the same trouble. Fortunately, I had made a backup of the dossier file, so restoring it solved the trouble and saved my info. I'm just leaving well enough alone too.
  12. click on the dogfight picture, top row, 2d from right. That should do it.
  13. Sorry, sent it to you in PM. It's also posted on Siggi's website, but my pilot is Lt. Albrecht von Guber.
  14. (Sorry if this has already been discussed) I've just noticed something that struck me as odd and was wondering about it. I've been using the "review flight" feature after a few of my missions and noticed that the mission time recorded doesn't always match the time reported in the flight log. For example, I flew a mission yesterday that logged 59 minutes of flight time. When I ran through the review, it said the mission was +82 minutes. Since then, I've had at least one other flight like this. Has anyone else noticed something like this, is it just me, or am I missing something?
  15. Flight time differences?

    that must be it...was flying so fast my wrist watch slowed down.
  16. 20 pounders! We must lay in more beer! I am so looking forward to this. Earlier, I told my better half about this campaign, and she *insisted* (yes, really) that I order TrackIr5. I really married out of my league..... 3 day delivery... WOOT!
  17. Flight time differences?

    Ah, so no problem then. Good to know, thanks!
  18. Carrick: any landing you can walk away from....right? For what it's worth, I like the orange/black stripes on the DFW also. It's a nice skin, and not too Bavarian-looking...yes, highly reminiscent of turnips. Lang lebe die Wurst und Rübe-Plan!
  19. New Nvidea driver

    Hi, I finally got tired of fighting it and uninstalled it. I went back to v. 190.62 or something like that. I did some reading on EVGA's website and saw that lots of folks had trouble with the newer driver so I just cut my losses and went back to something that worked better (for me). That said, in my particular case I think that it was a problem with settings on my system. Still, I found it rather too fiddly to deal with.
  20. I had one of those "landing incidents" as well. It followed my first practice mission (a scramble, no less) and involved some fellow named McCudden. Question: With DiD settings, are those sorts of landings survivable? I havent' done DiD since phase 2, so don't recall.
  21. One of 3 poor victims on this mission. Apologies for the lower right....
  22. Herr Kommandant, Leutnant von Guber, wegen der Aufgabe, Herrn meldend. (Or, if my German is too poor: von Guber reporting for duty, Sir!)
  23. Forgot how good this sim is

    Hey Geez... I just did the same thing, i.e. built a new rig. Funny thing is, except for the case and the cooler, my new machine is just like yours. Same CPu, video card, RAM, MB, OS, etc. You obviously have good taste. How do you like it so far? regards PS: I'm finding the immersion amazing also.
  24. GTS250 nv4_disp errors

    Hope there's room by that fire...that's what I'm doing.
  25. GTS250 nv4_disp errors

    Good to know, thanks. It turns out that my trouble was in fact a setting error. My display setting kept changing for some reason, causing crashes. I've since figured out how to get the monitor, sim, and nvidia software all on the same settings and all is well.

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