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MiG Master

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Everything posted by MiG Master

  1. Do any of these words embarrass you?

    NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! Our chief weapon is surprise... surprise and fear... fear and surprise... our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency... our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope... Our four...no... amongst our weapons.... amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again. /Owns a Wankel rotary engine-powered car
  2. Let's try that again... http://forum.combata...-sf2-europe-12/ If the link breaks again, the MiG-21 cockpits will be on page 12 of the SF2 Add-On Aircraft Section
  3. I don't think anyone has pulled together a comprehensive SF2 cockpit pack yet. It seems like most of the Red planes missing cockpits are stock TW aircraft, since at least the modern MiGs and Sukhois have cockpits already. Ordway has made a bunch of cockpits for stock TW aircraft, so they are out there: SF1 & SF2 MiG-17 and MiG-19 pack (fixed by Wrench to work in SF2): http://forum.combata...repair-package/ SF2 MiG-21 pack: http://forum.combata...-sf2-europe-12/ If you look in the SF1 add-on jet cockpit section, you'll also see a bunch of MiG-23/-27 cockpits on the first and second page. I've tried the MiG-23MLD cockpit with the stock aircraft on a June 09B-patched SF2E/NF4+ install and it works fine. I haven't tried it on a Feb 10 patched install yet; some textures might go missing or have weird shapes in them if other add-ons are anything to go by.
  4. The plane is Craig's Eurofighter that was converted to SF2 by Bongodriver. The Brimstones are from 331Killerbee's SF2 Weapons Pack v1. The game is SF2/V/E merged install with Feb2010 patch. Maybe the RAF liked the idea of backwards-firing AAMs and thought, "Why not backwards-facing AGMs?" It only does this with the Brimstone triple-mounts. As you can see in the picture, single missiles are oriented normally. The backwards-facing missiles actually shoot forwards (yes, I've tried shooting at a target behind me. It doesn't work).
  5. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    The Viper Club of America is in the process of buying all the factory replacement parts for the Viper from Fiatsler. Chrysler is discontinuing the Viper soon, irregardless of their financial shape. Anyways, congrats on the Z06!
  6. In the Options screen you can choose to start "In Air" or "Runway" instead of "Near Target." Both will start you further away from the objective (aside from some premade and intercept missions), so you should be able to get the best out of your radar and Sparrows.
  7. You have to fly to the strengths of the Phantom, which are top speed, climb, acceleration, and BVR. Use the Phantom's radar to your advantage and try to get an idea of the enemy's whereabouts before going in hot. Snipe them from afar with Sparrows- most pre-1978 birds lack RWRs so they won't know you've locked onto them until they see a Sparrow flying at them. If you don't have any Sparrows, figure out the enemy's heading so you can sneak up on them for a Sidewinder/gun shot instead of charging in head-on. I try to sneak up on the enemy from their 6 o'clock low, which is a good blind spot. Otherwise, they will scatter once I get within 2-2.5 miles. When WVR, keep your speed up and try to avoid turning fights. The Phantom's power means that you have the luxury of engaging or disengaging on your terms. Use high-speed, one-pass slashing attacks. If you are in a turning battle, either use the Phantom's acceleration to disengage and get some breathing room, or trade horizontal flight for vertical flight. If I feel like turning, I like to use yo-yo maneuvers, since they trade horizontal flight for vertical flight. Practice flying below 400ft. AGL (the altitude info in the bottom-left info box will turn red). The AI will follow you, but it has a fear of flying below 1000ft. If you fly fast enough, many A2A missile shots will hit the earth instead of you. The AI won't even bother locking onto you for a radar-guided missile shot. Be careful, as this will leave you vulnerable to AAA and low-altitude SAMs. SF2 has a few pre-loaded missions where you can have a 1v1 or 2v2 dogfight between F-4Js and either MiG-17s, -19s, or -21s. There's also a 1v1 F-4E vs MiG-21MF mission. Use those for practice. You can also remove or add wingmen to your flight so you can change the odds. Practice, practice, practice until you find what works. Or, you could just merge SF2V with your SF2 install and switch to the F-8 instead... :whistle:
  8. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    Do you just plan to use either car as an occasional toy, or do you plan on doing some sort of motorsport with it (i.e. autocross, drags, track days, etc.)? Cruiser = Viper (or just get a regular Corvette) Sunday racer = Corvette Z06
  9. All single-engined fighters were stored or scrapped by the Russians by 1997, so any MiG-23s/-27s/Su-17s deployed afterward would have to be "taken out of mothballs." The MiG-23-98 was only a prototype for export customers to upgrade their MiG-23s- it never entered service with anyone. As far as I know, it was the only MiG-23 that could launch R-27 (AA-10) or R-77 (AA-12) missiles. However, MiG-23MLDs did carry R-73 (AA-11) missiles- I enhanced the MiG-23MLDs in my NF4+ campaign by adding two AA-11s in place of the 4 AA-8s. They are much deadlier in a dogfight as a result. As for Ukraine, it looks like they scrapped or stored all of their single-engined fighters by the late 90s as well. According to Wikipedia the Ukrainians also had Tu-16s, Tu-22s, Tu-22Ms, Tu-95s, and Tu-160s that were either scrapped, returned to Russia, or donated to museums around the same timeframe. I can't find any exact dates, unfortunately, but this site gives a tally of how many of each type of plane the Ukrainian Air Force had in 5-year increments: http://www.globalsec...s-equipment.htm
  10. 1x SF2E with NF4+. This is my "main" install 1x SF2/V/E. I use this for testing stuff before I add it to my SF2E/NF4+ game.
  11. Play spot the plane at AMARC

    I read somewhere that AMARG used to give guided tours on a tram, but they stopped after 9/11. I have no idea if they started doing them again, but I would love to take that tour.
  12. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I was having trouble getting Jane's F/A-18 to work on my new laptop so I started searching all sorts of forums for help. While I did find the answer elsewhere, this was one of the sites I visited and the first place I heard about the Strike Fighters series. I bought SF2 shortly after arriving here, and I haven't looked back since!
  13. Iran F-16IN

    I can't see the picture, so I don't know what F-16 variant it is, but an Iranian F-16A/B might make a good "what-if" plane. Venezuela threatened to sell their F-16A/Bs off to Iran after Chavez took over, but they never did (as far as we know).
  14. Which SF series/patch, and is it level or dive bombing? I'd be interested to see if there's a series or patch level difference where your AI wingmen follow the ReleaseCount value while my AI wingmen ignore it.
  15. SF2E, Jun2009B patch, with the CF-18A Hornet that comes with NF4+. I've done a little more testing and it seems the AI ignores the DiveBombAI ReleaseCount no matter what type or how many bombs I load up, whether it be 2 LGBs or 24 Mk.81 Firecrackers. I think I've scabbed together a fix: [DiveBombAI] AimPitchOffset=2 ReleaseCount=1 ReleaseInterval=8 The AI usually pulls out of the dive way before 8 seconds after the first bomb release so it compensates for the AI ignoring the ReleaseCount. The bomb started to hit before the target after I tweaked this so I had to adjust the AimPitchOffset to compensate. I may bring it up to 3 or 4 depending on how much more testing I do.
  16. Thanks for the tips. I've tested the way you've shown me. So far into my testing, it looks like the AI is accurate against stationary targets, so I left the offset alone. I also got it to use one bomb at a time during level bombing. However, I can't seem to get the AI to limit how many bombs it drops in a dive, no matter what values I enter for ReleaseCount- it will ripple them all. I've also tried extending the ReleaseInterval value for longer intervals between bomb releases, but the AI will instead try to get as many bombs released as it can before pulling out, while rippling them at the set interval. I haven't tweaked any of the other DiveBombAI values like PullOutRange, so I don't know if they'll have any effect.
  17. I'll give those a try. I'm flying a CF-18 campaign in SF2E NF4+ and my wingmen are making me dread A2G missions. On CAS missions my wingmen will dump all 6 of their Rockeyes in one fell swoop and won't hit ANYTHING unless they go strafe it. The first time one of my wingmen plinked a tank with a bomb was when I loaded up the second element with with 12 Mk.82s, and that was only after one of them rippled all 12 bombs in one attack run! They ignore the HARMs I hang on them unless its a SEAD mission, which is a problem when Ivan brings SA-8s, ZSUs, and 2S6s to the party.
  18. Great visibility wasn't considered necessary for the F-102/-106's intended role, which was to be bomber interceptors. The pilot was more of a systems supervisor as the plane could be controlled from the ground by GCI (Gound Control Intercept). Most Soviet interceptors were the same way, until the MiG-29 and Su-27 were introduced. Likewise, the AIM-4 was adequate for taking down bombers. It should be remembered that the Sparrow was also initially meant to be a bomber-killing missile and had terrible accuracy against small, maneuvering targets like fighters in its early Vietnam incarnations. Plus, it might have been more work than it was worth to modify the F-106 to carry AIM-7s. The F-106 did not have a gun initially, either. After Vietnam, some F-106As got a Vulcan cannon along with an optical gunsight and a new canopy with the overhead bracing removed, but it was still a bomber interceptor first and foremost. Finally, material strength and molding techniques may not have been good enough to make a braceless bubble canopy that could stand up to Mach 2+ speeds at the time the F-102/-106 were introduced.
  19. I read this on Fark.com and it made me LOL. Figured I'd share it here: http://www.gadling.c...-too-seriously/
  20. That's awesome! "SAM launcher, SAM launcher!" "Umm... don't you mean 'SAM launch?'" "No, I SAID SAM LAUNCHE..." WHAM! "You gotta be $#!+ing me..."
  21. The Su-33UB is a naval version of the Su-34. It's designed to be a trainer for the single-seat Su-33 but can also carry out strike and air defense missions. The main spotting differences are the shortened tail boom and the more conical nosecone (as opposed to the Su-34's "platypus" nose). Scroll down about 3/4 down the page to see pictures: http://www.ausairpow...-Flanker-D.html
  22. File Name: Marder Roland and Gepard for SF2E File Submitter: MiG Master File Submitted: 10 Feb 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects ***Marder Roland and Gepard AAA for SF2E, version 1.0 - by MiG Master*** Original vehicle and missile models, .inis, and skins by Gablion Conversion to SF2 format, vehicle, gun, and missile .ini modifications, and Roland RWR symbol by MiG Master -To install the vehicles and weapons, simply merge the Objects folder from the .rar file to your Mod Folder's Objects folder. The Rolands and Gepards will appear randomly on the battlefield. The Rolands are set to Mobile_AAA instead of Mobile_SAM because the game favors AAA over SAMs. -To install the Roland RWR symbol, merge the Flight folder with your Mod Folder's Flight folder. To get the Roland RWR symbol to appear on your TEWS RWR-equipped aircraft, add the following line to each aircraft's <plane name>_RWR.LST file: Roland=RWR_Roland You should see an "RO" on your TEWS display. The Gepard's Super Fledermaus radar is also used with static Oerlikon AAA batteries, so I set it to use the stock ThirdWire AAA symbol ("A"). -The Gepard's Oerlikon cannon should install automatically. If not, I've included a backup "add in GUNDATA.INI" file that you can import into the game with the SF2 Gun Editor. -The vehicle .ini edits include adding radar frequency information and converting the skins to ObjectData format. The Marder Roland's capacity has been increased to six missiles to simulate it being reloaded. The Roland missile .ini edits are meant to reflect the Roland II missile's stats and capabilities as it was used in the West German Army (within the limitations of the game). The Oerlikon cannon's edits are to try to simulate the cannon's warhead-less sabot ammunition (also within the limitations of the game). -These have been tested and work with SF2E Dec.2009 patch, and SF2E with NATO Fighters 4+ Jun.2009b patch, including in the middle of an SF2E NF4+ campaign. I have not tested these in SF2/V/I- use at your own risk! -If you want these for SFP1/WoX, Gablion's original Gepard and Marder Roland are available at the CombatAce website's download page. -If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach me at the CombatAce forums. -These mods are not for use in any payware. -Version History: v1.0 released 02/10/2010. Initial version Click here to download this file
  23. Version


    ***Marder Roland and Gepard AAA for SF2E, version 1.0 - by MiG Master*** Original vehicle and missile models, .inis, and skins by Gablion Conversion to SF2 format, vehicle, gun, and missile .ini modifications, and Roland RWR symbol by MiG Master -To install the vehicles and weapons, simply merge the Objects folder from the .rar file to your Mod Folder's Objects folder. The Rolands and Gepards will appear randomly on the battlefield. The Rolands are set to Mobile_AAA instead of Mobile_SAM because the game favors AAA over SAMs. -To install the Roland RWR symbol, merge the Flight folder with your Mod Folder's Flight folder. To get the Roland RWR symbol to appear on your TEWS RWR-equipped aircraft, add the following line to each aircraft's <plane name>_RWR.LST file: Roland=RWR_Roland You should see an "RO" on your TEWS display. The Gepard's Super Fledermaus radar is also used with static Oerlikon AAA batteries, so I set it to use the stock ThirdWire AAA symbol ("A"). -The Gepard's Oerlikon cannon should install automatically. If not, I've included a backup "add in GUNDATA.INI" file that you can import into the game with the SF2 Gun Editor. -The vehicle .ini edits include adding radar frequency information and converting the skins to ObjectData format. The Marder Roland's capacity has been increased to six missiles to simulate it being reloaded. The Roland missile .ini edits are meant to reflect the Roland II missile's stats and capabilities as it was used in the West German Army (within the limitations of the game). The Oerlikon cannon's edits are to try to simulate the cannon's warhead-less sabot ammunition (also within the limitations of the game). -These have been tested and work with SF2E Dec.2009 patch, and SF2E with NATO Fighters 4+ Jun.2009b patch, including in the middle of an SF2E NF4+ campaign. I have not tested these in SF2/V/I- use at your own risk! -If you want these for SFP1/WoX, Gablion's original Gepard and Marder Roland are available at the CombatAce website's download page. -If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach me at the CombatAce forums. -These mods are not for use in any payware. -Version History: v1.0 released 02/10/2010. Initial version
  24. If I were any good at modding I'd be happy to help, but I'm just getting started with .ini edits.
  25. Ah, didn't know that. BTW, your WIP is looking good!

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