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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. What's in Your Local Museum?

    Next closest and Favorite.
  2. What's in Your Local Museum?

    The closest to the house.
  3. Olham: How do like the ATI 5970 Card ?
  4. wooo...look what I just got hold of :)

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Toys
  5. I say,, she does have her Goggles Up.
  6. AMER#F59 rickenbacker

    From the album Random pics

  7. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Over Flanders Fields : Sods aloft Sods of the skies Sods of the Air A moment of Glory A Brief Encounter The Circus Ring The Ring Master cometh Behold the Flying Circus. A Gathering of Sods. Eagles in the Sun Dog Fighting the Flying Circus. Stuttering Machine Guns. Flights over No Mans Land. Long way down Burning coffins The Ring Masters Revenge A gathering of Falcons A gathering of Sods
  8. Vid Cards

    Ref Vid Cards: Anyone know of a good site that compares Graphic Cards Old and Knew. Mikes Hardware is the only one I know of.
  9. Vid Cards

  10. Nail Lines: I had assumed that all were hand made but the lies seem too perfect. Now I wonder if they had some kind of Nail Gun or a Taped over Template to Nail the panels . any one Know how they did it ?
  11. My only Aerial Story: Army Truck Convoy Fairbanks, Alaska . (USA) to the summer Tng Grounds near the Arctic Circle. A Recon A/c training for Low Level Photo Missions ( Mohawk OV-1 ) made a Simulated War time pass. The aerial ( Retractable ?) which was down acted a s a whip and struck the Army 2 1/2 ton truck with a box like cover ( metal ?). Paint chips and fragments flew everywhere with a resounding Whacking noise. I was in the Truck behind the one struck so I know that it is a true story. Late 1970 s maybe 76or78. Just gotta drool over the art work for P-4
  12. :salute:mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm might try it.
  13. Its OK Lou g o ahead and be tedious Love tweaking systems
  14. HPW's FM werks

    Good Work
  15. A Small Suggestion For OFF2 P4

    Just my 2 cents folks : A playable game is perferable to a flashy one.
  16. Who are the "...inside men"?

    I bet that they are having a good time play testing while we ?
  17. Well Said, Mr Bullethead. I agree.
  18. 109

    Planes of Fame in Chino, Ca. just got in an airframe for a BF 109 E-1/ upgraded to E-7 . The aircraft will be restored ( Cant find out when) The Frame ( 70 %) was taken from the bottom of a Russian Lake where it crashed ( shot down ?) The rumor is the aircraft flew in BoB as an E-1 then returned for upgrade to E-7 and shipped to the East where in 1942 " it ate it ". I couldn't find out if the motor made to the U.S. along with the Frame. probably because I was up there at Lunch time.
  19. 109

    Thats it Olham you are a wealth of information. They do have the Replicas of those a/c but non flyable. The Storch and the Russian a/c are flyable. It also looks like they brought in a flyable 190 A that is listed as a New Work ( whatever that is ?) along with a Pup and DR I flyable Replicas with tail wheels for the Airshow in May this year. What I thought was interesting was the Mig collection. Parked around the Flight Line and Hangers were a Mig 17 and Mig 15 belonging to the RedBull corporation plus a Polish 2 seat Mig 15 trainer added to that the Planes of Fame Mig 15 that flys each year in the Airshow.
  20. Who are the "...inside men"?

    Mike Dixon UK Protests to much
  21. pdp03565 even The walls

    From the album Random pics

  22. pdp03553

    From the album Random pics


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