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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. OT. Back into the modelling.

    You seem to have the right stuff for modeling good job I used to model in 1/72 scale never did the amount of detail that yours require but I did have fun.
  2. I salute her. Just to do the things she did during that time period was Brave. She must have been a determined and resourceful lady. Bravo to her and all that pushed the limits.
  3. I have been on the receiveing end and its not fun. Albeit, the calibere was small. The best I can remember they were 122 Rockets ( 50 or 100 lbs war head someone said ?) bad concussion sucks the air out from around you then all u can in hale is dirt and smoke. All you hear is a roaring sound then ya cant hear at all for awhile. On another occassion. Motar fire dirt and smoke less of a concussion ( none were close maybe 200 to 300 yds 81 or 82 MM ? ) You can hear a trumping noise of fireing if close enough. Also at different times, Recoilless Rifle never heard it coming in 75mm ? Some one said that dug up a part of the shell. The ground shakes, concussion sucks all the air out nothing to in hale but dirt and smoke cant hear a thing for a while However, the y burst up and out so it must be spot on. There it is. Guess only the young and dumb can put themselves in that position.
  4. Modelling porn.

    I was looking at Siggi s site Britmodeller.com and found these a/c of Jasta 5 I would love to see other line ups of the different Jasta s Sounds like a lot of research hun? URL=http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=11188]http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/1263337824/gallery_50835_358_119891
  5. Jasta 5.JPG

  6. Silent Hunter 5 info

    looks like fun cant wait sh 3 was a hit sh4 a miss
  7. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Yummo Great work and research.
  8. The Pfalz IIIa is Killing Me!

    Spining is a problem But it has to be faced. The Pfalz IIIa is a flying Brick Stay High and dive and always have a Grave digger standing by for U
  9. phase 4 and beyond?

    Phase 4 in two weeks ? wahoo
  10. I re installed both HitR and the patch on the second go around the campagins work But I still get Run Time errors and it will crash back to the desk top. I just start the on campagins for a 2nd time and it generally runs ok. However, Quick combat and diffent skins can be a waste of time with the run time errors. Just continue to march and U will be ok.
  11. Bad Dream

    Took up my American Pilot Jack Armstrong up , He was on his 3rd flight. Somwhere by the Arrgone we tangled with the Huns. 5 N-28s doing the death dance with 7 Albatross s D-5 s ? We went from 7000ft to the deck a N-28 without a wing dopped down then a Albatross in the distance smoking went into a spin. One Hun flashed by so I skidded left and it was hammer down. The D-5 caught fire and burst apart, I found an opening and climbed away from the fight at 3000ft I was turning to head back and my nightmare started. Down came Black and yellow painted Fokker D-7s at least 4 of em maybe more. I broke right to circle but couldnt get a bead on them. Finally got on a huns 6 and 2 D-7s fired up my kite. I skidded but went into the path of another Hun. His twin guns chatted and I became toast with long streams of fire trailing behind my N-28.
  12. anti aircraft fire

    White Ack Ack firearound white clouds Reek big time
  13. After gettin Hat in the ring set up ( Thanks sittin duck) statred a campaign . Being an old campaigner set every thing to easy except enemy fighters and hoped in. The N28 slides a lot but handeld ok . The flight got over the lines and thats where the albatrosses w striped elavators came diving down. I quickly found that the N28 Does turn as fast as a N-17 and when I did finallydid get a shot lined up the bullets were fireing to the left of center so missed him by that time his buddy was sitting on my six and stiched me tail to eng with slugs as the rudder fell off and smoked streamed out of my kite so ended my campaign. Next time must test fly.
  14. HitR download

    Second Time was the charm for me on both Hat in the ring and the patch
  15. Storm of War what a bunch of Hot Air been hearing about it for a long time, but it never comes out. Last I heard they were going to due like Rise of Flight and charge up the wazoo for playing it. On the good side, I have BOBII and its a good round of fun. It does have a steep learning curve but good fun and well done. Kudos
  16. Just finished downloading the new add on. My trigger finger was itching so jumped into quick combat flying the EV fokker Thats when I got a pop up saying Run time error path not found and boom back to desk top Same thing with N24 Bis. However N 24 w lewis worked so for a while I am in pig haven. Anyone else had this problem ?
  17. Hat in the Ring

    Thanks I did the 1.46 patch But will check the site in the AM
  18. Just my 2 cents, I would vote for Two seaters on both sides of the fence. They were after all the most used. Hopefully, some would be flying alone so our kill scores could be increased. Nice Tender early Two seaters mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  19. Intermediate DM 2.2 update available!

    I agree with Tsmoke. It takes all my sense of Adventure just to try and get a skin to the campaign folder
  20. Fastest Gun

    I was feeling like a top gun . In most of my campaign flights with Jasta 4, I was doing the right stuff. mosty turning before I was fired on and getting in a lot of hits with the 1st bursts. Untill , ya U guessed it they cleaned my clock. We were 3 Albatross D-2s swinging towards the Archie fire when 4 N-17s with a Indian Head on the body between the cockpit and tail jumped us. Twisted and turned got 8 hits with my 1st burst on an Ace swung back around and lost him then an Albatross went smoking down. I circled lower and picked another N-17 fired 2 hits Another Ace. By then, I was low and slow so I knew the Ax would fall soon . Tacka ,Tacka from above and to the right hits all over the top wing as a a/c shot over me. Tacka ,Tacka from behind The Engine caught fire I slanted down and burned in level flight all the way down.
  21. Fastest Gun

    I was running the game on easy. Had the Tac on and some other thingy. Anyway, when the bullet hits the other a/c a label pops up giving a name that way U know hes an ace. Since I knew that it was a no win situation with 2 Aces in one flight of a/c, I didnt even bother to read the names. Just call me Toasty.
  22. Good Tweeking, However, for those of us that dont see that great , Let there be light
  23. Anyone know this film?

    Olham: From what I recollect of the Film. Tab Hunter was the Yankee in the film. they used replica ? Penquins a type of training a/c for the time period with clipped wings They sort of drove them on the ground and that was about all no real flying a/c . It does have a hollywood drama to it,

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