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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Flt Lt Rufus.JPG

  2. My only criticism of BHaH

    I agree. along with the AIs wings not comeing off in steeper dives then we can do. and the rear gunners getting better hits (AI) evry time they shoot. However with that said they are very small things compared to the enjoyment of playing OFF.
  3. URL=http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=10653][/url]
  4. Is Billy Bishop in BHaH?

    The caption said this was Billy and plane ?
  5. Billy ?

    From the album other pics

  6. Disturbing Kills

    Speaking of Body Parts, Heard this from my 1st wifes uncle. He was part of the U.S. Glider Force that went into France on D Day. He said as things came in from the beach and it was becomeing a rear area. No one would feed them since they were with the airborne. ( Your rations were allocated to whatever unit u were assigned ) and their unit the 101st was still scattered and moving about. Anyway they found an Artillery mobile kitchen ? and sat down in the dirt along side the chow line his buddy Ollie said hey dewey ya want the light or dark meat this time ? as he unrolled part of a foot he found in a field not far from there. Dewey told me after that they were fed everytime they showed up and always at the head of the line untill they were rounded up by MP s and sent back to the line. True? dont know but its part of history.
  7. Skins

    combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=10641][/url] Think this might make a good skin
  8. Toasty.JPG

  9. The Firefly.JPG

  10. Skins

    Did some checking But could not find any documentation. Its a 3/4 size copy of the DR 1 airplane metal ect at a Fly INN on the East Coast of the U.S.
  11. Be2c.JPG

  12. Skins

    Dont really Know will see if I can find out
  13. Disturbing Kills

    I much prefer OFF to buying guns or a real war.
  14. Disturbing Kills

    I remember slidin behind a shiney Albat D-3 and firing she started a turn and flames just poured out. About that time I knocked over the coffee cup spilling the black liquid all over my newly carpeted War room .
  15. Log Book

  16. Easy Skins (no artistic talent required)

    Widowmaker: Wow How did ya do it? Would luv an individual skin. I am kinda computer dense so if anyone answeres this keep it simple please. Thanks Carrick
  17. New Campaign

    I say Governor, Err wanting maximum realism might as well sign up for the DID Campagin and enjoy all of E rr sadist tendency s I say, join up and give em" E LL" with 2 Sgn RNAS . Like the mon said Live and learn and the rest can Bugger Off. Bloody good fun wot? Pip Pip Cheerio.
  18. rufus T. Firefly.JPG

  19. Phase Four

    U didnt waste any money. the add ons will just make the game more detailed and fun. This forum is a good hangout place when ya take a break from playing OFF.

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