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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. I dont really know. I heard or read somewhere that when the mail flyers flew the mail. They stayed under the cloud layer, when caught in the fog or clouds they looked for holes. No hole = Bailout when the fuel ranout.
  2. AHH Fraps

    Fraps is a thingy U can down load for vids and screen shots of OFF. I tryed useing Print screen but could never find the screenshots where did they go? I dont know so switched to fraps.
  3. I actually like the N-11 Be Be s and N-17s Bit Twitchie but flyable, my writing skills should improve over time. althought I do hope that my old English teacher never reads them, she would go Post Office on me. Thanks Rabu for taking the time and reading the story.
  4. DiD Logbook.

    Just and after thought althought it envolves work. Most Individual Military Units did have UNIT Records. They told of what happened to the entire unit. i.e. E Co, 1st Bat, 27th Armd Cav on whatever did whatever. The other units did the same. It should be point out that no one paid very much attention updateing and keeping Records . in the 70s or 80s. to the best of my knowledge anyway.
  5. DiD Logbook.

    Good Ideas, I think I will wait and see what works for everyone then do the same thing
  6. My pilots name will be Rufus T. Firefly Lt. RN 3 Wing RNAS. .
  7. Thanks

    Thanks again sitting duck I was just Fraps-in-around but followed your advice and got printable pics. Super cool. How do the members post vids Do they use U tube then post the link?
  8. Thanks

    Picked up the U tube account. Got ur last msg but could not connect with the web address ( URL). I was useing Bing web browser
  9. Ah- FRAPS

    What am I doing wrong? I can use Fraps to get screen shots but I can not use fraps to get a screen shot of the Pilots Log Book. I seem to be all Fraps-up
  10. I say , Jolly good show. I see I am to Endevor to perserve with The Kings Own. Bit of all right Wot? I will be takin me Cricket Bat along should be time for a game of bowls on the French Green before Tea Time.
  11. Thanks

    Wow super, Thanks buddy thats one I owe ya. No rush Got a lot of puttering around the house to do.
  12. New Nvidea driver

    I have found that for some. Old drivers for old games and New drivers for new games works. Ive had grief with always updating drivers.
  13. As you can see, My flight training for two seaters is complete I am Ready to be assigned. Someboby start the War. combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=10557][/url]
  14. DFW is the only logical kite. heavy and slow. Olham; yes its a hanover they fly nicer. does anyone know a way to control the wingmates while under DId ?
  15. Bloody mess today, We went on a Recon/Escort with 3 BE2Cs S.W of Cambrai. Over the lines we got hit by 7 albatross D-2s. The melee was a circling zooming mess flights broke up and everyone was slant down to wards the weeds. Everyone taking pot shots as the guns came to bare. They got one of our 5 N-17s left in 60 sgn. He just blew up as he hit the ground in no mans land. as we got lower we got caught in another fight between maybe 5 Airco DH 2 s and 3 or 4 Halbartstads. As we twisted and turned I saw a DH 2 eat it as his engine caught fire.but befor he hit the ground a Halbartstad smack it explording. I did get a few hits on a Albatri as he skided by me followed by one of my wingmates who was catching fire by and Albatri flying behind him. My Lewis clicked empty as I lined up on him so broke right and landed at nearest field. Heard later that we lost 1 BE2c. 2 DH 2s and 3 60 Sgn N-17s Now that leaves just 2 of us. Enemy Losses: 2 Halb 1 Abatri D-2 ?

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