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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Hey I am iAlmost ready for the 1st string
  2. Thanks

    You Know me me Dont have Fraps from shine-nolla. Love to compress fraps vids or edit them, Seems like a second Game to learn. I can buy them( software) but dont know which ones or where? Thanks for any help or directions U can give,
  3. I vote for flyers choice automix or no auto mix. Any sgn for the French ?
  4. I was flying a N-17 and got into combat with a Albatross D-2 at around 7-10 000 ft. We were amid Tall white clouds and blue skies. He was the last of his pack ( 2 D-2s at low level and 3 above us 3 N-17s) The e/a scout circled wide then came down on the 6 of my flight .The other 2 Hun scouts were diving level so I cut inside his turn and got on his six. Slowing down , I took the shot ,two long bursts befor my lewis jamed. Gotta luv the graphics hits all over his kite poping up dust ? as they struck. Then a thin smoke trial as the enemy scout went into a flat wide spin. I watched him stay in that death spin all the way down till he hit the trees and exploded The smoke trail left from his burning aircraft smeared the clean blue sky . Awsome. .
  5. Great fraps on fire

    Super cool information, Thanks
  6. The oldest aircraft that I got to ride in was an old Terry and the Pirates C-47 tail dragger unless a C-54 complete with oil leaks from the motors when I was down south count. However, I am hopeing to ride in a PT Steerman coming this summer .
  7. How about this one?

    It worked will try for a vid
  8. http://forum.combata...5_358_79553.jpg The last if it posted.
  9. fraps

    That work ?
  10. fraps

    A kill
  11. fraps

  12. fraps

    did these post?
  13. No training wheels, Full OFF did rules, ahh I wont last long so put me down too. I cant fly on any long missions because of heating problems on my low end computer. I will leave my bags packed so they will be easier to ship when I crash and burn. Any side is cool.
  14. Took up 23 Sgn FE2Bs for a normal Bombing run. Didnt get to the enemy side of the lines when My flight of 4 got jumped. We were at 4000ft and they fell like rain from above 3 Fokker E-3s. 1st Time I ever got hit by fighters when flying a two seater . They fired as they came down then turned in a have circle and fired as they passed ( a Hafe hearted gun run) They fired 2 or 3 bursts at the most then they were off to whatever ? I took 7 hits during the second pass. so had to put the plane down at the 1st airfield. O ne of the gunners got 2 hits on an E-3 but that was about all.
  15. Fighters engaged

    Thanks for the advice will try sooner or later.
  16. Bravo Olham Beating those rear gunners. Well Done Good pics too.
  17. What a fine day

    Good storie. You can almost smell the powder from the Archie Bursts.

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