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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. note of thanks

    Thanks Sittin Duck: Followed ur directions and used the mouse to put the sighting circle back in the Zone. Works great Thanks Carrick
  2. Well, that wasn´t fair!

    Kudos, Good pilot story.
  3. I Dont kn ow How I did it. Has this happen to anyone else ? I was playing OFF hiting the F3 button or F5? and the sight circle is no longer centered The Machine guns shoot low and to the right when useing it. With the front of aircraft mask on (Wind screen machine guns ect ) they shoot striaght ahead just like the sighting circle used to do. Any ideas? Thanks Carrick
  4. Well I play OFF, and then theres playing OFF, Hey am I supposed to have other Hobbies?
  5. what did I do wrong

    Guess Its broke. F-5 OFF or on shoots mostly to point of aim. But punch F3 for the circle and its low and to the left Not sure about the (,) I guess will fly with F-5 always on.
  6. Hide and Seek

    Took 2 flight (2 N-172 lewis guns)60 sgn RFC up to defend a balloon. I say, Had a Row with the Bosche from Jasta 1 they had 5 Halbatstad D-3s. a lot of shooting 2 of the huns were Aces. Bit of an upset wot? they hit my mate right on as they dived thru us. 2 Halb got beind him and took turns shooting him to bits. Poor Chap was smoking badly as I got 4 hits on one of the blithers. Thought Id buy the farm too ( had only 67 rds left) untill I saw a fight of 5 FE2Bs going by so I poped over and the huns left me alone. Bloody bad day.
  7. OT--Loose as a Goose

    This is the 1st time that I have heard of FedX being Goosed.
  8. They deserve so much more then a Ribbon and a shiney decoration. Awsome.
  9. Nice attack

    Real nice attack, I was up with 2nd wing 3 Jasta on 18 may 1917. The flight of 4 Albatross D-3s spoted 5 Rnas Sopwith Pups 3000ft higher. I broke right. Looking back the 3 D-3s were climbing left in a corkscrew. 3 of the Pups came slanted down on the Albatri s six the other two stayed high circleing right but wide apart. I pulled tight right got off 2 bursts of 40 rds got 12 hits on one Pup then I spun out. Recovering low, I saw the pups and albatross s twisting and turning the lewis and spandua s barking. Noticed two of the pups go spinging to the dirt below one minus a top wing. Turning back to help ( they didnt need it) A 3rd Pup caught fire from a Abarti on its six and headed for the ground in a level dive albit slowly. The fight was over. My number 2 was wounded othwise no damage to the Flight.
  10. Nice attack

    Blue 78 Yes thats true the poorly rated wingies will leave u in the lurch. I have been with a full sgn of 10 a/c got hit with a 3 a/c Jasta and found myself alone . What a bunch of %$#@.
  11. Nice attack

    Thanks Olham, I have Been useing your advice about the tac. It does work. I Couldnt belive the game graphics when the pups came down on the D-3 s Tails. or the twisting and turning fights. Every where I looked something was going on. Awsome game.
  12. OT... AAARGH! :(

    Another could be worst: The B-17 s that flew into Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th ,1941 Air battle with Zero fighters all around. The flight Had no ammo and was runing out of gas.
  13. OT... AAARGH! :(

    It could be worst. Worked with a guy awhile back that brought land from a show on T.V. Turned out to be located at the bottom of a lake with no mineral rights.
  14. Fraps

    Hi all, was wondering if their was any information on uploading screen shots from FRAPS I have the free version. When I tryed to up load a screen shot , I get an error msg ? Any Ideas ? Thanks Carrick58
  15. Fraps

    Thanks will give it a go. I am begining to think that FRAPS wont work untill I down load the update which I might do anyway . Always wanted to do a Youtube.
  16. I say, Bad luck. Hope that u have another warming up for his turn at bat.
  17. How do your pilots die?

    " Alass poor yoric I knew him well". Mine are loss due to dumbness most of all. 4 example, a turning fight too low ( spun in) Not knowing their was a rear gunner ( RE 8) Going for a balloon instead of flying zig zag. (archie) Flying warp speed (enemy always above and mostly behind). Porching on anothers target ( midair) or shot down by friendly fire. Hiting a tree on landing. Then comes hostile aircraft, Archie fire mine and theirs. target fixation. and rear seater gunners that get better hits then I do.
  18. Flynn; I know what u r talking about. My better hafe said she wanted things for the garden so picked up a shovel and a push broom and plants, Now she wants me to use them. Ya cant win
  19. bullethead: Its funny you were writing about former enemies. an that now you associate with them. Just a week or so back at a Jiffy Lube, I swear that I had seen the guy changing the oil sometime ago. The only thing was that I remember that he was wearing black P.J s and holding an AK 47 in a tree line by a rice paddy. Time does change things.
  20. I say, hes a fine lookin chap. You did well Con grats on the Blue Max. I am sure you earned it. On the upside we have post girls over here too. On the down side most of them look like someones brother. Since I do my own ironing too, I buy a lot of wash and wear or permament press. ( it gives more time for OFF) ENJOY
  21. The campaign is so awesome..

    Erich Zann : E Z ? This game is fun and intense. Welcome
  22. a surprize

    Found 3 two seaters slighty above me. I was on their 6 like stink on a monkey. Closed in under them like all my BE2c Kills. Raised slighty ready to fireonce I was Level Thats when the tail gun opened up. They were RE 8 s and at that range their rear seaters gun was deadly. took 12 hits in the wing and a bunch in the Body and tail was nearly shot to bits but I still could glide to a forced landing. Moral Look be for you leep.
  23. a surprize

    Yes I thought that I would loose the pilot didnt like that kind of risk by accident
  24. My wife gives me bills and honey do this and that.
  25. Fraps

    Opened with paint, but only shows where to save i.e. Documents ect. Tried to save the fraps screen shot and post from documents. Didnt work said failed to load. I must be doing something wrong cant be super hard. to post shots or make a movie for U tube.?

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