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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. A picture for Paarma

    Althought I cannot prove it. Id had heard somewhere that the silver color on the Pflaz was part of a frabic treatment not just a color of choice. Anyone else ever hear that?
  2. any ideas ?

    Pilots office for a Albatross C-3?
  3. SUPER Now thats what winys are for Good show
  4. A fine game

    Just a few complaints about Flying with 60 sqn Mar 1917. Replacements come in but they go to A flight now that &^*% kissing flight has 5 pilots while I have a wing mate (2 a/c). Another thing I cant seem to knock out a Roland However , they did knock out my N-17 engine and I had to land in a field. There must be some kind of trick to it? My pilot has 10.75 hrs and 4 confirm 1 pending 2 rejected. so he wont last long The albatross D-2 flight s in the area by Lens, France. seem to be getting bigger with the mixed fights of Halberstadts and albatross scouts numbering at least 8 a/c. On the last Flight ( just 2 a/c) I avoided 2 flights of 4 albatri s 1 flight of 4 Halbat D-2s and 2 Albatris. I dove on 3 rolands flying at a lower height which took out my engine. Gotta fight harder or I wont live longer.
  5. A fine game

    Good advice will Rent a Roland and look for blind spots. Then go to campaign and cook up the begger. Fe s were fighters but their not hard to shoot down in OFF I baged a few by keeping low at their 6 o clock rising only to fire. They do cook up nice. Thanks all.
  6. Increasing OFF Performance

    Uncleal: Just a note to say Thanks.( about Ur advice on cleaning the heat sink) Seems to help a lot. But I was wondering The graphics seem to be more detailed after the cleaning. Am I seeing things? Thanks for ur help.
  7. OT A little Joke for you all

    I have went thru the Logical and emotional side of issues with wives and women. So I am in agreement with the person that said. Well, you cant live with women and you cant live without em.
  8. Took my Jasta 3 pilot up in the newly issued Albatross D-3. Found a 3 a/c flight of FE2Bs. Singaled attack then circled behind my flight of 2 wingmates they lined up on the right two a/c in a V of three. My pilot Otto Von Bismark lined up on the left added power came abreast of his wingmates a/c and opened up on the FE2B to his front 43 rds latter I took 12 hits in my right wing, Broke left nosed down for speed and looked around not a e/a in the sky behind me. My own wing mates were the guilty ones. I was shot up by them . They must have swung left behind me firing as they went. at the left most FE2b in the Vee. All without a by your leave.
  9. WW2 Sims

    Not sure what you are looking for. I picked up Battle of Britain II Then loaded the patches works fine. It does have a steep learning curve so used the forum for advice.
  10. Took out my oldest pilot Pep pe La Pew ESC 3. While patroling behind the darkside lines. Uneventful, Made a turn for home flying zig zaging to avoid Archie. Spoted a balloon just to the right of my escape path. What the &^%$ no kills, 1 claim, 41.8 hours flight time. Might as well add the balloon on the way home right? Nope ! Just as soon as the N-11 BeBe steadyed on approach to the hun Balloon wack, zing, crack, and woop Pilot hit plane on fire no elavators, no rudder. Crash. K I A. Should have went straight back. But No Now the Hun archibald can chalk another kill ME.
  11. Another one bites the dust.

    Hellshade: I say quite right. How very rude of the Hun Aniti aircraft to Rain on the Parade. There was no need to get our tails up Revving around like that Wot? Off we go then fore King and Country Pip Pip Cheerio.
  12. By Jove, My A flight always go swaning off. Cheeky Blithers wot?
  13. How To Access Missions?

    Just a note of thanks to unclear , Took his advice and used a can of air to clean the Heat sink over the processor. It did help with the problem . Now I can Fly 3 or 4 times plus before it overheats instead of one or two. Kudos carrick
  14. Help me not suck.

    Welcome Ryan H to the meat grinder. Everyone already pointed out the main facts about staying alive in OFF campaign. The one that killes me the most often is the TAC if u fly with it and I do. Always expect the Bad guys will be above you and mostly behind U with that said , You will see awsome views of ur oppositions aircraft diving on u guns blasting Tac a Tac a Tac a.
  15. First flight In BHAH

    I SAY OLD CHAP, Bit of a sticky wicket wot? Welcome.
  16. Remorse and Air Combat

    I thought that was why we have wingmen. To leave em for the Lawnmowers as we make our escape
  17. Fighting R.E.8s

    Yessssssssssssssssssss, get em olham. Actually I think that the dice are loaded in favor of the rear gunners. They seem to get hits with each burst. ( Rolands, Fes)
  18. New Aircraft Feature Request

    According to McCudden s book they didnt use a lot of flares ( Very Lights) in the 1915 two seaters because to get more they would have to fly over to an Arty battery and When ever they landed an german gun would do counter Arty fire on them. This made them unpopular with the cannon crews They did use lights but very limited.? The wireless was the most used form for signaling.
  19. Pfalz pilots

    After taking a Halbt D-3 uP in jasta 8, I have formed a few conclusions. The a/c isnt good for a lot of things It drives like a truck and has a poor rate of climb. It can drive but not that great. The saving grace is that it carries a lot of ammo. The best that can be said is that it is a good training a/c for a Pfalz D-3 pilot because that one also drives like a truck. I had a flight of three Pfalz s attacking a 5 aircraft N-11 Bebe s and was hard put to knock them down. The saveing grace of course was more ammo and engine power. ( Fighting the Frenchies on the deck cancelled out the dive advantage)
  20. Ive had my wingmates crash into me. Generally, I was sticking my nose in on their Kill, As I overshot or turn ed into them, They would shoot me up or crash into me. I would like to point out that the vultures have horned in on my kills by getting the last few shots in an already doomed airplane and got credit for the kill. Sinkin, no good, &^%$
  21. First impressions

    Itifonhom: You will find that the sim is representive of the time period of the war. Some things I found besides life expectencly. 1. German a/c will be higher then your a/c and bomb from high altitudes. ( James T.B. McCudden RFC stated that he saw a german 2 seater. bombing from 7000ft and the early german a/c were always higher then his Observation a/c except when he was in one that overflew a german airfield (1915). moreover, the lewis machine gun was not the most accurate nor had long range. Same as the sim. He stated that he could hit an e/a at 300 yards but at 500 yards they were out of range. He also stated that he once fire two drums of lewis machine gun ammo at 2 seaters over 1000 ft away an didnt get a hit. The sim is like that fly a N-11 BeBe and U wont get a lot of hits unless u r close. REF: Flying Fury ( Five years in the RFC) James T.B.McCudden, Doubleday,New York.
  22. Pfalz pilots

    Yes I did fly the Pfalz (3 A/c) in quick combat also tried it with the halberstadt D-3 (3 A/c) trying to knock the Frenchies out ( 5 N-11 s). I have been flying a halb D-2 with jasta 8 and found what Olham and Baldric said is true: Keep above the other aircraft ( N-17 or N-16) and only fight a single a/c. I dont think a 3 plane flight of Halb D-2 s or D-3s knock about with a 5 plane flight of N-17s is fair. Maybe with 3 good pilots and Pfalz D-3 s it might be fair. I also would luv te see Fokker D-IIs or D-IIIs added to the game along with any other 1915 or 16 a/c.
  23. SH_0055.jpeg

    We need good tank sims. How was this One?
  24. earlyd71.jpg

    From the album Random pics


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