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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. oldest pilot

    Well, I guess I am finally doing it right. Pep pe la Pew ESC 3 N-11 BeBe s 20.7 hours No Kills No Claims but flyable.
  2. Jasta 12 at Roucourt castle

    Kudos to you all for such great work. I think thats what makes this forum rock. I cant add anything of value to the work, but two things I have noticed over time. 1. when I was in Germany many yrs ago. They did seem to preserve the land by staying in communties and not spreading out so wide. 2. A few years ago, I knew a guy that bought land, without owning the minerial rights, at the bottom of a lake Silly things that people do.
  3. Pulling up

    Gotta try to fly as if I was on a learners permit and keep the wings on the plane
  4. oldest pilot

    Thanks all, I will drink to that.
  5. Thought u guys might like the site. Type into ur browser Vintage aviation.net has close ups of Dr-1 including Machine Guns of time period ( Orignals ?)
  6. oldest pilot

    50 hours ? I gotta work harder! Every pilot that I had get kills, they got killed. Pep pe la pew had to land in farmer fields 2 times just to get this far, althought he did get a few hits in on a E-3 ( Empited the drum) 4 hits I think. The other pilot Alvin York (10.8) in N- 17s in RFC 40 sgn has 4 kills ( 2 balloons and 2 Albatross D-2s) He seems to be doomed The D-3 V strutter s just showed up at the front.
  7. FLAK Setttings

    I just went with the Super patch. Its a lot faster spoting the e/a just look for the flak. Ive only lost one A/C of mine to Archie over the lines, so I am happy with it.
  8. According to Wikipedia: The Lewis Machine Gun had an effective range of 880 yards an a max range of 3,500 yrds. with that said it all depends on the ammo. The 303 rds of the time were the 1st of the smokeless powders and had a lot of inconsistancies. The powder used was codrite M.T.D. according to UKonline which depending on storage conditions Dampness, , ect affected the propellents burning rate. Different burning rates effect the velocity of the bullet and if it will fire at all. in the game, ???? 100 yards maybe. U tube has a lot of machinegun videos Lewis and vickers among them But they are useing more modern ammo stiil fun to watch.
  9. For what is worth, a deflection shot works well with the N-11 Bebe. Perhaps, its the only way that you can be effective with the limited amount of ammo. its not that hard getting the hang of fiire in front of the target keep firing till he flys through the line of fire normally its engine or pilot get hit s complete with Yells then the a/c smokes of falls out of control. The problem is getting the a/c in that position for the shot. You will find most the time the ammo is gone.
  10. I had that happen before too. Shot up two FE2Bs (use abut 400 rds) When logging the claim, it wouldnt redcord untill I down sized to one FE2B ( maybe the other a/c in the flight got a few hits in) then it accepted the form.
  11. wow, seems i missed a lot

    Snakes: althought looking back its hard to remember, I heard of the Posko while in S.E. Asia. There was one (think the same one hung in trees) called the two steper because if you were bit that was how far you would get. ! And a nasty little spittin snake ( Corba ?) instead of bitin the little devil would spit poison. Nasty little devils, but they didnt come looking for U.
  12. Omaka Aviation Heritage Museum

    Sure hope he does, I think it would show his love of the by gone time , but will it make money? I know that I would see it at least twice then buy the DVD. (same for Red Baron and that one is not great) At the rate hes going at the aircraft. He soon will have enough to start his own air war.
  13. Missing file

    Hi There, I Cant get the game to run. I get as far as the duty or briefing rooms then get a pop up stating airfields fail to populate ( I had this pop up for a while and it doesnt seem to hurt the game) I ignor it. Then I get a second pop up window stating Con fig Overrides settings-file does not exist - Reinstall OFF. I should mention that recently , I uploaded the new Nvida drivers for the game that I saw in the forum. Do I need to reinstall OFF with the Super patch or figure out a way to get back the old Nvida drivers ? Thanking you in advance Carrick58
  14. Missing file

    Sitin Duck: Just a note of thanks for fixin up OFF. U guys Rock Thanks. Carrick
  15. Musings on the Spad

    I am in agreement with Herr Prop wasche. The term refects the region in which the person was raised For Example, In the early 70s I was in Europe and the peace sign (V) ment something different then what it did in the U.S.A. Fast forward to shakeing hands in some parts of the Arab world U just dont do it. however, in the U.S. Its a sign of greeting the open hand meaning without weapon dates back to Rome.
  16. Missing file

    P.S. Dont remember much about Teamspeak is there a code or password Thanks thats about 4 pm california time ?
  17. Missing file

    To Night???????
  18. Dual core processors

    Since we are talking about computer systems and OOF. What system would max out the the sim? I have a 2.0 dual core with a XP operating system( I run a single processor for OFF) AMD 64 3800 processor 2 gbs ram DDR Nvida Ge force 7600 graphics card. 256 mb. Currently it overheats and chugs along at 40 frame rate during the game. What system would make OFF rock? without overdoing it? Kudos luv the forum and the game.
  19. Missing file

    Setting duck: Na , CFS3 runs like it did before you talked me thru the set up then went on to install and tweek OFF (it freezes then crash back to the desk top). Its as if the system doesnt acknowledge the Game graphics that you have me fill out ( cnfig-custom-window- and a long series of listings about graphics water buffers ect. Any time is cool the 7th is fine or when ever. Thanks Carrick58 P.S. How can u roll back the drivers maybe thats all it needs ?
  20. Longevity (aircraft, not pilots...)

    Hi all, I agree with bullethead. He stated that 2 seaters types were replaced slower then the faster turn over rate of single seaters during WWI. as for types: The Albatross C types, The French Caudrons, The Rumpler types. and all the FE s. As for other thoughts : Which a/c would I like to see in off : All the above plus Fokker D-II and or D-III s and Haniorts and the Farman types of 1915. Which a/c should be in OFF but are Not based on how long they were there in the line: Rumplers, N27 or 28, Gotha s.
  21. ram question

    Kudos, you guys got me hooked on this thread. A geek I am not, but I do wonder how much memory is needed when useing a XP operating system to maximise the OFF game. As birddog pointed out, 1Mb sticks filling all the slots wont work. I currently have 2 GB. and I would like to up grade my system just for OFF. The second question would be : would an increase in memory boost frame rates ? Thanks, Carrik58
  22. Missing file

    Sitting Duck: Hi there, Wel lit doesnt surprize me that u dont remember, I see in the forum where u are busy all the time. Yes still having problems. I reset the sliders a number of times till all that was left was 1 1 1 1 1 that didnt work. When I get into the game (pass all the screens) all I get is a mix of tri angles cant make out a picture at all if left playing it freezes up where u have to reboot by ctr alt delete or turn off the machine. I did re read the faq and forum thought maybe it was the game graphics but on comparison with the faq chart they look ok. Basicly, it runs like it did befor we talked the 1st time (freezes, crash s ect.) I have been playing the game fine for a while ( exception my low end computer over heats so I only do a few flights then turn it off for awhile and of course the M button (map) during a scramble mission ( Finally learned to just not touch it and everything is fine). As I stated before the only thing I did was download the latest set of Nvida drivers hope ing to get a little better game play. Anytime is fine, I can deicate whatever day or time that is required Thanks Carrick58
  23. 1 May 1917, Roucort, Flanders. Afternoon hop and armed Recon in DFW CV FA 45B 2d Flight. I used Hugo Von Zepplin as my pilot with Prince Wilhelm as gunner and departed the airdrom with a flight of three DFW s. My bus was the 1st in 2d flight as we joined up the other flight of 4 DFWs ( 1staffel=4 a/c 2 Staffel=3 Total 7 Dfws) as we went up to 6000ft. 1st Flight was joined by the escourt of 4 Albatross D-3 from Jasta 6. My flight of 3 a/c stayed lower ( 5000ft) and one mile behind. As the lead a/c of my flight I could see 5 sopwith pups falling on the lead group as we crossed the lines The persuits from jasta 6 were quick to fend off the attacking pups ( RNAS 9 Sqn). as the dove and circled they left the Bombers (DFW S) thats when 2 N-17 s attacked them from below and behind The lewis and the Spandaus barked at each other. the rear dfw took 5 hits and his wing mate took 6. One N-17 started to smoke and corkscrewed down and into the clouds. !st flight formation became ragged as the N-17 was joined by 2 sopwith pups peppering the bombers. I t was at this conjunction that my flight dropped lower and steered for the target. All was well and good till the bombs were droped on the tommies side of the lines. Then 2 SE5 s winged by along the right side of the a/c Our rear gunner fired off 3 10 rd bursts no hits. Turning and pointing the nose of the aircraft down we excellerated to 150 mph head for home. The SE5s had turned two and were peppering the back two bombers each a/c took hits all the formation rear gunners were firing mine shot off 5 ten Rd bursts gott 5 hits on the 56 sgn SE. as we neared the edge of the airfield, The last DFW in 2 flight was smoking but the e/a were gone. Total score one N-17 crashed One Pup engine fire and crashed. Our losses 1 Albati D-3 and one DWF CV junked from damage THe rest of us had holes.
  24. Missing file

    Thanks, did the config and re set the sliders, But now it seems to be unstable ( Like the 1st time when I got OFF the mscfs3 would not play crashed back to desktop) the screen shows triangles the sooner or later it freezes. Althought I cant remember what sittin duck told me to do, it had something to do with the setup and he spent a few hours on teamspeak pointing out what what files to arrange. Game Files ? (not the cfs3 config) C arrick58 If I can get this patched backup I wont change drivers anymore.
  25. Armed Recon of lines

    Sorry, thought that I did that. I just fly in the campain part of the game starting in Apr 1917 with FA 45 B based in Roucort, Flanders , Flying DFW CV s . Air intensity is set to medium( well, sometimes heavy) Will post in reports from the front. It seems to add to the immersive quality of the game by writing about the flight kinda like a After Action report or a Situation Report. By the way, Whenever I take up an Albatross D-3, I follow your advice and the advice of my fellow forum members. It does seem to work keeping the nose down in turning fights, avoiding target fixsation ect. As for Archie, what can ya do.? The Chaser Aircraft for that Area of the front ( Roucort-Front lines in Flanders) is Jasta 6 flying Albatross D-3 s and some other Jasta flying D-2 s .

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