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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Planes

    I agree the 30s Art Deco look still floors me and the paint schemes were wild. The Hd-1 Hanorit that French Ace Charles Nungesser Flew in the Film Skyraiders is located at Planes of Fame, in California. Its a no touchie roped off,but pics are ok As for OFF would luv to see the Hd-1, Fokker D-II and D-III s along with the early French 2 seaters as A I aircraft or flyable.
  2. Planes

    Your making me drool over the HD-1 yummy airplane and small. Next time, Will try and get a custodian ( they wear white gloves) to photograph the cockpit. The machine guns on Nungesser s plane are two wooden ones painted black for the film everything else is as it was in those days. Carrick58
  3. oops

    OOPs sorry
  4. new problems

    When ever I start the OFF game during the mission setup I get a blue and white pop up saying failure to populate airfields. doesnt seem to affect the game. Another msg pops up after I played for a few flights ( I seem doomed to only fly a few times) it reads: failure to load mission. This does effect the game (it wont let me play and I have to exit thru Officers Mess. If I dont shut the computer off for a while, I seems to repeat failure to load ect. Lastly, I down loaded the mod for 40 s D.M. but it doesnt seem to active HELP! Althought I will continue to play it a couple of flights at a time , the way it is set up. Thanks carrick58
  5. new problems

    The Quick combat does work The FE s give a good fight that was as far as i got then same o same o crash back to start. Didnt try the fan as yet been going down the advice list i,e, duo core reconfigure to run the therad thur one processor ect.( this did stop the mission faliure to load msgs however, still get the failure to populate airfields msg) thanks I will get to the fan as the list gets shorter (PS luv the sounds and vis effects in the scenario s kudos! Carrick58
  6. drop in fps

    Even befor the super patch was getting up to 40 (according to the Frame Rate thingy I downloaded) After ,a small increase 45 of course it does fluctuates lowest is 20 ( Heavy dog fighting 10 a/c minimum plus the flak and arty in the lines and weather) 1 5 1 2 1
  7. A bad day in Flanders

    U guys are struggleing to get 50 hours ! Ive never passed 8.5 flight hours in the game. The AI is a stinker I agree. Carrick58
  8. nice touch

    I went balloon busting and hunting on or near argonne with jasta 37 in Albatross D-3s While alone I fired 100 rds in bursts at a british balloon a nice (improvement with the patch)( I liked it) experience they pop so nicely. spotted a flight of 3 sopwith 1 1/2 strutters 3000 ft above going to wards my side of the lines circled to the right and taged along gaining height normanly I fire multi bursts at long range and started to here fired off 100 rds in short bursts and the #3 a/c to the right began to smoke but that was all so went closer, at maybe 5 airplane lenghts fired 2 long burts wood splinters were flying off the wings walking to the cockpit . The second burst walking the fire along the aircraft caught the cockpit area an I heard a loud scream then fire from the engine and it fell smoking into the Argonne Forest . Thats when my computer crashed back to the desk top Never noticed those effects befor really nice and I was totally involved in the flight Bravo to the developers and the patchers.
  9. The games plays for a few flights then crashes back to the pilots room ( briefing, pick out mission , duty room ect.) the processer temp reads at start of game 34 by the time I get in 2 flights or so its at 54 so maybe its a heat problem did anyone have this problem ? (Cant afford a new computer) I got hooked on this game so even with the interuption I will continue to play and have a good time. U can go to quick action but as soon as u go to the field it crashes back Thanks
  10. crashing back to the duty room

    thanks all still working on it will do all the advice one at a time. Thanks have fun gotta luv this place. Carrick58
  11. Just a flight

    Flying over the lines at 6000 ft, Baron auto Matic and a flight of 2 albatross D-3 s plowed thu the rain streaked cloudy skys. Wondering why he was flying ( no one would be out in this weather). Suddenly ,ack ack poped to the left as he spoted a lone D-3 prsued by 5 N17s . Off to the right and higher at 10000 ft droned another flight of 5 Spad 7s. Starting a slow bank to the right so the hafe circle end up pointing at the lower flying N-17s and the lone D-3. turning around, he saw the other two V strutters were gone lost in the towering clouds. The Baron began to dive figuring for the fatherland. A little left rudder and He was lined up on the flight of 5 N17 s as their two lead a/c began firing at the lone D-3. The V strutter was from 1st flight He thought spotting the markings just as smoke and a long flame started licking along side the body of the single seater the smoke grew darker as the flame grew longer and more intense. all He could think was that Hollywood had been hit. They got Hollywood as his D-3 smacked into the trees. Diving and firing into the emeny flight ( couldnt hit nothing) They scattered as the Baron shot thru the formation like a good looking woman spends money at a sale heading towards a german airfied on the other side of the lines while thinking Home James. Landing at a forward airfield He was surprized to see Willy von Kuberman offering him a bottle of champagne Vintage 1903 seeing how that was hard to get. Willy asked who we got up there. Just as 2 D-3s droned into the landing circle. The Baron auto matic could only point and say all we got up there is Maverick and Goose heaven help us. Slowly they walked off singing you lost that loving feeling, you have lost that loving feeling, bullet holes, holes.
  12. Just a flight

    LOL sorry But couldnt resist spoofing Top Gun of course the best spoof I ever saw on it was a youtube a vid called sungun with korean Mig 21 s but voice over with Top Gun dialog out and out funny
  13. I would to add my thanks to the OFF team and the BOBII team a lot of work with little thanks. You guys Rock .
  14. Hi There, Hopeing to find help. Installed the lasted patch,but I must have done something wrong. Now all I get is a re install OFF msg , game wont play at all Its was running and I was having a good time now Grounded.
  15. Going on Vacation to Washington DC

    I tryed one time to go to D.C. Never made IT, I flew into asheboro N.C. to visit Friends Rented a car drove to Va. and found traffic was so bad in D.C. that people take trains in and out. ended up turing Manass Va. and where George Washington grew up then went thru Richmon. Not an airplane in sight. Have a good trip. lol
  16. Re installing Off msg

    Thanks all, got it reinstalled and running but it still has issues after a few flights a mesg pops up failure to load mission so I have to exit the program althought it doesnt say it ,I shut dow n the computer. After a while I restart the computer and run OFF and it behaves for a few flights then it starts over mission failed to load. yada yada yada. So for now thats how I play OFF a few flights at a sitting. With that said, I love this game.
  17. Does look like a ski mask Iv seen some like that in Alaska when the wind chill is 30 below zero. However I really dont know
  18. On the emeny side of the lines, our flights ran into 5 N-17s. 1st flight (3 a/c) had attacked and had the the Frenchies down low by the Argonne and the front lines. My flight of 4 Albatross D-3 persuits dived to attack. Remembering what Olham preches in the forum I kept higher then the N-17s circling. while making a slow right turn saw a N-17 behind a D-3. slight dive lining him up and gave him a squirt (32 rds) got 1 hit then as I drew closer fangs out long burst (46 rds) 6 hits another burst(37 Rds) 8 hits pulled up to stay higher then the circling fight in the weeds and saw my victim hit the ground. Checking my six , I saw an N-17 closing . broke Right, he stayed back there ,tryed a chandel he stayed with me like stink on a monkey, Started a loop then broke hard left for the weeds. I thought ,Hope that they have Maverick and Goose on the Alert Ramp this fight will be over in secs The French a/c closed but never fired ( he must have used up his ammo) so I slowed made a gental right turn clawing for height and a D-3 smoking flew by and crashed. Putting the nose down ,I picked up a N17 heading at me firing a long burst (42 Rds) I got one hit . Hard left nose down I lined up for deflection shot as he began to turn a burst of 40 rds resulted in 4hits closed the range and pulled more leed fired (33Rds) 6-8 hits pulled up saw the N17 still flying in the weeds. Right Rudder and a gentle dive long burst (52 Rds) 9 hits all arond the cockpit boom the N17 slamed in the ground and I finally lost the N17 flying behind me. Losses: 1st flight loss one D-3 I lossed my wingman ( forced landing their side of the lines) TT: 2 albatross D-3. Allied : 4 N-17s (2 were mine) 1st flight got one 2d flight 3 (my flight) :yes:
  19. Best Flight my 1st fighter kills

    Being foolish, I decided to start flying as Seendly Whiplash in be2c s Not brave (Dumb) enough for the FE2B ,but will Keep the Count Dirty Oil as my Albatross D-3 pilot Its hard for me to think that I was avoiding N11 s and N17 s now I look for them. I drink and sing a version of the WW I English Airmans Drinking song. My Airman Take the crankcase out of my back and remember my wingmate Hass to take the british piston out of my ^%%$$###@ Hooray for the next one that flys. The Champagne I got from Willy Vintage 1903, I Found It Hard to Get.! :yes:
  20. World at War, Silent Hunter III ,and IV and Combat Mission Afrika Korps But looking for a good Tank game.
  21. FE2B

    U guys proabaly already seen this ( a replica FEB4 taxing in New Zeland) just go to youtube.com and search FEB4 I was impressed wating the Mighty FE.
  22. Dead is Dead (sort of)

    Best I can do: Wikipeda.Org Flying aces of World War I. scroll down lists all pilot names both sides. Starts at 5 Kills and goes up. Thought I saw it mention 2 seaters too.
  23. planes in Movies

    Someone mentioned in the forum that the Dawn Patrol Allied planes were N-24s ? and the fokker ( in Blue Max) replica is running a moden engine hence the smaller prop. Dont know if that is correct. hope it helps
  24. crashing back to the duty room

    Pip Pip old chap Rather what? Thanks will try ,I have the mscfs3 dvd and have to insert the 2d disk to play OFF How would one check to see if one is using no cd version cfs3 exe?
  25. Help, post the mesg in the wrong place. I installed the lastest patch the game played but had a tenancy to stutter ( very little) a few games later it was skiping( like paying a dvd with scratches stutter than stops then contiues to play) Today after start up it gives error msg re install OFF. game will not play What did I do Wrong?

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