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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Game stoped playing

    Cool will give it a try. Will run a FPS check befor useing the 132b patch. Will it work over the super patch? Still havin g the crash back to the duty room after a couple of flights problem. Dont really know what to do about that one. Thanks
  2. Neat AI Trick

    My D-3 pilot Dirty Oil shot up 3 BE2c s over five missions then notice the last one spun from the flight trailing smoke but while the Albatross D-3 circled the BE2c flatten out and ran for the lines this was pior to the super patch. Could have something to do with claims being rejected? Theres a lot going on in the sim.
  3. open letter to OBD

    I like the patch, it does enhance the game. The arty sound did kinda of bother me at 1`st but I just lowered the sound. I think the developers are standing behind the product by offering ( if the gamer wants to install the patch) patches so we can mirco manage the game. I seem to have problems with MSCFS3 remaining stable but thats up to Bill Gates not the OFF developers. Via la Super Patch.
  4. be2c

    I was looking at someone else s site and found good pics and a video of a 1/5th scale be2c. The site is www. 1 aero.org.au click on modeling and u will see it. Personnally, I found it hard to believe young men were brave enough to get near one of those things much less fly and fight in it. Unbelieveable.
  5. Game stoped playing

    nope didnt defrag befor installing the patch. I went ahead and re installed OFF and the lastest patch. Runs like befor a few flights then Boom I get msg for the next flight file did not load so have to exit. The new patch is real good already noticed a few changes like: Engine cut out as I was swinging into a fight ( not cool) or a heavy landing in a roland crushed the landing gear. P.S. did follow someones advice and lowered the sliders all is set at 1 except the aircraft at 3. Thanks to all.
  6. crashing back to the duty room

    Polovski: Forgive me, ( I am new to all of this i.e. , mods ,memory checks , unzipping files, running mini programs to check heating of processor) In fact, sitting duck spent 3 hrs of his time just helping me get OFF installed and running. Whats FAQ Q25 ?
  7. More Immersion/ Eye-Candy ideas

    I dont think it is a question of being popular. The Commanding Officer had to stay outside the loop in order to function. I think the film 12 O clock high visually explains it best besides it has airplanes. I do know that I never saw a big bunch of people hanging around the C.O. s even when I was in a small HQ Air Scout unit in the Army back in the late 60 s and early 70 s.
  8. crashing back to the duty room

    No Kiddin, What ya think might be doing it?
  9. Sounds in 1.32

    The sounds in game are very good and the developers should be given a pat on the back. However, I guess I have a moders mentality and was wondering if some of the sound files can be swaped out i.e., the vickers machine gun sound.
  10. I showed the sentence to my dry cleaners, a veitnam lady and she said that it reads: Me number 1 Me do it long time.
  11. AAA

    Finally in right place to see the AAA working over a flight. My E-3 Fokker flight of 3 was headed towards a lone N-16 down on the deck close to the front lines saw another flight of Fokker E-3s (4) and a lone Halb D-3 circling at about 3000 ft All of a sudden Bang a AAA shell when off inbetween two E-3s in the flight 1 broke towards my flight on fire with a long plum of black smoke trailing after it as it spun into the front lines. The other kinda broke apart into large parts all headed down. Gotta luv this game never know whats going to happen.
  12. Althought it doesnt seem to happen all the time, the game crashes back to the the pilot screen. For example, id be getting shot to bits and headed down to the ground in the game.then I am back at the start of the mission. Somtimes it does make sense and I am listed as injured ( the crash look KIA to me) and given 17 days to recouperate. Any advice ? :yes:
  13. be2c

    Will try, maybe its on line with amazon .com.uk or I will try to find an addy for the BBC? Luv radio Control will try to learn how to fly and build this winter. The english also had old BBC TV programs on Battle of Britain( A not so heroic version) and British Bomber Command I only saw 3 episoes. I think it was called they fly by night or am I confusing it with the gangster film They drive by night ?
  14. Theres always something going on in OFF. My Fokker E-3 pilot learned not to turn in front of an E/A or to over shoot your target ( an FE2B) if u do you collect a lot of 303 cal lewis gun bullet holes. Now ,I Have to find another pilot
  15. crash back to player game screen

    Thanks, I can live with that answere. I naturally thought it was my computer because it seems to over heat the processor temp goes from 34 to 54 after a few flights then the game seems to become unstable My other games work fine Slient Hunter III and IV and BOB II winged victory ( There is a lot for the processor to do in that airplane game furballs with up to 100 planes).
  16. Would like to try it but not sure if I can do it. could ya give step by step instructions. I am figure Id screw it up without help.
  17. The nueiports are nasty to E-3 Fokker pilots. been trying my hand in them but I mostly get shot up and forced to land or run for the closest german airfield. The pilot Linberger Cheese has one rejected kill and 8.5 hours and was in the nastiest furball between N-11, N16 s and two 5 aircraft flights of E-3 s holy smoke shoot and dodge was the name of the tune. As the a/c danced ,all I could do was pot shot as the frenchies flew by I fired in bursts of 10 and twenty till I was down to 100 rds. I got 1 hit one one a/c the 2 hits on another the rest went into thin air. During the turning swriling mess I saw one E-3 after another go down as the Nueiports skided under the guns. Finally some one got lucky and two N-11s began smoking off to the left Then my wingman went down and I ran for it with a N-16 303 cal machine gun barking after me. After getting down ok found I had been hit three times in the wing 1 in the fuel tank and had a cable cut. Totals: 5 E-3s destroyed for 2 N11s and one N16. I hate fur balls.
  18. Damage Mod

    Hi there, I am new to this game and was wondering how to install your DM Mod ? Sounds like great fun and was looking for a mod which gives a better shot down in flames look . I downloaded it to my doc s section but cant get it to work?
  19. Although I am new to this and single seaters in particular, I come to like a few on the easy settings. On the german side the Albatross D-3 as a boom and zoom or engery fighter works well till U get two Spad 7s on your tail at the same time ( guess they like my pilot). The D-5 is a nice kite steady as a rock and has ample power. The Albatross D-2 is a soild performer dives like a brick, but doesnt do well when engaging the Trip plane or a well flown Airco D-2. On the other side, The N 11 BeBe is a fun kite and turns on a dime. I dont do much damage, but I have a fun time. Gotta luv the 1 1/2 stutters by sopwith a completely steady machine.fun to fly. The down side, they seem to be easy meat on the table unless in large flights.
  20. crashing back to the duty room

    thanks will give a try. T he game is a blast never know what is going to happen
  21. Lastest Patch

    I kinda reget down loading the lastest patch seems it took away the hollywood type flames. The current engine fires are nice but sense I only get a couple of flights befor cashing back to the duty room. ( heating problem?) I do enjoy watching my few kills going down in flames. although the breaking off of wings and pilots jumping out of the airplanes are cool. Anyone know how to get the hollywood syle fires back hopefully with long flames steaming back from the aircraft ?
  22. Just geek questions: I was wondering if the default aircraft in the jastas were marked in the sqn markings of the time or hap hazardly marked ? ( they look so cool ) 2. Can the sound files in the game be modified I saw and heard a Vickers 303 cal and a maxim 8mm cal machine guns firing on U tube and thought of this game How big of a task wood it be to change the files ? Lastly, Can the mods of the german aircraft in the forum be used in the game i.e., the two mods from The Blue Max Film. :yes: Wish list flyable aircraft: N10 and any of the early French two seaters. Fokker D-II and D-III s
  23. Lastest Patch

    Prop wash: I am new to this, how would I do it ? (download?) and where would I find it. ? I suppose the damage model is the one that installed with the patches or the game make over. I turn off the computer for a while then come back turn it on the only resources being used is the tray at the bottom of the screen it works for a couple of flights then crashes back to the duty room screen. theirs no stuttering or anything like that befor it happens. However if this is the only way to play the game, I am ok with it.
  24. although I am new to single seaters, we do seem to get outnumbered by fighters. My Albatross D-3 driver is with jasta 9 in 1917 and we always seem to run in flights of 5 N17s and Spad 7s. Sometimes the V strutters number 5 or 3 even 2 and still the emeny ( most of the time ) numbers 5 a flight. Exceptions due occurr, Ran into a furball of 3 V strutters 2 N 17s added my drivers 2 V stutters brought it up to 5 to 2 Then 5 Spad 7s droped in on the fight so I shot and ran final tally: loss 1 Albatross plus one that crash landed (Force landing?) 1 Spad and 2 N 17s. The other exception seems to be 2 seaters the flights seem to range between 5 and 3. Sure wood like to see a single flying alone.
  25. Totally awsome, great job Would love to play that sometime

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