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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Credit for Kills

    What gets me, Sent out on a flight to attack a balloon I burn it in flames then return but no claim report so I dont get credit. The other thing is Airbase attacks I seem to b e the only one in the flight of 5 a/c to attack . Everybody is just flying around having a good time while I collect bullet holes.
  2. Current Status - Super Patch

    Would like to see some early models of 2 seaters flying alone or just a pair ( meat on the table) then our scores will go up or an easy to burn model of early single seaters N 10 S ? or Farman or Voision ( cant ya just drool over these easy kills flying alone over the lines with fat flamable gas tanks)
  3. OK last chance

    Hang in there, I have almost the same problem. Mine turns out to be heat. When I want to play more then 40 mins I pop the covers off the computer and point a fan in that direction. Basic ,but it works for awhile or I just play a round to a little less then 40 mins. then go do something else for a bit. I am glad I did and stick with the game. U will find that its a good buy with addicking game play. Not to mention all the good advice and support from fellow airplane nuts in the forum. (these guys will spend 3 hours on teamspeak helping a fellow player. u cant beat that) As for ROF, it looks like a lot of money and a new computer might make it playable plus time to get the kinks out. And as with all subcription games,they can be hacked and u dont really know where the information goes or to who?
  4. leftovers

    Recently, I switch over to single seaters and noticed my flight feeds off me. 5 albatross D-3s 5 nueiport 17s during the melee I scored 9 hits on a N17 he started to smoke. One of my sqn mates swings in and gives him a burst and down it goes. On the way back, ran into 3 fe2bs above us climbed when closer fired 3 bursts numerous hits circled for the kill and theres another sgn mate firing into my target. end of flight. Basicly, I do the work and the vultchers feed off me. They get the kills.
  5. leftovers

    Its an elite sqn jasta 1 in 1917. Guess thats why they are aggressive ( rotten, no good, get fat on what should be my kills). Will try, the tac so they ( fat eatin vultchers) will stay away from my targets. Tryed a more dismal sqn but they kept getting shot down or left me in a pickel as one of the forum members have already mentioned.
  6. Anyone can give me details of RoF campaing?

    I agree, OFF is a better buy at this time maybe in a few years ROF will be up to snuff
  7. jutland

    Any one buy the subscription sim Jutland.? Heard the severs were hard to connect and the download took forever? Never heard anyone say if the the problems were worth the effort and money?
  8. Took a break from the tuff firing twoseaters, Set everything to the easiest settings. and approached the persuit planes signed up a sopwith pup driver ( Sgt Fish and Chips). Thought Id have a go at the V stutters, Stated 1st patrol on 1 Apr 1917. 2 missions and 1 claim for a balloon later the sqn was down to 5 pilots out of 13. Next patrol, got a few hits on a two seater ( a flight of 3) took hits in the engine and made a forced landing in no mans land ( when will I learn not to attack them from the rear) was captured but escaped 16 days later. Next up, with all 5 pilots in the sgn, we went for a barrage patrol of their side of the lines. The flight got jump by a flight (5) of albatross V stutters D-3 s with black stripes on the elavators. 2 pups went down. Mine because I never saw him behind me and the other was caught between 2 D-3s one behind and one shooting from underneath causing smoke then fire. Now the persuit sgn has 3 pilots left and its only 18 April 1917. Think I will go back to twoseaters. PS was wondering how many pilots were in a sgn ? were the amounts equal on both sides ? and were there a aircraft for each pilot in the sgn ? any researchers know?
  9. twoseaters

    Any tips about knocking the two seaters down. Tryed long range 44, 60,27 rounds got hits but it didnt go down. Next I tryed a deflection shot curving into the attack as the RE8 turned to the right I was fairly close and got 3 hits in my wings and 2 in the engine for my troubles ( mine were all misses) had to force land my kite (albatross D-2). Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could do better?
  10. twoseaters

    Thanks to all, I will try and put the advice to work
  11. What's your favorite WWI Movie?

    1. The Dawn Patrol : I still watch it on occassion (always wondered what planes they used in the film) 2. Hells Angeles: a wonder to behold and the actress in it was a delight to watch as well as the aircraft dog fights. 3. The Blue Max: Casting was excellent ,Aircraft and dogfights passable, Overall a visual treat (in 1981. I had the rare chance of seeing the actress in the film ( she was lost while driving a white VW bug ) she also was rare a visual treat. P.S. I Would luv to have dvds of Red Baron , wings the T V series, Red Baron and Brown . If anyone runs across them please post it in the forum. Also althought its WW2 there was a little known British T V program about spitfire pilots in 1940.
  12. thanks

    thanks to all for the advice and tips. Will give it a try set everything as suggested thanks.
  13. best ace

    Great Score hun? Unfortunaly its all me ( yep been killed 43 times) Only had a few last more then 7.o hours by hideing in the clouds or on the ground What am I doing wrong I set everything to easy but still get knocked off fast.
  14. Everytime I enlist a pilot with a jasta passed 1916, He gets shot down within two flights. I can never seem to read the hud correctly enought to see them befor they turn me into toast. Anyone have any thoughts or advice. They always seem to fall on me from above and behind but I can never see the 1st. The one that got me was an RE8 I was in an albt D-3 pursuit. How can this happen?
  15. spotting aircraft

    Still dont get the tac. When you see a blip on the tac at 12 o clock is that in front of u ? and can it tell what height the blip is at? Been turning alot whenever a blip appears and I have been spotting the attacks to the rear of the aircraft.
  16. spotting aircraft

    I I agree that the AAA should be more consentrated at least over the lines and it would be a great way to help spot Aircraft. Thanks to all who answered my help call about the TAC still learning to use it but have had some sucess. while in a 1 1/2 strutter (Sopwith) got hits on a Albt D-2 then my tail gunner got 4 hits more. Next flight , jumped 5 D-2 Albt. spoted them on the tac saw them below after a while dived in to attack swung slowly on the tail of one and got 4 hits, closer 6 hits he turned right as I fired a long Burst and he smoked and hit the tree line,of course the others tore up my flight of three but did learn to use the tac a little bit.
  17. Your longest lasting pilot

    Latest Brit has lasted 4 flights with the Bristol Fighter in 1 RAF Sqn Most of the time the EA just fall on us cant tell how high they are or dont see them soon enought. Many a flight I nose down and run for my side of the lines get shot up a little anyways befor touching down. Last fight was with a flight of E3s three or five above us (Three Bristols) lost a flight mate. Turned in to the flight and a E3 was shooting up my rear. Nosed down raceing for my side ,I guess he gave up headed back to the mess missing one mate. Run the bristol at 80 percent power other wise u run out of fuel. warping. favorite ac is the nueiport 11 or 17 they turn on a dime.
  18. Your longest lasting pilot

    Longest lasting was French pilot Rene le Pro pin the peller 6 flights 1 kill rejected claim for a 2 seater and two to three hits in various E 3 s of jasta 6 was caught over the field shot up and fell into the trees by a jasta 5 E-3. Longest lasting german pilot was Baron auto-matic with flying a halbt. D3 8 flights, no kills did damage 1 DH 2 in a fight and 2 nueiports 11s in the last flight 3 hits and 4 hits dug in a wing on landing back at base KIA. Maybe I will fly higher net time.
  19. This is a great game fun and immersive having a jolly good time. Thanks to the developers and the people of this forum for helping me get it running special Thanks to Sittin Duck for spending 3 hours figuring the problems out.
  20. OFF ans csf3

    Hi There, New to this but need help getting OFF and CSF3 to run. With only CFS3 installed it freezes after only a few seconds. Same thing occures with both installed only way to clear the freeze is to reboot. there doesnt seem to be any sounds after the freeze up. Tryed a clean reinstall that didnt work. Tryed the properties tab on the game for win 98 it reads file missing or corrupted. Tryed turning down the accelleration card that didnt work. Some said it might be incompatibility of the video drivers? I have the lastest drivers do I need old ones? Luv WWI flight sims dying to get OFF to run Please help. System= 2.0 dual core with an AMD 64 processor and 2gbs of ram Nvida ge force 7600 256 mgs Video Card My other flight sim runs fine ( BoB 2 with all mods).
  21. OFF ans csf3

    Sittin Duck : Just a note of thanks for spending 3 hours of your time helping me get OFF up and Runing. Have a few problems but the french campain is up and runing took ur advice and lowered sound of engine. Now I can hear dogs barking and the wind in the wires among other neat things. thanks again! Viva La France and the neuiport 11 bebe.
  22. OFF ans csf3

    Could be my other California cant see anything in this smog.
  23. OFF ans csf3

    sittin duck: sounds cool 5 EST is 8 pm pacific Time I think. Looking forward to working on this mess. Yes the version is updated to 3.1 ( the patch came from CFS3 site on the web) Cant wait to play this (OFF) game with all the add ons. Thanking you in advance for any help you can give me. If the problem is I have an explosive brand point me in the direction and I will Pick up another copy of CFS3.
  24. OFF ans csf3

    Sittin Duck: I loaded cfs3 on a friends work computer and it did the same thing as mine ran a little then froze. The system was XP runing a p4 cpu 2.99 mhz or there abouts nvida ge force 7300 vid card 2 gs Ram. The only thing different was it had no problems with the auto start up file ( When u slide in the game it starts up ). That never happened on mine had to go to my computer then the drive that the game was in. Do you think its the XP operating system not reading the game files on the CD ? P.S was wondering what time to talk 2 u on game speak and what day weekend? Thanks
  25. ARMA 2

    I was thinking of buying this game is it any good ? or should I await all the patches . I really need a good stand alone Tank game. Thanks.

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