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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. a bad mistake

    Help, While trying to get CFS3 running I turned down my video card acceleration. need to turn it back up to play BOBII , but for got how to access the video card accelerater slider' a.k.a tail skid I
  2. a bad mistake

    Thanks: Sitin Duck at least BOBII is up and runing for my flight fix.
  3. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    Just one more thing. Rise of Flight: Read that it must be sever connected that turned me off. Unless you can play a game when the net is down and dont have to connected just to play solo I dont want it besides you may have to update your computer just to play it. Its a no buy for me.
  4. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    Wings of Glory was my intro to flight sims played them all. Red Baron and Red Baron3D was my favorite played it to death then along came new computers driveres ect. and the old fun games wouldnt play. Still a problem as I struggle to get Cfs3 running on my new computer so I can load OFF and be happy one more time Tail Skid aka carrick
  5. OFF ans csf3

    Took teamspeak on a test drive says wrong password or log in ? did the quick conneck. maybe it not up?
  6. OFF ans csf3

    Sitin Duck: Will try and connect today. picked up a head an d mike phone.
  7. OFF ans csf3

    just type in broswer Combat Flight Center then tips and tweaks scroll down will go get mic tomarrow thanks
  8. OFF ans csf3

    downloaded team speak what router to connect ?
  9. OFF ans csf3

    My grandsons mic is junk so have to buy one ( bummer) I was over at the combat flight center forum and ran across some information on frame rate. One is to defrag your hard driver often. The other is to dislocate the Z key althought it didnt say how and ur frame rate will jump 20 to 60 frames. The last that I read stated: Use a second hard drive while reading frame rates or recording thus the one hard drive wont bottle neck slowing down the frame rate
  10. OFF ans csf3

    Sitting Duck: More by luck then purpose , I found the CFS3 folders. It does not contain an over ride default file. It does have a default file. Checked the CFS3 configuration site and ran a dionogestic ? (start-run type in dxdiag then click ok) and all tests came back as no problems found ( Ha Ha )
  11. OFF ans csf3

    Sittin Duck: How come every body has cool names. Maybe I should change mine to tail skid or wheel nuts, or Breach loader, or maybe just Rudder Fin. I was looking for game speak my grandson was going loan me his old mic. but cant fine the addy.
  12. OFF ans csf3

    Prop wash: Thanks for the tips and will used the cleaner :yes:
  13. OFF ans csf3

    Sitting Duck: Followed the path to administrater. I dont seem to have a file called application data or a file called mircosoft. I did add on 3.1
  14. OFF ans csf3

    just re read your post and realized I dont know how to get into the location where the override configuration files should be ? Help Thanks
  15. OFF ans csf3

    Sittin Duck: Never got that far with the newest reinstall. I suppose I could go ahead and install 3.1 even if the game isnot working. What ya think?
  16. OFF ans csf3

    Sitting Duck: Yes I am reinstalling by CD no its not updated to 3.1 as yet. It does load the game and you get the 1st screen (with the pilot picture on it) then a pop up menu appears saying A generic error has occured while saving XML document to file.. If ya click on it the next screen reads: the configuration override file is corrupted or missing and to re run cfs3. next u exit the game. I will try and down load teamspeak and will look around for a mic. Whats the time difference between Boston and California.? This is turning into a lot of work but all other things considered: The new WWI Rise of flight game will take a new computer ( at least 3.0 dual core with 512 mg video card) The older WWI flight games Red Baron and the third wire game wont play with the newer drivers. So this is worth the trouble. U mentioned you were downloading cfs3 how did that work out? Carrick aka Foxtrot yellow leader.
  17. OFF ans csf3

    Sitting Duck: Sure did get a strange message, It read reconfigureration file mis either corrupted or missing. Tryed a clean reinstall (deleted OFF and addons and CFS and addons) now after installing I get the corruption or missing message what ya think aka yellow fowtrot leader ? carrick
  18. OFF ans csf3

    Sitting Duck: How do u turn down screen resolution?
  19. OFF ans csf3

    Sitting Duck: gave it a shot. went into the cfs3 folders set as safe mode, hit play cfs3 screen blank with a busy signal. went back into config folders and set sliders to 111111 then taskbar pull down to exit. Same result blank screen with the busy signal. doesnt do anything. thanks for the thoughts advice and link Still reading the test mule report great information hope to try and use it.
  20. OFF ans csf3

    Oh almost forgot The operating system is win XP pro with the lastest service paks and drivers. Thanking u in advance

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