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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. one of my favorites,thank you
  2. Captain freed?

    "George Clooney " God no!the Captain is a hero Cloony is as far from one as you can get.I'd say Bruce Willis.It's ashame the Captain wasn't a little older R. Lee Ermey would be a cool choice.
  3. Halberstadt CL.II

    I'd love to see more two seaters in general,and the CL II is one sexy beast so it would be very welcome.I'm sure someone will eventualy get to it I just havn't seen any WIP of it yet.
  4. Dave Arneson Dead

    It's funny me and my family have game night on saturdays and we all play old school AD&D.none of that stupid 2,3,4,5772 editons crap just 1st ed.We have been playing for a year and this news is really sad
  5. I must agree...very cool,thank you.
  6. F-22 Raptor Cut today?

    I'm thinking if there is a drastic need for huge numbers of F-22s then there will not be time to start production.while a very small chance now a large war with a nuke armed suedo-superpower (Russia,China) will for the most part be a war of you use what you got until it's gone,not much chance for replacements in a coldwar like situation.That being said some expansion of drones and counter insurgency tech is advised but to neglect conventional roles even if the situation is remote seems kinda near sited to me.Somtimes you just have to expect the worse and in these days a small counter insurgency operation can turn into a full blow war given the right(wrong) situation.I don't think there is a true right or wrong here we need them all...problem is money.I think the F-22 and F-35 should be kept in production but maybe at a slower rate and maybe even to save costs some airframes should be produced just for storage as attrition replacements and if need be used in war.At least in store costs of crews and maintenence will be much less.whats needed is a "modulare" stealth airframe that can be used for all missions being fitted out with lowcost high efficency engines and lowcost avionics/sensors for coin missions and training that can be swaped out for full blown engines and software to be used when the situation demands.Maybe in a few decades.
  7. AMX-30B2

    excellent,thank you.
  8. you just made my night off.,Thank you Laton.
  9. Woot and Woot,thank you
  10. My old Wish list for F.E. Reposted

    Well Thank you for continuing the Sopwith project.Good luck with the exams and the Military service.Ihope your able to keep in touch and update us on how things go.
  11. My old Wish list for F.E. Reposted

    Laton,I will be looking forward to the SVA5 very much.I love the Italian and Austrian aircraft from this era.A Vimy would be most interesting too.Thanks for the updates.
  12. My old Wish list for F.E. Reposted

    Dagaith you can count me as someone who is waiting as patiently as I can for the strutter release.your work on the terrian sounds interesting too.Not trying to push you or anything but do you have any plans on making anything after the Sopwith finished?
  13. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.
  14. Hope I'm not doing too many skins

    All I can say is just keep on doing what your doing.As long as it's still fun for you to do them then just di it.Thank you for the work you have put into these excellent skins.
  15. Awesome stuff Veltro.I really love the subjects you pick.
  16. Maurice Jarre Deceased

    both the movie and the music in Lawrence of Arabia was epic.RIP
  17. AMX-30

    excellent.Thank you. :fans:
  18. Cat s**t One

    yeah but any average group of kitty marines could own the bunnies.
  19. this is kinda interesting,,

    that dude is a crackpot.I have no idea about the HL stuff but he for yaers going back to Janes fighters anthology days has been a loon with a very off kilter view of the world/reality.note the "fundementalist christian" comment on the site,that gives you an insite to where this guys head is at.
  20. WIP Strutter

    now I understand why a .ini edite won't suffice.Anyway your model looks better everytime I look at it.I eagerly awate any version(s) you eventualy release.Thank you.

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