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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. I just made BOB install.This will be on my must have list,thanks
  2. File Name: Parani Mig-17F File Submitter: whiteknight06604 File Submitted: 9 Jun 2005 File Updated: 11 Feb 2007 File Category: Mig-17 Parani camo as used in the Late seventies. Click here to download this file
  3. Parani Mig-17F

    your welcome
  4. How Southern are yew?

    "We are what we eat." If thats the case I'm about 35% cheerleader
  5. How Southern are yew?

  6. How Southern are yew?

    I'm just 20% Dixie. Wow! You are a Duke of Yankeedom! I'm really suprised it's this high.While I have met and got along with lots of southerners my attitudes to some southern "pride" quirks tends to get me in trouble.My Bronco used to have a bumpersticker that had a riped up confederate flag and sported the words "you lost get over it." I love the individuals I have met in the south not the "southern attitude" I tend to get up here from transplanted southerners.I'm sure the reverse is true for you guys in the south.
  7. RNAS no10 sq Camels

    excellent camels.I will be waiting for these beauties.what do you have planned after you give the camels the "treatment"?
  8. arrggghhhh

    Hang in there bucklehead it will get better.Your better off getting them out early.I had two removed last year(age 38).the top one took 5 min the bottom took almost 2 hours.the tooth exploded into five or so parts and they had to pry them out one at a time then grind out what they couldn't pull.I felt nothing while it was goping on and actualy was laughing at the dentist and the assistant pulling and strugling so hard.it was also fun because I was trying to talk the whole time and sounded like some demented muppet with a severe brain injury.after the first hour the doc decided to go old school and asked the assistant to get an old instrument out of the storage closet to finish with because the new fangled tools were bending under the strain. the doc said my bone density in my jaw was the highest he had seen in his life and was probobly due to all the smashing around from football.I decided to not have the one(I had an odd number of wisdom teeth) on the right side removed.heck I'm saving my meds from the extraction for the upcoming football season if I decide to come out of retirement.
  9. Really good to see you around here again.The skins look excellent.Thank you and I'm looking forward to future releases.
  10. as you can see I'm not too good at evaiding gunfire.
  11. Mig-29's for Lebanon

    "I dont realy know what the russians are getting at. 10 MiG for free is nice but it realy isnt helping anyone. (syrian airforce and IAF can easily handle such a threat)" Most likely It's just a scam to get the Lebanese to pony up for spares and missiles.they will make back the money from 10 tired old jets soon and will have a foot in the door for future weapon sales.
  12. Mig-29's for Lebanon

    I'm of Christian Lebanese decent.Any country that deals with or gives weapons to terrorists like Hezbollah is not a friend of the world.Now I will applaud Russia if they arm the pro western Lebanese and help kill terrorist.To do anythging to release the Lebanese from a Syrian strangle hold is also welcome anything else is just contributing to terror.Hezbollah are nothing short of thugs killers and extorsionists.It will be a sad day for peace and freedom if they are treated as anything but the scum they are.
  13. Short Stirling

    obviously spelling isn't one of my strong points.
  14. Short Stirling

    thats great news.You sir are ,aking alot of xmass dreams come true.
  15. 9 POTA (9th company Die neunte Kompanie)

    I liked it but then again I like strange stuff and dislike alot of what is popular
  16. taliban_DSHK

    Thanks,this is another needed item.excellent work.
  17. Betty Page died 12-11-2008

    just another reason to develop a damn time machine.
  18. not shure about this site but a google searce for "Free hex editor" will turn up a lot of nice ones. Are you using the newest patches?you skin issue may be due to the fact that the newest patch added a highter setting above "high" so the High" setting looks worse than it did pre oct patch.Not sure if thats your issue but it had me worried when I first applied the patch.
  19. Betty Page died 12-11-2008

    they don't make too many like her nowadays. Now all you get are sluted up skelletons.
  20. JH-7A BETA

    I've been looking forward to this one.thanks for the link.
  21. FYI.....

    thats what was going thru my head as I was typing that.It was just to obvious for me to not do. :yes:

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