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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Ingrid Bertancourt is free

    there is some speculation others may have help.but I'm not one to be a rumor monger.
  2. Just a side note

    dare I say it?....that was very deep. all jokeing aside there is a lot of truth to what you guys are saying.Peter do you have any notes that you could share on FM creation?I may like to take a stab one day but I fear i'm a little to impatient and "slow" but who knows,maybe I'll try someday.In my opinion I think the thing that has stopped the world wide acceptence of First Eagles is online play.I don't play online except for an ocasional Halo match with friends.Online seems to be what can make a game from a pastime to a religeon.I just got IL-2 1946It's an OK game it looks like fun but it dosn't seem any better than lots of other games of it's genre but it to this day has a cult-like following.I think it's mostly due to online.If First Eagles seemed too have a central or standerized FM and DM set online MIGHT be more apealing to the online junkies.
  3. WIP #4 - Modded Files

    I'm just stuned.the amount of effort you have put into this is amazing.thank you very very much.maybe with the new life this will breath into FE,some of us out there will be motivated to finish some of the projects that seemed to have stalled or fall into the abyss.I for one still enjoy this game and with just a little tweek here and there I can see it being enjoyed for years like the Strikefighters series are.
  4. Maybe the computers going "rouge" it's only a matter of time before it tries to take over the world.
  5. Thank You MK2

    I'm very thankful to Mk2 and everyone else who has made this site what it is.you guys have made my life a little better and I truly appreciate it.Thank you.
  6. this won't be much help but the only thing I can sugest is ti re download the editor and reinstall it.sometimes things get messed up while downloading/installing.Good luck.
  7. this is great,thanks guys for all the hard work that went into this.
  8. Let's see who's on the ball...

    you decided to to show us a screen shot?
  9. Anybody Here Participate in Red Flag 2004-3?

    any chance you got the number of the chunky blond? I have some weird friends.
  10. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    i remember that ,if he wasn't dressed in his robes when he cruised me I wouldn't have hit the old bugger.
  11. thats funny just the other day I was wondering if anyone had thought about making the rattler from GI joe.
  12. Yak-28P

    While it may be old it still ranks up there with some of the best.I for one am interested in the updated loadout.I fly the Yak-28P alot in my euro installs.thanks Monty.
  13. most excellent.thank you.I think any anti-aircraft guns(may one of those Breda twin 40mm) or SAM launchers would be cool but make what makes you happy.
  14. you need to send an email and request access to the site once you get a responce with a passcode only then can you download.sometimes it takes a few days to get a response http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
  15. Where Do You Prefer To Get Your News?

    "MSNBC for their liberal pundits like Olberman and Mathews, also have their conservative pundits, like Pat Buchannan, tucker Carlson or Joe Scarborough(who was a republican congressman), so they're by far more balanced as a whole(even though a particular show may not be) than Fox, who has no liberal pundits." all i can say is reallity must really suck for you,oh and lol
  16. Where Do You Prefer To Get Your News?

    I watch Fox CNN and ocasionaly MSNBC to get a feel for whats going on.Fox is the closest to fair followed by CNN and MS bring up a distant third.I watch CNN to get "the other" side.I do lots of internet reading from multible sources and even get news right here from you guys.reading any big paper is like masterbating with sandpaper it just rubs you raw with opinions and junk.heck I even listened to Air "america" when it was first on the air for a few minutes before becoming ill.it's nice to be in an exclusive club,me and 2 other listeners were tuning in that day.
  17. I thought that the Mig-25 had dual aphid rails?they may be part of the model or my memory is going.Also there is a Mig-21 pfm "Monsoon" mod that has dual atoll stations maybe those could be used?
  18. great job.this is a top notch skin thank you.
  19. that is a correct one the Syrians Chainged it to the Egyptian style around the time of the 6 day war i think.
  20. 3 in 10 Americans Admit to Racial Bias

    "not an endemic network bias like Fox's, they are essentially the PR department of the RNC" all I can say after laughing is wake the heck up dude.to say MSNBC isn't a systemic bias but fox is flies in the face of reality.keep drinking the cool ade. last I saw Pat Buchanan is on MSNBC Kieth Oberman isn't opinionated he's dishonest to the core and an acticve particapant in MSNBC (and NBC) general steep slide to the left.MSNBC and NBC ratings have declined as they moved to the left but havn't added one and one and relized thats a big reason for their decline.Kieth Oberman belongs with the hate and slime merchants over at Moveon and the Huffington report or the sh!t bag Daily Kos.
  21. George Carlin Dead At 71

    guy joked and insulted his way to the top.He made me laugh more times than I can count.He was 71.
  22. 3 in 10 Americans Admit to Racial Bias

    Generaly pro-obama is the understatment of the year,MSNBC is the worst news organzation.they distort and outright lie on a nightly basis.they are an active obama cheer organazation.watch "hardball" and say they are not heavely biased and if you have the stomach watch that lieing sack of crap Kieth Oberman that guy is not only a proven lier but thouroughly in the Obama camp.It has nothing to due with one rant loop over and over it's a 20 plus year track record of nothing but anti white tirades and blaming everyone else for thier problems.Obamas inabliity to effectivly deal with that situation just shows he is unable to make claer desicions.how on earth can anyone sit for 20 years and listen to that hateful filth and not think to leave that church?He quates him in his books and was married by him and even after the hate spewed forth was disclosed to the press he was unable to distance himself from Rev Wright.Either he's very stupid and couldn't see the hate in 20 years or he made a concience decision to use the church to further his political carreer.he's the same as any politition he's calculating and decietful and his idea ofchange amounts to his awesome public speaking and his charisma.I have known somone who actually went to that church once or twice and she never went back after seeing the way things were there.she moved here from that area and lived here for a few years,i hadn't herd from her in a few years but when the rev wrong stuff broke on the news she emailed me to say that the reverends rants were well known in the community and she didn't believe anyone could be in that "church" for more than 10 minutes without understanding what was up.
  23. PLA ZTZ-99

    great stuff,thank you.

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