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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Aurora

    what if they were towed into that position for a reveiw by some general?

    thats excellent news.I'm looking forward to this along with all the other great WIP you have posted.Thanks
  3. Lt. Col. Chessani Cleared!

    I wonder how many of those butt wipe senators and congressmen plan on apologizing for their public statments about their guilt.Yes I'm talking to you Murtha!
  4. Tigercat is out!

    excellent news,though the 162 has been out for a year or two.Thanks Geo,if it is as good as any of your other work it will be great.
  5. Tim Russert dead

    Sad day for NBC.while NBC news and MSNBC in particular are biased jokes,he was a profesional.
  6. while they look similar and china may have had some Israeli help early on the J-10 and Lavi are completely different aircraft.
  7. what are the availabilities for the infantry?I think the stock vehicles are set to Very_Common so will show up often.see if the Infanry is set to Very_Common in the Data.ine that MAY help.also see if extracting the stock data.ini and changing their availabilities helps.
  8. Why the temperance movement failed.

    I think that photo is Photoshoped,I'm pretty sure thats a photo of the "lovelies" at that polygamist cult down in Texas.
  9. Any thing new?

    looks like it's gonna be one hell of a summer.
  10. Why the temperance movement failed.

    I think the one just to the left of the middle woman is Harry Houdini in drag.
  11. BBC News: Final Skynet satellite launched

    Just an idea but if judgement day can only be postponed could someone makes sure that it dosn't happen untill I'm dead,thanks.
  12. You Want Fear

    not to sound like some crackpot or Ron Paul but with humanities luck the day after "world peace" is achieved and the last nuke is gone will be the day that an Alien ID4 style invasion will happen.
  13. KV-2

    thank you.I can't get enough ground objects and russian armor in particular,
  14. You Want Fear

    It makes me feel proud.I just hope we don't shred the missile force,you never know when you'll need it.
  15. TRON, Tron 2.0, Tron Legacy

    The Kurt Russel movie was Escape from New York.
  16. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26795 you might be interested in this thread. :yes:
  17. everytime you post a screenshot I feel like crying.
  18. omellet experimentaion?

    does anyone here ever experiment with "unconventional" ingredients in their omellets? I tend to make some wierd ones.I'm currently eating a chedar,falafel and tomato omellet topped off with Korean chilli sauce.I think the one I go back and make often is the buffalo chicken topped with blue chease or the potato and chease perogi stuffed omellet. :yes:
  19. omellet experimentaion?

    UHH I may try that but then again i'm not a fan of bananna.I'm just trying to think of a way to incorperate leftover suhi.Maybe some tempura veggies would go good though?
  20. omellet experimentaion?

    I'm pretty sure I'm not that brave.
  21. omellet experimentaion?

    while good the bacon chili chease burger omlette made my chest hurt and the toilet cry.
  22. Editing Wings Over Vietnam

    in addition the Mig-29 and Su-27 make excellent enemies for the F-15there are many Mig-29s here in the download section and the Su-27 is at the Marcfighter site. here http://marcfighters.combatace.com/
  23. I think you need Bunnyap's weapon pack.I'm not sure TMF weapons pack has the SAMs in it.
  24. KV-2

    awesome.please keep up the excellent work.

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