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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Early Be.2a available

    Looks great,excellent early skin.Thanks.
  2. were's the gun?

    in the original readme it states the gun is just a place holder until a proper lewis could be made.Capun has graciously made one I just havn't been able to upleod it yet.I'll post an update with his true Lewis gun in the next few days.
  3. Nieuport 17 Camo Skin

    I don't know if you got my PM but feel free to use anything of use from my skins.
  4. I think that mod was made for Strikefighters so that may be the problem.
  5. Need help

    I love the hanover,if you make it like your other works I'm sure it will be great.Thank you.
  6. Albatross DIII wing tips?

    I think it was the DII that had the square wing tips.
  7. Pfalz DXII .WIP

    very cool.Thank you.
  8. Heavy Metal

    Nice madcat.If you get stuck with that and are looking for somthing to make...hint hint.I would love to see some futureistic tanks.maybe grave or hover.I think a near future sci-fi invasion would be rather cool in the strike fighters engine.kinda like ID4 stuff.
  9. Hidden Talents?

    I have a great ability to anoy people to the point of violence.i can go into a room and after tem minutes of talking politics I have most in the room ready to linch me.I can argue either side but tent to do better on the right.I play football but at my age it's not a tallent anymore but more stuborness.I do like the look on the "kids" faces when I let them know somone their dads age just layed them out though.On a side note I'm great with gramer and spelling.
  10. " upgrading your unit." It always comes down to this for us men dosn't it?
  11. New Ground Objects released

    Great stuff Geo,well worth any wait.
  12. hope some one can make the FE 8 fly in FE

    yes thats the one.It looks great.Thanks.
  13. hope some one can make the FE 8 fly in FE

    one of my favorites.thank you. Now all we need is somone to make some Austro-Italian terrain and maybe a Hanriot HD-1 and I'll be in heaven.
  14. Quick Update

    "the Hansa-Brandenberg D.1 "Starstrutter"" While this is great news to me I'm sorry about your friend.hang in there and thak you for the excellent models.
  15. hope some one can make the FE 8 fly in FE

    Very nice,thanks for the great work.
  16. hope some one can make the FE 8 fly in FE

    way freekin cool.Thank you to all involved.
  17. they might be older skins.some may be for other models of the f-16 and some may just need a textureset.ini
  18. Massive Penetrator in development

    way to much information.
  19. Massive Penetrator in development

    I wouldn't be too worried about radiation.if the weapon is designed to penetrate deep into the earth then explode it not much different than the hundreds of underground tests that have been done.I'd rather not see nukes used but to be honest I don't see any thing different between a giant conventional weapon and a small nuke.dead is dead if i get killed in an underground bunker i'm not gonna be any happier about the situation if it was a conventional weapon.Nukes are no more "evil" than any other weapon.It's more how you use it than what it is.One guy killed 30+ people at VT with a pistol and we killed 100000+ with some nukes to end WW2 one was a moral use one was murder.Nukes have this stigma attached to them from years of coldwar scares.I shudder to think of nukes being used on any large scale but if nukes were used to take out a rouge nuke facility saving untold lives it's not an evil but a plus.
  20. what version of the game are you using? SFP1, WOV,or WOE? you may need to do a little tweeking.also are the terrains made for the latest patch or are you up to the patch level of the terrain?
  21. there are a few versions of the F-104S out.Knowing which version you are using may help.Jet-Z did one that required extra pylons to be added as a weapon so if your using a data.ini for the Anjunadar one with the Jet-Z one it might not work all that well.
  22. I think there is a size limitation to the lods.It seems to just be for simple models.It's a shame it would be very handy otherwise.

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