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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Lebed XII

    just took it for a flight. looks great! Thank you.
  2. Sworn in

    that is great news. i couldn't be more excited for you.
  3. Veltro2k WWII WIPS

    ugly or not I love those between wars french bombers.
  4. It’s Official: Sony Scraps ‘The Interview’

    North Korea may or may not have the capability to pull this off but they have money to hire those who could. If they were found lacking I'm sure they would just buy some Chinese (or from where ever) hackers. I would put China or N Korea at the top of my list but there are certainly other nations or groups with the will and the means to do this.
  5. It’s Official: Sony Scraps ‘The Interview’

    this is not the first time crap like this happened. The horrible Red Dawn remake was supposed to have the Chinese as the enemy but due to them threatening the film company they rewrote the movie to have N Korea as the bad guys....go figure. It's hysterical seeing these countries whine about being portrayed in a bad light yet they never seem to do anything about their horrible human rights abuses. You have to laugh when some 3rd world hell hole cries that the United States splashed some water on some terrorists or god forbid we make fun of them in a movie.....F-in hypocrites.
  6. Terrorist W/hostages in AU

    it looks like there were some casualties besides him but no matter if they were by his hand directly or stray fire from law enforcement HE killed them.
  7. Terrorist W/hostages in AU

    I hope he bled out on the floor nice and slow. Emotional and cultural cripples like this can't seem to function in the modern world without making everyone around them miserable(or worse.)
  8. Lebed XII

    excellent! Another super addition to the eastern front. Thank you.
  9. well then it seems Christmas is the season of miracles. Thank you for doing both versions.
  10. yes that last pic is the naval variant. Was hoping for the land version but this will be most welcome too.
  11. when I saw this you were the first person I thought of. Veltro...excellent choice. I can't wait.
  12. Potential Ukrainian Air Force losses

    how can you say that? of course the Ukrainians are the aggressors.... didn't you see them viciously and without provocation throw their territory under the Russian military? hehehehehe
  13. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    you can get cleaning rod and kits,slings, stripper clips and tons of accessories on Amazon too.
  14. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    I'll have to double check but mine is post war,1953 I think.
  15. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    and here is mine after I refinished it last year.
  16. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    a bit blurry but you can see it enough to identify it.
  17. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    I have had one for about 20 years.... sturdy,powerful rifle with a stout kick.Also doesn't hurt Maggie was using one in the last couple episodes of the Walking Dead
  18. Meanwhile in North Korea

    and you just know they will be sent to a gulag when they inevidably ding the plane trying to drive them into a hanger. ;)
  19. Storm Over The Sahara

    yes gears and flaps will work on auto pilot. I think the biggest limitaion with using FE/FE2 for more "modern aircraft is the lack of radio and the more limited orders you can give to wingmen/squdrons.
  20. decal issues

    has anyone been able to get decals to show in the rudder of either of Bort's Avro 504s? Maybe I'm just missing something simple but have been trying all night with zero success.
  21. decal issues

    Thank you ,I'll give it a try.
  22. I was worried this post was about a circumsicion infection.
  23. Time to place your bets

    never bet against a 1984 Yugo GT
  24. RAF BE12

    we are starting to run out of planes to request.Another great addition,many thanks to all involved.

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