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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. when I want a group to show for a nation that doesn't have carriers I just label a cruiser as a BB or CV. it at least gives me stuff to sink. I have been on a med kick lately so would love to see some more Italians.Also a few true WW2 British DDs would be nice too.
  2. French 1940 stuff. but also would love to see some Chinese and Japanese plans from the mid thirties era.
  3. I'd love to see some French or Italian ships for the Med. Germans would be welcome too.
  4. New to FE2

    I think the "terrain folder" needs to be named terrains instead of Terrain in FE2.
  5. Its only a game!

    stuff like this may make soccer bearable for me to watch.
  6. Here Is Something For You All To Ponder

    yeah but just remember if your "bayonet" is fixed for more than 4 hours...seek medical attention.
  7. does this mean I can't download anything yet?
  8. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    best part is it was a 15 hour ride with no food or booze. I may not be a fan of Snowden but anytime some of these asshat jouralists gets stuck on a 15 hour flight to a socialist sh!thole I'm a happy guy.
  9. Mirage 5AD UAE

    I just wanted to thank you for so many beautiful Mirages and the other work that you have done.
  10. Robo-Raven Drone

  11. We got a long way to go before actually simulating air-combat...

    I don't know If I get drunk,pop on Strike fighters and have a porno on audio only I bet my experience would be similar
  12. BOB terrain Bugs

    missing fake pilot and pylon.
  13. Plane requests

    I can't argue with any of your choices as they are all gaps that need filling and are excellent choices 33Lima I would add the Caudron G3 and G4 for no reason other than I like them.
  14. thanks for all this FM work. I havn't tested these ones yet but the others have been a great step forward.
  15. there is one at the A Team site and I think Wrench was working on one with Veltro's new B-17 model.
  16. The Hollow US Air Force, We're fucked.....

    If we had taken action in the beginning rather than waiting for 100K people to be killed and have them turn/infiltrated by the extremists intervention in Syria May have had a chance. Now thanks to wishy washy leadership and a lack of an understanding we are now forced to do something not in our best interests or look like even bigger and ineffective fools.......I can't say that Romney or McCain would have done better but they sure as hell couldn't have done worse in this mess. I'm not for or against intervention in Syria but the time to do something was a while ago.
  17. Raven's P-40

    that is excellent news.
  18. Hanriot HD.2

    the hits just keep on coming. I know I sound like a broken record but Thank you!
  19. I can't wait to try this,it looks great. Thank you once again for all the work that you have put into this project.
  20. thank you all so much for the work and dedication that goes into this site. I have literally had a decade of entertainment and have made many great friends here.
  21. Umm...

    I have a feeling that the "leadership" of the OFF crowd was promised the world by SlimeHQ. their are a lot of good guys over there but there are also some shady people in charge over their too. The OFF rank and file for the most part are good guys and I think they are stuck because their leaders have uprooted and moved. I think it was shameful the way OFF left. Things could have been done so much better and with much more class. Erik you have every right to feel slighted. you have sacrificed a lot for the many communities here and deserved a little more understanding from OFF leadership. it was their right to leave and there is 2 sides to every story but in my opinion there was more going on in the background that what they claimed.
  22. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    Still a better love story than Twilight. I'm not too happy with this guy but I'd take him over Bradley Manning any day. I just wonder if a bunch of Hollywood low lives will make a video supporting this guy too? ;)
  23. beautiful. I can't wait to try it. I can only imagine the amount of work that has gone into this. thanks Quack!!!
  24. I think the FAC stuff was deactivated when FAC was removed from the game. I doubt it can be readded. Would be cool though.
  25. WW2 WIPs Thread

    I was going to ask about that one Wrench. glad to see it is being done. wasn't there a version with a life boat too?

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