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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. my personal wish would be a "southern europe" terrain so we can use the awesome Italian mods in a cold war setting.
  2. excellent,this was one of your projects I had been looking forward to.
  3. an Aussi hates the Tiger AHR

    what an idiot...... hope his time in jail goes by really slow.....
  4. Wrench I am very greatful for this. the last 2 days I have been building up a WW2 Pacific install and this couldn't come at a better time. thanks.
  5. Butcher of Mumbai to be hanged

    hanging is way to good for this guy....... slow and humiliating is what he deserves.
  6. some of your best work so far. I'm loving it so far.
  7. now thats great thinking.
  8. thanks for the update. I love your ships and am glad you have put so much work into improving them.I'm looking forward to your next release.
  9. I think you might be able to but you'd have issues with them showing up in dogfights and "driving on oceans. in a scripted mission it mght be workable in some way but thats beyond my ability. maybe a way to make balloons as aircraft and have them recon only with no ability to move.takeoff would be an issue and yould prob have a few in formation right next to each other....I remember the ground vehicles in CFS2 and 3 they were a blast for something different.
  10. looks good. I think there is one floating around somewhere but this one is great. the more Chinese tanks and ground vehicles the better.
  11. to me it looks like a 'what-if" Saab made a bomber in the same class as the Mirage IV
  12. I had a cousin like that, poor guy. It took 3 operations tos eperate them.
  13. unless something has changed in a newer patch it unfortunatly has been tried already. I think it's like that because originaly no 2 seaters were player aircraft and the code is based off of the original strike fighters. We have been asking TK from day one to allow turrets and gunners to attack ground targets but no luck so far.
  14. normaly I'm not big on what-ifs...but damn this one is stunning. thank you.
  15. no ground objects are not targetable by AI gunners.
  16. Nieuport 16 shadow fix

    I think it might be the lewis gun or the mount. if no other solution can ba found maybe removing the gun and mount via data edits and then "re-adding" one of the gunpod lewis via the fake pilot trick would work.
  17. Damn Monty that is some horrible news. I'm really sorry that you went through all that work only to have it lost.
  18. Just because you CAN do something...

    hey it seemed plausable at the time to have Cuban and other South Americans fighting alongside Soviet allies (overlords) Cuba had tens of thousands of troops fighting all over africa as proxies for the Soviets so if the big show happened in the 80's you just know that the recently converted marxist countries in South America and central America would be there if nothing more than clean up and garison roles.True though that after the fall of the Soviet union and the utter failure of communism in central america it does seem funny.
  19. Fe2b mod posted

    i asked over at the a-team site if they could mod the landing gear of the fe2 and they have done it. I made a generic night bomber skin for it but otherwise it's the same as the original save the changed landing gear.maybe somone can make a set of decals and a new data ini at some point.
  20. Fe2b mod posted

    I just redownloaded it and it seemed ok for me. It is in the 3rd party download section. First item listed. "Fe2B1"
  21. While I'm disapointed with your decision I respect it.Thank you for being honest. I'll be looking forward to your return to modding.
  22. Wow!!! I'm still in love with this!

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