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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Surrounded By Losers

    I agree with you in spirit Brain but I think he's commenting on the fact there in this country there are leaches that game the system and drain needed resources from the people who are really in need of help and that are trying to better themselves. there are millions in the USA that sit around collecting govermeent checks contributing nothing and not even trying.I'm all for treating anyone who is in need and trying with nothing but respect but to the leaches who in all respects are stealing I have nothing but contempt.
  2. Surrounded By Losers

  3. Ex Air Force 1 Convair now Fighting Fires

    it seems sometimes the "lives" of aircraft can be as or more interesting than the lives of most people.Thanks for the link.
  4. very cool.thanks to all involved in bringing this to us.
  5. Front Gunners

    I'll do some test too when I get home from work tomorrow. hopefully you will get the answer before then.Good luck.
  6. Front Gunners

    make sure that your gun data is set up the same as the gun listed. if your using a stock gun ini and the data ini of the aircraft in question calls for a gun that has the _gunner tag it woun't work. either add the updated gun data or dlete the _gunner from the line and it should work ok.
  7. cool anything is welcome.
  8. DH-4 Liberty 50th Aero

    thats an amazing skin for an amazing aircraft. I am looking forward to this one.
  9. Brazilian Air Force cracking windows

    next time one party or the other uses our servicepersonel's benifits as a political tool the airforce should do this over Washington DC.... ;) next time one party or the other uses our servicepersonel's benifits as a political tool the airforce should do this over Washington DC.... ;)
  10. Getting Started

    FE2 file structure is similar to the SF2 series. the game makes folders for the mods in the "saved games" folder.you'll need to make the folders yourself and drop the file in there.This SF2 link might be helpful,just bear in mind to replace FE2 with SF2 http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/
  11. Fokker M.7/B.I

    love this one! the earlier the better as far as I'm concerned. I know your plate is full but will there be further early fokker biplanes in the future?
  12. Had a young Sea Eagle in front of my car

    very cool! there are Eagle nesting grounds near my home but they are a different kind of eagle.
  13. P-47N

    your suposed to say ready in 2 weeks. your going to spoil everyone ;) I'm looking forward to this. Will the older skins work with this ?
  14. F-104C Pack

    this and the 104A are beautiful! thank you.
  15. Turkish F-4 down on the Border with Syria....

    I'm pretty sure Eurpoe F-ed themselves by dabbleing in socialism and not having any checks on imigration. that said not just Europe needs to sacrifice the US would have to but if Europe didn't go along there would be no point as thats where Putin extorts his money.Don't play ball he shuts off your gas and oil ;)
  16. Turkish F-4 down on the Border with Syria....

    I don't think this should be about fixing Syria but taking out Assad either killing the POS or getting him in front of a court for crimes against humanity. if another POS takes his place juyst let it be known if they start to murder their own people then they will meet the same fate. Syria has been nothing but a trouble maker for decade. whether destroying/destabilizing Lebanon or supporting every terror group that wants to lash out at Israel.If the Syrian people want to rise up aginst their evil leaders mopre power to them,they should be helped but I think the main goaol of any western intervention should be to just decapitae the leadership and make sure everyone knows that if their evil is replaced by anything the same then they will meet the same fate. And the Russian sabre rattleing is funny. Let them bluster like a drunk frat boy all they want because their economy cane be destroyed in about 5 days if they go to far with the west.It would take determination and sacrifice in Europe(rare these days) but it can be don. Same with Chine. they will be back in the 3rd world in about a week if we want to levy a few stratigic tarifs and embargos.Between their meddleing in other nations,supporting terror,Massive war crimes and ties with Iran Syria has shown they are not able to be among civilized nations. I could care less if they were Islamic or martians ,their actions have shown them to be nothing but a menace to the region and their own people.The next nation I hear condemning Israel without doing it 100 fold to Syria will be proven the worlds biggist hypocrit.
  17. My son is getting married tomorrow.

    Best wishes to your "little boy" Mannie you have always been a proud father(rightly so) but tomorrow your going to be overflowing I bet. All the best to your whole family. I hope to see a few pictures once everything returns to normal.
  18. Thanks 101, it's really great to see a new work of yours.
  19. P-47N

    It's funny how I never noticed there was anything "wrong" with this until you posted this pic. Def a case of improveing something rather than fixing something as far as I'm concerned.Thank you for making all of these excellent improvements to your ALREADY AWESOME P-47.
  20. Men's subforum?

    I would be on board something like that. good idea.
  21. CombatAce Photographers

    I'd love to share my pics but all of mine are self pics of my butt in the mirror, i send these to various political leaders ;) I have seen a little of both of you guys work and I have to say it's great stuff!
  22. Interesting guests

    very cool pics. It must have been exciting to be so close to history.

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