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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. excellent looking project. thank you.
  2. Secret Service Serviced by Service Professional

    I'm worried about what it's half full of....... :P
  3. Secret Service Serviced by Service Professional

    butter face.
  4. Dear Activist

    already starting in Lybia :( and Europe is awash in imigrants that are not assimilating and potentaily very hostile. Their birth rates are very high too. looks like Eurpoe will be a third world continent in ageneration if things don't change. :(
  5. Stephen1918 any interest....and time?

    working on a russian Nieuport 10 single seater.Once I get a little more done I'll post a WIP pic. I'll try to make a few different Russian roundels too as it looks like there were a few variations.
  6. Wife's Iphone vid of shuttle

    I once found a video of a "big D" on my exwife's phone....thats why she is my exwife. ;) cool clip.
  7. Dear Activist

    up until the Dictator was deposed and nuts took over in Egypt had a wall and patroled to keep terrorist from Gaza getting arms and exporting terror too. no one ever talks abou that. Egypt blocaded Gaza in the same way as Israel(well somtimes they were alittle rougher with people they caught) The Arabs only "support" the Palistinians as long as it hurts Israel. They never have supported any resolution or action that would have had the Palitinians get refuge anywhere other than in Israel or teritories taken by Israel in war.The problem is allowed to persist because it's a useful weapon against Israel and the Western bleeding hearts fall for the propaganda and racsism.
  8. Dear Activist

    yeah that trafic thing sounds like it must suck.but thats an inconvienience.it's not a reson for murder,rape and rocket attacks. we have A-holes who do pranks like that in the states that cause massive trafic jams but except for the ocasional road rage incident there are not attacks or UN sponsored resolutions. ;) this is my problem.their NEVER was a Palistine the arabs who lived in the region(and the region was sparsly polpulated at best) always considered themselves to be Syrians or jordanians.they for the most part either sold the land(most Arab land lords lived outside the area in Jordan or Syria) sold the land to Jews or the Arabs fled to what they considered other parts of Jordan when the wars broke out.they thought once the war was over and the arabs had destroyed Israel they could return.I have the question why when there were only 500 hundred thousand "refugees" then that the number of them is now in the millions? only Arab refugees can pass on refugee status to children no other refugees can. it's a political ploy. why have the surounding host Arab countries not assimilated these refugees into their countries? why have they set up laws prohibiting land ownership,deny citizenship and education to these people? it's so that they can be used as a weapon. the goal of the UN for all refugees the world over EXCEPT for the palistinians is to find them homes and assimilate them but for the Palistinians they set up a seperate organization that has no such goal. they spend many times more per refugeee yet the people are never helped. it's shame and a scandal. these people need help yet everywhere they turn they are denied basic civil rights. the Arabs citizens inside Israel have full rights and can join the military and goverment.thats something that they can't do in the arab countries that have true aparthied laws against the palistinian refugees. If the Arab nations wanted to help the Palistinians tomorrow the problem could be fixed. if the Palistinia leadership( not the people) wanted peace then they could have it tomorrow.Simply stop the attacks,the rapes,the rocket attacks,the terror and come to the table in good faith and be ready to COMPRIMISE. Israel has given land and security and has traded thousands of prissoners with blood on their hands and has gotten nothing in return.Until the corupt leaders in the PA and Gaza are gone I fear there can never be anything but atacks and lies.
  9. Problem with Jan tuma's terrain

    the fix worked for me. as for sky fixes i use Stary's SARCASM 1.3 and Polaks "skymod" and it looks freakin great ;)
  10. Stephen1918 any interest....and time?

    I'm actualy almost done with a Russian Nieuport 11 skin.I'll see if I can whip some others up but Quack and Sinbad and a few others are the true masters.
  11. Attack formations download working?

    I havn't had the time to try it yet but if no one else gives feedback I'll test it in the AM.
  12. Problem with Jan tuma's terrain

    thanks I havn't tried it yet but I'm hopeing.
  13. Decals.ini file

    make sure you have the right extractor, I guess it get broken with each patch so double check that the extractor and the game are on the same "level"
  14. very cool,now somone needs to work some magic and make an "addon" nose ;)
  15. Some of the FE1 aircraft that have parts that have no material assigned have issues in FE2 as most know. Some like Laytons excellent Fokker Eindekkers are easy to fix by using the remove part methode on the offending part. some are much more difficult to fix.Like the Ansaldo SVA and the Hannover Cls.the offending parts are the prop pivots and since they are moving parts I hav'nt found a sucsessful way to remove them yet. I was able to comeup with a bit of a solution by adding a decal to cover the part. it isn't perfect but it seems to work pretty good.there still is an issue with the white showing if you have mixed skins in your formation for some unknown reason.frustrating but it does help.
  16. Problem with Jan tuma's terrain

    I get that if I have setting set on unlimited. turn them down a notch and see if it goes away. (thats what worked for me) I have no idea what causes it or if there is another solution. effects detail setting that is.
  17. Dear Activist

    facts are hard to find in many places and the big problem is that facts are so easy to control. :(
  18. it seems that all of my work may have been for nothing because I have multible installs and it looks like the newest patch level has this fixed already. lol I'll have to check a little more but it seems that with the latest patch the problem is no longer an issue .lol don't I feel like an ass ;)
  19. Stephen1918 any interest....and time?

    I just wish I could help more than with reference material and the occasional skin.I don't know how you work Stephen but I scratchbuild and convert wargame models as a hobby so in order to fight off boredom I usualy jump between projects. it makes for less boredom but can slow things down sometimes.If there is someway I can be of help let me know and with all the great stuff you have been putting out I don't think there will be a lack of encouragement from us anytime soon.All you had to do was mention Early war aircraft or 2 seaters and I'm excited.
  20. Dear Activist

    I could care less really what form of goverment and the reasons behind Syrias war crimes. What I have an issue with is the fact that in every measurable way Syria is worse than Israel by a huge margin yet the world still concentrates it's focus on a few minor (and mostly accidental) problems with Israel.The world has a serious case of Anti-semitism(ther US included).For all the problems the Muslim world has caused you wopuld expect to see violence against them in the states to rise but it didn't Viloence against Jews is still manyfold higher. Jews have for 1000's of years been the scapegoats for all the worlds evils. it has been curbed to a large degree in the west but it is still there.(just go to most college campuses)in the middle east genocide against the jews is taught to children in schools and is standard policy.It may be forgoten while they try to kill each other but god forbid some crapbag terrorist hides their weopns in a mosque or in a school or uses children as shields and the Israelis accidently kill them taking out the terrorists and the Arab world goes crazy.you burn a BOOK and they riot and kill.you draw a cartoon and they riot and kill. yet Israel is the center of the most outragouse and false attackes on a daily basis and all I see is people going about their lives under constant threat of rocket attacks and daily incursions of Palitinians who murder and rape. happens almost daily yet when they fight back it's outragous.lolThere is a small right wing crazy element in Israel but the goverment goes after them as much as they do the Arabs who incite terror and kill.I can't fathom how anyone with access to the facts can make any claim that the actions of Israel are in anyway moraly equivelent to the actions of Hamas or Hezbolla it's like saying that The UN coalition who freed Kuwait from Sadam was as evil as Sadam.Which is a very silly argument.
  21. Stephen1918 any interest....and time?

    yeah I always feel guilty asking myself.
  22. Full Mods

    I think alot of the great work thats going into the Munich campaign can be used for a Poland one too(at least the german stuff)
  23. Rafale C for SF2

    great work and thanks for the updates.
  24. Rafale C for SF2

    very cool. I can't wait to take it out for a try.

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